Reminder NCADC Train-the-Trainer Seminar
Jilah Bakhshayesh | 30.09.2008 05:36
Sat October 4th 2008 - Birmingham
Venue: The Oaklands Centre
Winleigh Rd
Handsworth Wood
B20 2HN
Time: 10.30am - 5.00pm
Venue: The Oaklands Centre
Winleigh Rd
Handsworth Wood
B20 2HN
Time: 10.30am - 5.00pm
Facilitator: Jilah Bakhshayesh /
To apply for a place fill in attached application form or download from:
- Train the Trainer website
Aim of the Train-the-Trainer seminar
Enable you told hold anti-deportation campaign workshops in your community.
The aims of the anti-deportation campaign workshops you will be giving after this seminar include ;
1. Provide the basics of how to set up an anti-deportation campaign
2. Encourage setting up a local anti-deportation campaign group / strengthen existing groups
3. Some level of involvement in setting up some local anti-deportation campaigns
4. Stimulate local anti-deportation activities
5. Empowerment of asylum seekers / reversal of deskilling effect of existing "in limbo"
The Train-the-Trainer seminar
* Facilitated by experienced asylum seekers who run their own anti-deportation campaigns or whose campaigns have won
* Includes talks, role-plays, and accounts from asylum seekers who are or have campaigned, and a "social" activity in the evening
* Refreshments will be provided and donations are requested for food provided
* Cost : free (but donations from those with the right to work are most welcomed)
The Birmingham Seminar on the 4th October will be assisted by Innocent Nkung and this is what he has to say
"I started my campaign by almost religiously following all the steps I'd been shown in the NCADC workshop. As I gained experience, my campaign developed it's own style and tactics. But the NCADC workshop gave us a great basis and confidence to fight. I won refugee status and I want to give my own workshops within the Congolese community in Manchester".
Innocent recently won his anti-deportation campaign
Enquiries further information:
Jilah Bakhshayesh
078 7502 8101
If travelling by car click on
If travelling by bus click on
End of Bulletin:
Source for this Message:
Jilah Bakhshayesh

To apply for a place fill in attached application form or download from:

- Train the Trainer website

Aim of the Train-the-Trainer seminar
Enable you told hold anti-deportation campaign workshops in your community.
The aims of the anti-deportation campaign workshops you will be giving after this seminar include ;
1. Provide the basics of how to set up an anti-deportation campaign
2. Encourage setting up a local anti-deportation campaign group / strengthen existing groups
3. Some level of involvement in setting up some local anti-deportation campaigns
4. Stimulate local anti-deportation activities
5. Empowerment of asylum seekers / reversal of deskilling effect of existing "in limbo"
The Train-the-Trainer seminar
* Facilitated by experienced asylum seekers who run their own anti-deportation campaigns or whose campaigns have won
* Includes talks, role-plays, and accounts from asylum seekers who are or have campaigned, and a "social" activity in the evening
* Refreshments will be provided and donations are requested for food provided
* Cost : free (but donations from those with the right to work are most welcomed)
The Birmingham Seminar on the 4th October will be assisted by Innocent Nkung and this is what he has to say
"I started my campaign by almost religiously following all the steps I'd been shown in the NCADC workshop. As I gained experience, my campaign developed it's own style and tactics. But the NCADC workshop gave us a great basis and confidence to fight. I won refugee status and I want to give my own workshops within the Congolese community in Manchester".
Innocent recently won his anti-deportation campaign
Enquiries further information:
Jilah Bakhshayesh

078 7502 8101
If travelling by car click on

If travelling by bus click on

End of Bulletin:
Source for this Message:
Jilah Bakhshayesh
Jilah Bakhshayesh