Cardiff Coal Protest
Undercurrents | 10.09.2008 17:30 | Climate Camp 2008 | Climate Chaos
Undercurrents filmed a direct action against the Coal authority AGM today. Watch the action on
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What nonsense
12.09.2008 08:58
Why bother?
By doing that useless and impotent stunt you also show de facto disregard for the great working class traditions of the South Wales coalfields. The first moves should be to see what the working class of the valleys have to say, and engage in politics which can build alliances there. Otherwise you end up as only a professional protestor who regards arrest an an occupational hazard, but with no basis in any mass movement, or you end up as another impotent old cynical type who doesn't get involved cos it changes nothing. Rather, both are wrong because the conceptuatlisation of politics and the political process was wrong in the first instance.
Left Anarchist
the meaning of protest
15.09.2008 21:47
The movement talks of a 'just transition' away from fossil fools and towards cleaner safer technologies as well as the creation of jobs- we have a severe investment gap, not an energy gap, and this could lead to bad times ahead for everyone, including the working class of the south Wales valleys.