Mystery of Police Informant Posters
Sinitta | 22.09.2008 14:13 | Culture | Other Press | Social Struggles | London | World
Police Informant posters went up all over Camden In July. The professionally done posters had the picture of a well known local character. The man's head was pictured on the body of a rat and the posters stated that "this man is paid police grass". They were posted up two at time all over Camden and close to Pentonville prison. This was published in the Islington and Camden Gazettes.
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more info please....
22.09.2008 22:59
i hope this post isn't a state sponsered paranoia inducer.
weblink, full description, photo? otherwise what's the point of this post?
there is a link to Islington gazette, the journo was
24.09.2008 17:26
none the wiser - to the origonal poster.
25.09.2008 18:23
who was this 'well known' person? does he have a connection to a protest group?
please put up a photo, name, full url or even a "cut and paste". who says he is a grass? the police?
otherwise you simply create a climate of fear. nice one.
A man has committed suicide, possibly as a result of these posters.
01.10.2008 18:30