SWORDFISH | 13.09.2008 06:48 | G8 Japan 2008 | Anti-racism | Palestine | Social Struggles | Liverpool | London
Now it comes, Jihad, the holy war. We, true American Christians and Jews of Good heart will stand side by side with our Mosel brothers to see the destruction of that Orthodox Khazars. Like wise palestine shall be a word that defines those who have fought for and won their freedom.
номенклату́ра's total annihilation:
For three dacades I have plotted my retaliation against the номенклату́ра on a vast, vast scale.
Well, here we go! I’m writing a piece for indymedia. The Usual theme, you have the victim and the victimizers, those with power who for their own nefarious purpose victimize and manipulate, create pain and suffering for the innocent. What is perhaps different about my story is this: The victim was a child; I am the one who seeks justice for I was that child, one of so very many. As a man I defend a child of whom I am obviously familiar. Like wise those responsible for the injustice are the very same who bring unimaginable agony to the children of Palestine every day and will continue to do so until they are crushed utterly by those very few willing to defend that which must be defended.
For doing this I have lost all credibility. All of those, many in government and law enforcement who I once knew as friends question my sanity and openly reject me, even my family has likewise turned away and they shun me openly regardless of the fact that I beg them to listen and allow me to present the facts. This I feel is driven by fears and confusions that, like almost all Americans and Europeans have been carefully orchestrated to ensure their psychological and political submission, even spiritual submission.
As a child I was, and remain today a person of little significance. But my family on my grandparents’ side was another matter. Charles Lindbergh, Jimmy Doolittle bought me toys for Christmas, names like Henry Ford, Dwight Eisenhower, General Mac Arthur and countless others where close personal friends. This fact I believe was not lost on a certain entity which cryptically and openly pervaded American society. I believe they targeted my mother using assets they had in universities and colleges across America. They openly recruited her generous and courageous heart to exploit to their purpose. She became involved in “The 60’s revolution.”
I can best describe this “revolution” using the words of a rabbi spoken openly at UCSD to a group I had infiltrated using the pseudonym, Michael Golan” He said, before a JSU meeting and I quote verbatim, “In the 60’s we over throwed the dominant Christian culture by promoting alternative life styles so that we the Jewish people would have a chance to assert ourselves.” This resonated in me because part of that “alternative life style” was when a group separated me from my mother at the age of seven years; they among many things I will not mention here rolled me into a carpet which they tied so I could not move. For two days choking on vomit, drenched in urine and feces I was educated in empathy for the poor little children in Vietnam. I had only one coping skill, I repeated to myself the mantra, “I will destroy you.”
Strongly today I am not driven by hatred. I think this is because my situation is not so desperate, for decades I have hunted them and in their arrogance I believe they have made a number of fatal errors. I in 1991-93 had a man in Moscow. Recently this man almost sacrificed his life for a situation for which I am wholly responsible for. Like wise there was a woman in Brighton Beach, 1996. She today is superfluous. However the destructive power gathered in a single night is unimaginable. The people of Palestine will NEVER be free until they free their captors from the men in black hats.
As Moslems I present what I feel are two choices upon which victory and freedom or defeat and enslavement time immemorial reside.
I shall explain it in this way, I ask the people of Palestine to raise an army from the shadows, for this I ask. I do NOT want men who are “willing to die for THEIR, (THEIR) cause.” Willing to cowardly submit to a quick death in exchange, (exchange with Allah, peace be upon him and his TRUE followers). Men who seek to exchange their misery for the HONOR of martyrdom and the “virgins in paradise.” I have no use for such self centered rabble, they in their stupidity can only serve the Khazar nomekultura. I seek rather those willing to LIVE for their cause, and who are willing to save the lives of others EVEN THE LIFE OF AN ENEMY. Men who know it is not the endless parade of sensations, words and ideas, the endless chatter of the mind, the endless distraction, this is the realm of the black hats. Men who know that all the content of a mans mind is nothing compared to the content of his heart.
The black hats have no heart. This is the nature of an evil man. I was asked yesterday why I never mention Ben Laden, Al Qaeda, “islamo fascists.” Well, I don’t believe in the Easter bunny, Santa clause or even the tooth fairy. I know full well who is both the “defender” in the “war on terror” and the facilitator of terrorists. In time, with your help, that man, and many like him shall know me, and when they have been destroyed all of Palestine Jews and Arabs alike shall dance in the street. The Federal Reserve System and so very many other systems shall be reviewed by the righteous, the prisons shall fill. And the name “Palestinian” shall be known as “Those who are free.” For thirty years I have contemplated this victory, know that it is already complete, they have already been vanquished. Our task is merely one of enlightening them to this fact and knows this; I will live penniless and despised by all in the gutter before I shall for a single second turn a blind eye to the injustice in Palestine. I ask only that you verify my claims, that you let me prove to you my allegiance with the people of Palestine. For those who torched me only served to instill in my heart an indefatgable devotion to other that’s suffer from the same evil source.
This is my letter to Palestine, what say you?
PS, sorry for the time I use vulgarity and avarice, (Field expediency) I want them to know it is I, not those who enabled me with the power of their destruction who is to be held accountable. There is another who as well needs to be held accountable, Meyrav Wurmser, the whore of Israel. This on should be reminded of this fact, “you can’t take it with you.” I ask only that this education be made manifest to save her soul!
"Anger is a gift" is a motto of a leading G8 protest organizer. To me the idea of a "protest" is an absurd waste of law enforcement resources babysitting egos, First a "Protest" is merely a staged media event, if the media has other or antithetical mandates from those who control the media a protest, which relies upon the media is a waste of time as a gathering sheep. The only effective way to bring change is to form ones own media a fourth branch which works to influence the other three, this is “Democracy” as we know it.
Like wise, if a government cracked down or oppressed a “group” that grope rather then gathering “proxy forces such as protestors against government “proxy’s” Law enforcement. It is far more effective to specifically and directly target the very individuals in government and most important those behind them, which are of course, are and will always be the “High Value” targets. I could care less about for instance those Trotskyites in elephant suits the so called “Neocons” Rather, I would follow Richard Perle to Devo and simply target the man whose house Perle vacations at. Bam, case closed and the correct message of change is received by the correct recipient regardless of the caprice of protestors or the agenda of the Media. In fact I would not dispatch a man like Perle because he’s like a pointer dog! “There over here!” PS, is the term, “corporate media” a euphemism for something else? Certainly reasoned federalist style essays should be created to provide choices, not adolescent pigs with lipstick crap so that they can make reasoned choices. Fro example, almost all American politicians media etc. Are totally aligned with Israel but few here know that almost all their Israeli counterparts are allied with the Russian nomeklatura, their allegiance lies there in spite of the charade of Putin and his battle with the oligarchs.
(Please note that all material on this site is a fictional parody, not to be taken seriously) (All characters are fictional and any resemblance to actual persons is a complete coincidence)
The correct resolution of the situation, that being the greatest threat to this nation’s liberty will be to use law enforcement at home and fight terrorism abroad, I would even speculate that as before Islamic nations could and will provide tremendous allies in achieving these objectives. You fight "terrorism" by effectively neutralizing its core, namely those who would benefit from facilitating terrorist attacks. By removing these entities and all peripheral entities that have a relationship with them I believe we can keep liberty safe and spread it abroad as we did in the past, by example, not a gun barrel, those are for expedient removal to obstacles along the way.
For three dacades I have plotted my retaliation against the номенклату́ра on a vast, vast scale.
Well, here we go! I’m writing a piece for indymedia. The Usual theme, you have the victim and the victimizers, those with power who for their own nefarious purpose victimize and manipulate, create pain and suffering for the innocent. What is perhaps different about my story is this: The victim was a child; I am the one who seeks justice for I was that child, one of so very many. As a man I defend a child of whom I am obviously familiar. Like wise those responsible for the injustice are the very same who bring unimaginable agony to the children of Palestine every day and will continue to do so until they are crushed utterly by those very few willing to defend that which must be defended.
For doing this I have lost all credibility. All of those, many in government and law enforcement who I once knew as friends question my sanity and openly reject me, even my family has likewise turned away and they shun me openly regardless of the fact that I beg them to listen and allow me to present the facts. This I feel is driven by fears and confusions that, like almost all Americans and Europeans have been carefully orchestrated to ensure their psychological and political submission, even spiritual submission.
As a child I was, and remain today a person of little significance. But my family on my grandparents’ side was another matter. Charles Lindbergh, Jimmy Doolittle bought me toys for Christmas, names like Henry Ford, Dwight Eisenhower, General Mac Arthur and countless others where close personal friends. This fact I believe was not lost on a certain entity which cryptically and openly pervaded American society. I believe they targeted my mother using assets they had in universities and colleges across America. They openly recruited her generous and courageous heart to exploit to their purpose. She became involved in “The 60’s revolution.”
I can best describe this “revolution” using the words of a rabbi spoken openly at UCSD to a group I had infiltrated using the pseudonym, Michael Golan” He said, before a JSU meeting and I quote verbatim, “In the 60’s we over throwed the dominant Christian culture by promoting alternative life styles so that we the Jewish people would have a chance to assert ourselves.” This resonated in me because part of that “alternative life style” was when a group separated me from my mother at the age of seven years; they among many things I will not mention here rolled me into a carpet which they tied so I could not move. For two days choking on vomit, drenched in urine and feces I was educated in empathy for the poor little children in Vietnam. I had only one coping skill, I repeated to myself the mantra, “I will destroy you.”
Strongly today I am not driven by hatred. I think this is because my situation is not so desperate, for decades I have hunted them and in their arrogance I believe they have made a number of fatal errors. I in 1991-93 had a man in Moscow. Recently this man almost sacrificed his life for a situation for which I am wholly responsible for. Like wise there was a woman in Brighton Beach, 1996. She today is superfluous. However the destructive power gathered in a single night is unimaginable. The people of Palestine will NEVER be free until they free their captors from the men in black hats.
As Moslems I present what I feel are two choices upon which victory and freedom or defeat and enslavement time immemorial reside.
I shall explain it in this way, I ask the people of Palestine to raise an army from the shadows, for this I ask. I do NOT want men who are “willing to die for THEIR, (THEIR) cause.” Willing to cowardly submit to a quick death in exchange, (exchange with Allah, peace be upon him and his TRUE followers). Men who seek to exchange their misery for the HONOR of martyrdom and the “virgins in paradise.” I have no use for such self centered rabble, they in their stupidity can only serve the Khazar nomekultura. I seek rather those willing to LIVE for their cause, and who are willing to save the lives of others EVEN THE LIFE OF AN ENEMY. Men who know it is not the endless parade of sensations, words and ideas, the endless chatter of the mind, the endless distraction, this is the realm of the black hats. Men who know that all the content of a mans mind is nothing compared to the content of his heart.
The black hats have no heart. This is the nature of an evil man. I was asked yesterday why I never mention Ben Laden, Al Qaeda, “islamo fascists.” Well, I don’t believe in the Easter bunny, Santa clause or even the tooth fairy. I know full well who is both the “defender” in the “war on terror” and the facilitator of terrorists. In time, with your help, that man, and many like him shall know me, and when they have been destroyed all of Palestine Jews and Arabs alike shall dance in the street. The Federal Reserve System and so very many other systems shall be reviewed by the righteous, the prisons shall fill. And the name “Palestinian” shall be known as “Those who are free.” For thirty years I have contemplated this victory, know that it is already complete, they have already been vanquished. Our task is merely one of enlightening them to this fact and knows this; I will live penniless and despised by all in the gutter before I shall for a single second turn a blind eye to the injustice in Palestine. I ask only that you verify my claims, that you let me prove to you my allegiance with the people of Palestine. For those who torched me only served to instill in my heart an indefatgable devotion to other that’s suffer from the same evil source.
This is my letter to Palestine, what say you?
PS, sorry for the time I use vulgarity and avarice, (Field expediency) I want them to know it is I, not those who enabled me with the power of their destruction who is to be held accountable. There is another who as well needs to be held accountable, Meyrav Wurmser, the whore of Israel. This on should be reminded of this fact, “you can’t take it with you.” I ask only that this education be made manifest to save her soul!
"Anger is a gift" is a motto of a leading G8 protest organizer. To me the idea of a "protest" is an absurd waste of law enforcement resources babysitting egos, First a "Protest" is merely a staged media event, if the media has other or antithetical mandates from those who control the media a protest, which relies upon the media is a waste of time as a gathering sheep. The only effective way to bring change is to form ones own media a fourth branch which works to influence the other three, this is “Democracy” as we know it.
Like wise, if a government cracked down or oppressed a “group” that grope rather then gathering “proxy forces such as protestors against government “proxy’s” Law enforcement. It is far more effective to specifically and directly target the very individuals in government and most important those behind them, which are of course, are and will always be the “High Value” targets. I could care less about for instance those Trotskyites in elephant suits the so called “Neocons” Rather, I would follow Richard Perle to Devo and simply target the man whose house Perle vacations at. Bam, case closed and the correct message of change is received by the correct recipient regardless of the caprice of protestors or the agenda of the Media. In fact I would not dispatch a man like Perle because he’s like a pointer dog! “There over here!” PS, is the term, “corporate media” a euphemism for something else? Certainly reasoned federalist style essays should be created to provide choices, not adolescent pigs with lipstick crap so that they can make reasoned choices. Fro example, almost all American politicians media etc. Are totally aligned with Israel but few here know that almost all their Israeli counterparts are allied with the Russian nomeklatura, their allegiance lies there in spite of the charade of Putin and his battle with the oligarchs.
(Please note that all material on this site is a fictional parody, not to be taken seriously) (All characters are fictional and any resemblance to actual persons is a complete coincidence)
The correct resolution of the situation, that being the greatest threat to this nation’s liberty will be to use law enforcement at home and fight terrorism abroad, I would even speculate that as before Islamic nations could and will provide tremendous allies in achieving these objectives. You fight "terrorism" by effectively neutralizing its core, namely those who would benefit from facilitating terrorist attacks. By removing these entities and all peripheral entities that have a relationship with them I believe we can keep liberty safe and spread it abroad as we did in the past, by example, not a gun barrel, those are for expedient removal to obstacles along the way.