The Whore of Babylon by the Potomac: Sarah Palin
Mark Dankof | 11.09.2008 04:31 | Iraq | Palestine | Terror War | World
P. T. Barnum’s famous dictum about a sucker born every minute becomes apocalyptically axiomatic when applied to a fawning Republican Christian Right constituency infatuated with Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska, John McCain’s latest gambit in a bid to win the American Presidency for both the Senator and an Israeli Lobby lurking just behind the Arizonan in a subterranean underworld of manipulation and intrigue. One thing is clear: the endgame is both treason and a massive dosage of death on a global scale.
The complete text of "The Whore of Babylon: Sarah Palin and John McCain's Unfurling Program of Treason and Death" may be accessed at "Mark Dankof's America" at Al Bawaba in Amman, Jordan at:
Mark Dankof