MI5 carried out the 7/7 bombings in 2005 says senior muslim
7/7 Truth campaigner | 25.09.2008 16:51
A senior muslim leader has spoken out about the 7/7 attacks in July 2005 in London stating that he has evidence that MI5 ordered and planned those attacks. He says that the muslims blamed for the attacks were framed to make it look like they carried out those attacks.
7/7 Truth campaigner
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Dr Naseem didn't actually say that
25.09.2008 17:57
In any case it's more likely to be MI6 than MI5 since the formr work very closely with foreign intelligence agencies such as the CIA and Mossad who love to have free rein to operate here in the UK and are quite literally 'above the law' as they operate outside the jurisdiction of British law they don't have to obey it, hence the 'Licence to Kill'.
Likely that this was an MI6 operation and that MI5 had been kept out of the loop or otherwise warned off as a result.
Consider also that the head of MI6, John Scarlett, is a war criminal who helped prepare the 'dodgy dossier' lies that led to the illegal invasion of Iraq.
Tony Gosling