The ‘British People’s Party’s Plans For “Racial Holy War”
K.Bullstreet | 22.09.2008 16:43 | Anti-racism
Kate McDermody (left), shortly before taking control of the BPP
McDermody in full-flow as neo-nazi shit-stirrer
Sad loser Kevin Watmough - 'Leader my arse!'
The so-called ‘British People’s Party’, currently led by the odious Kate McDermody, has until recently been content to confine itself to the twilight world of British neo-Nazism. Elements of the party leadership though have long nursed fantasies about what McDermody (or ‘Dermody’ as she prefers to be called) terms “Racial Holy War”. Kevin Watmough, McDermody’s boyfriend, and still (despite all evidence to the contrary) supposed “National Organiser” of the BPP has been a cheer-leader of would-be Nazi terrorists for decades, but the BPP’s flirtation with outright terrorism has not gone well.
Earlier this year, Martyn Gilleard, the BPP’s ‘Goole Organiser’ was sentenced to 16 years for possession of nail-bombs and plans to blow up local mosques, along with nearly 40,000 images of the worst child pornography. While Gilleard, who earned the BPP the sobriquet the ‘British Paedophile Party’, was quickly dumped because of the bad publicity surrounding his child porn collection, the BPP were happy to support him in his plans to start the much talked about ‘RaHoWa’ (‘Racial Holy War.) Nor is Gilleard the only BPP member to go to jail on terrorism charges.
Watmough, who still (laughingly) sees himself as the leader of ‘Combat 18’, has long enjoyed rubbing shoulders with shaven-headed knuckle-draggers so thick that they’re happy to try and make his fantasies reality. Like Gilleard, they almost always end up in prison – unlike ‘Teflon Kev’ himself. Watmough’s, and the BPP’s latest flirtation has been with a small group of ageing would-be street warriors who currently call themselves the ‘Racial Volunteer Force’ and the ‘British Freedom Fighters’ (see The most recent claim to fame of this pseudo paramilitary outfit has been trying to turn over a street stall being run by some young women from the Manchester branch of the small Revolutionary Communist Group.
The alliance of the so-called ‘RVF’ and ‘’BFF’ (previously, and just as laughably, called the ‘Aryan Strike Force’) have also run the BPP’s ‘security’ at their most recent meetings. As yet, and despite claims that they have been “threatened by Reds”, this security operation remains entirely untested. Except, that is, by the police, who scooped half of the BPP’s ‘security’ detail up on drugs and weapons charges even before they made it to their last London soiree. Neither Watmough nor McDermody of course were nicked.
Having been lined up and searched by the cops, the BPP/RVF/BFF outfit seem to think they have really been in the trenches! Emboldened by this fantasy, McDermody, whose ‘White Nationalist’ profile is so thin she has to invent silly stories about being responsible for everything from the ‘Common Place’ (Leeds social centre) losing it’s drinks license to phone company ‘Orange’ changing its working practices, is now keen to start a ‘street war’.
In one of the many self-important and hate-filled rants on her fetid blog, McDermody rails against “alien faiths”, children being “brainwashed” about the Holocaust, homosexuality, and of course immigration. In Hitleresque terms, she raves on:
“We have long comprehended that this assault on our once-fine land is like a vociferous cancer, extending its tentacles of annihilation to strike at the heart of every proud man in this Country - this beast is a formidable, tenacious monster and it has been spewing its bile for way, way too long. However, you cannot vanquish such an adversary with benevolence, those tender ZOG promises have been proven the fairytale we all KNEW they were.
“This cancer can never be cured with sticking plaster and aspirin. Call it nazism, call it racism, call it pink-spots-on-your-toes if you like but I call it realisation , I call it fact and I call it the TRUTH! We have been systematically lied to for far too long by far too many people and this inherent state of docility was expected, however we have the antidote and it is called hope - that we can and WILL return this country to its rightful owners. This cancer needs a belligerent cure and we, the British People's Party are it. We are going to take back these streets for those whose heritage gives them claim to ownership, the indigenous White people. Stand by our side, shoulder to shoulder with your brothers and sisters and help us to fight this crusade to preserve YOUR Race and a future for our people.”
Despite McDermody’s bellicose bluster, we are sure that unlike some of her denser cannon-fodder, she is relying on neither being arrested, nor having to fight this ‘street war’ herself. Other fascists who have urged caution, more experienced activists with the scars to prove it, have been dismissed as “keyboard warriors” and even outright cowards, while McDermody’s own courage has extended to doing everything she can to ensure police protection for the BPP’s first street outing.
Sometime ago, McDermody began rambling about her plans to buy a black ‘rap’ CD and then complain about its content. Having researched the lyrics of a 15-year-old Ice T album, McDermody rang HMV in Leeds to see if it was in stock. Despite bellowing down the phone at them about how disgraceful it was that they had managed to locate this CD in their catalogue, McDermody then went into HMV to purchase the album. She then complained to the cops, who really must be becoming rather tired of her.
Having put Part 1 of her ‘master plan’ into action, McDermody then announced that she and the BPP, and whichever other sorry fascist idiots she manages to lure over to Leeds, would be holding a demo outside the HMV branch on Lands Lane in Leeds city centre on October 4th. When a counter demo was announced, and the cops told her that they couldn’t protect her that day, McDermody swiftly moved the demo to October 18th (‘coincidentally’ the same day as the London Anarchist Bookfair.)
McDermody though does not see herself as the Mary Whitehouse of the modern age. Her objections to this CD, and the BPP’s attempt to re-establish fascism back on the streets of Leeds (which was once its northern ‘hub’), are nothing more than a mechanism. Beneath a transparent veneer about consumer anger, McDermody’s real purpose is causing what she hopes will turn into a riot, something she thinks the BPP can make political capital from. Her blueprint for this is the Bradford riots of 2001.
While she is busy negotiating with the cops about what size banners the BPP may have and where they may stand, as well as applying for a number of marches through “immigrant” areas, McDermody, whose vicious neo-Nazism far exceeds her intelligence, has been stupid enough to announce her intentions on the fascist internet forum ‘Stormfront’. Sparring with 80’s fascist activist Joe Owens, who accuses her of not being up to the job, McDermody, posting under the farcical pseudonym ‘TruthTeller’ declares: “"I shall simply have a paper-sale if they ban me. The Leeds demo has necessitated hours with the Police to gain permission, not to mention a fully comprehensive dialogue of all proposed speeches, a copy of all banners and posters etc. Interestingly and rather relevant, the 2001 NF Bradford riots were banned but look what happened then. If we keep up the momentum and persistently apply to march, they will do the same now. I will apply every week if I have to."
Having already referred specifically to the 2001 Bradford riots, McDermody goes on to say: “We have to have the people who'll put in all the effort in CAUSING these riots that will cultivate a revolution of sorts. And then that is when the street action is needed.” She continues: “I will do whatever I believe it takes… My aim is simply to provoke a revolt and this will only be achieved through persistent presence on the streets or by applying for this. If we could have a 2001 Bradford week after week we'd get somewhere so let's do all we can as White Nationalists to try and achieve this…" McDermody’s plans, and those of the BPP, are thus made clear.
Monstrous McDermody may PRETEND she wants a riot, as a way of bigging herself up to her fellow Nazis. She may even THINK she wants a riot, after listening to the chuntering of other Leeds Nazis claiming to be responsible for starting the 2001 Bradford riots. The truth however, is that if it kicks off in Leeds, or anywhere else the BPP try to ‘take back the streets’, she and her fellow fascists will get the hiding of their lives. McDermody may think she was ‘blooded’ when she was subject to some very routine police attention in London, but she really has seen nothing yet, and neither herself nor witless Watmough could cope with the serious attention they seem intent on drawing in.
No fascist street presence can be tolerated in Leeds, and It is imperative that the BPP’s plans to cause racial conflict here and elsewhere are crushed. The fascists were systematically kicked off the streets of Leeds in the 80’s and 90’s and there can be no return to the days when they swaggered around virtually unopposed. We must come out onto the streets in unprecedented numbers to confront them, and show the neo-Nazis that their racist lies will not go unchallenged here, or anywhere else. Let’s make our voices heard.
Related Stories:
PDF leaflet for the Leeds demo:
PDF poster for the Leeds demo:
Antifa Newsletter – ‘No Pasaran!’:
Antifa website:
Hide the following 24 comments
22.09.2008 18:51
22.09.2008 19:44
The BPP probably has got state spies in their ranks much like the old C18 had. As much as the state needs a group like the BNP to act as a pressure valve for frustrated Daily Mail readers, it needs a group like the BPP to keep an eye on people who think electioneering is a waste of time and may want to take it further.
Let them rot, they will probably destroy themselves anyway.
Zak Elfron
22.09.2008 21:48
e-mail: ..
Homepage: http://..
Time to lace up your old docs
22.09.2008 22:00
Never forive! Never forget!
More White lies
22.09.2008 23:26
Kev n Tony 2getha again
"I can now count up to 4"
"N Kev says it's OK that I'm a nonce as long as I can make nail-bombs as well."
Who put the 'T' in 'Traitor'?
"I am NOT mad!"
23.09.2008 00:01
the BPP are a joke
23.09.2008 09:34
bill stickers
'Antifascist ALWAYS'
23.09.2008 15:31
Fascists coming out onto the streets are ALWAYS worthy of attention. The BPP and the alliance they've formed with the RVF, BFF, and elements of the NF may be pathetic and stupid, but their attempt to regain street presence in Leeds must be confronted. They may have been bested before, but obviously some of the old hands are suffering from amnesia when it comes to their past beatings or they think we can't dish them out again, and the younger members have that still to come. Fascism will always rear its ugly snout again, but the harder we hit the bastards the longer it'll take them to recover. Let's make sure we hit them good and hard.
Yes but...
23.09.2008 16:30
Party Pooper
We'll see party pooper
23.09.2008 17:02
I'm Spartacus
Beware White - He Stalks Kids
23.09.2008 20:24
Hope there are plenty of anti-fash cameras to capture the nazis if they happen to break the law.
Also, it's worth anti-nazi protestors arriving together, and leave together to somewhere it's safe to disperse to, as some of them will be hiding around corners, etc, out of sight, to try to ambush people as they are arriving/leaving.
They will try all sorts of tricks.
After the Nick Griffin demo, paedo White stalked a young girl all the way to Briggate and threatened her, if I remember right.
White Fiddles With Kiddies
23.09.2008 20:50
He gives Mark Collett (Paedo Boy) a run for his money!
The British Nonce Party are mistaken if they believe any of their fellow nazis will give a shit for such scum.
Garry Glitter's Fan Club
Laughter Hurts The Most
23.09.2008 21:04
Also, laugh in their faces if you get the chance, as Nazis cannot take having the piss taken out of them, shouting loudly to passers by that they are paedophiles, warning them to keep their kids safely away! .
Make fun of Kate first, and when White comes to her defence, scream, holler and whistle at white.
Make 'em feel like the losers they are.
After all, like the BNP, the BPP is a rabble of social misfits who have inferiority complexes which is why they turn to far right politics to blame the whole world for the sorry state of their lives.
comedy store
redwatch? ha ha
23.09.2008 21:08
Laughter's The Right Tonic
23.09.2008 21:10
The BPP are as hard as diarrea!!!!!!
Emma Jay
Causing a riot?
24.09.2008 09:00
24.09.2008 09:13
Closer to the time of the date will there be an organized time/place for anti-fascists to meet up/leave?
Agent POSI
24.09.2008 09:30
Are you on any antifascist lists or anything?
Leeds antifascist
24.09.2008 10:02
More fascist lies
24.09.2008 16:36
"BPP Protest Update!
"Can all people attending the demo in Leeds on the 4th October please note that the date has had to be revised due to the Police having another event to attend on the 4th. The protest will now take place on the 18th October at 11.30am and proceeding this event will be the BPP Annual Congress at 2.30pm!"
You picked the place (cowards!0 You asked for police protection (cowards!) And you changed the original date (cowards!)
We'll see how brave you are on the 18th.
24.09.2008 16:41 (nazis chasing teenage punks and then meeting antifa security team) (skip historical stuff as its obvious and go to modern footage)
there you go, just few examples, not stick your fairy tales about brave aryan warrior up your arse.
From what little bird told me your performance in April in London was also not very good :)
Reading between the lines
24.09.2008 22:12
FAO Leeds Antifascist
26.09.2008 16:58
Agent POSI
Agent POSI
27.09.2008 21:24