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Otis Ferry - sent to jail

Porridge | 19.09.2008 19:34 | Animal Liberation | Sheffield

Otis Ferry, has been remanded in custody after intimidating witnesses

Otis Ferry
Otis Ferry

Otis Ferry, the spoilt brat son of Bryan Ferry and prime twat, has been remanded in custody after allegedly intimidating witnesses in a robbery and assault trial.

Otis Ferry was initially granted bail for his trial, where he stands accused of robbing a hunt monitor of her video camera and assaulting another hunt monitor - however it is alleged that Otis Ferry made a series of intimidating phone calls to a key witness in an attempt to prevent the witness from taking the stand, and has now been remanded in custody by the trial judge.

The trial has been adjourned for a date yet to be fixed.



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sentencing guidelines?

19.09.2008 21:19

otis was an organiser, like sean keatley.
otis was a protester, like sean keatley
otis intimidated witnesses, unlike sean keatley.
sean keatley got 4 1/2 years.

anyone care to guess how much time otis will get? "lets get together" and guess!

a bottle of "krug" to the first person to post what turns out to be the right answer!


Rich boy's ..

19.09.2008 21:58

Poor little rich boy. Daddy's not there to help you now. Maybe prison is going to show how it feels to be scared, like those poor foxes you chase.

Does anyone have an address for him, we should all send him a "New Home" card. I bet his posh girlfriend won't wait for him though probably shagging the stable boy as I type.

Unfortunately it's likely people will pull strings and he'll be out by end of next week.


His Prison is

19.09.2008 22:26

He's currently in Gloucester prison until next Wednesday. If I had a bit more noticed I'd have saved my pension up to get on the train to wave at him from the galleries. Lets hope he gets a few years.

Old Lag


20.09.2008 09:02

Ha,ha, spit in your porridge you horrible brat, he lives in shropshire, perhaps we could go and see if he is a t home, so to speak, ha ha,


shropshire hunt

20.09.2008 09:07

Ottis is the master of the hunt, shresbury,shropshire, i do no he comes to the plas nantyr estate near oswestry , on hunt days, and the wynesday hunt



20.09.2008 09:39

Ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha !!


odious otis

20.09.2008 10:50

myself and some of my friends have had a few run ins with this spoilt rich brat over the last few years, hes an arrogant thug, so all i can say is....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA! odious otus has got away with a lot over the years - imagine if Animal Rights activists ran into parliament and threw purple powder at the prime minister, hands up who believes they wouldve got the same 'sentence' as odious? i hope he acts as arrogant and violent with the cons in jail as he does with female hunt monitors, but i suspect he will be sobbing in his pad, screaming at the screws - its all been a horrible mistake, im not meant to be here, im rich, dont you know who i am! crying for mater and pater to come and bail him out. he'll be on the numbers within a week! he deserves everything he gets! mrs shadenfreude.


I bet…

20.09.2008 16:09

Time already served whilst on remand + a fine and/or community service. But at the maximum 6 months in prison.

A betting man


20.09.2008 19:52

I heard he has spent the last couple of nights sobbing into his pillow awwwww diddums


clean socks and shirts

21.09.2008 06:17

"Lucy Helmore (Mother), 48, said she was worried that he was “without any clean socks and shirts” in prison, and that he will not be able to cope with confinement because he “loves the outdoors so much”. "

I think clean socks, shirts and the outdoors are somewhat the least of this boys worries wouldn't you say?


too posh to say

21.09.2008 18:49

that he may need clean pants



21.09.2008 19:39

Also had a hunt scum judge, Otis managed to get a court and jury in the Cotswolds and his legal team forced a judge off his trail because he had donated to animal charities before.

He would have most probably got off scot free as usual had he not tried to bribe the witness.

Bobby Roberts

Otis Ferry

22.09.2008 21:24

Hi ya Otis, hows it going? Enjoying your new home, settlin in ok?
All mod cons eh :)



02.10.2008 15:46

You sad, sad fuckers!

Otis will be out in no time at all and will continue with his hunting for ever and a day.

You moaning cretins will have to live out your life knowign that hunting will never stopped.

PS, are you jealous of someone with money you bloody chavs.



06.10.2008 10:25

Oh dear, it appears that someone has hit a raw nerve! You call us us chavs; i thought that burberry was suitable attire for a hunter and have seen far more hunt supporters wearing the stuff than anti's. Given that your "master of the hunt" is caged it appears that he qualifies himself as the supreme chav of the moment.

face facts, your chavmaster will be out soon..... if you define soon as next march... if he is lucky and he pleads guilty and does a lot of grovelling!

Any takers out there for how long otis will be caged? so far i have a firm bid of 6 months??!!

A bottle of Krug awaiths the winner! Support the betting industry. Make a bet today on how long otis will be caged.
