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Labour Movement Conference; Class, Climate Change and Clean Coal

Aquaintance of David Douglass | 10.09.2008 10:37 | Climate Chaos | Workers' Movements

Labour Movement Conference; Class, Climate Change and Clean Coal
Sat 1st Nov
Bridge Hotel, Newcastle
Confirmed speakers: Arthur Scargill, Ian Lavery, Davie Hopper, Davie Guy, David Douglass, environmentalists including Climate Campers
UNITE, RMT, NUM, IWW (Tyne and Wear Branch).

Dave Douglass former NUM Yorkshire Area Executive member writes this report of his visit to the so called Climate Camp.

Aquaintance of David Douglass


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A good quotation

12.09.2008 14:43

"When you consider that climate change is caused by the over-consumption of fossil fuels by the rich, often extracted at the expense of the poor; that the first people to feel the effects of climate change are the poor because only the rich can pay for expensive adaptation measures; that the process which is designed to prevent climate change is dominated by the rich, who come up with solutions that displace the poor but make money for the rich; then you stop seeing climate change as a problem of atmosphere and gases and start seeing it as a problem of class war."
