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The Home Secretary in Nottingham: Demonstrate!

John Shemeld | 09.09.2008 16:07

Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith is visiting Nottingham on Friday, 12 September. She will be in the Richard Herrod Leisure Centre on Foxhill Road Central, Carlton on Friday evening. We will be outside from 6:45pm.

She is supposed to be concerned about drugs and guns.

We want to tell her that most of the heroin in Nottingham comes from Afghanistan with the help of the corrupt government kept in power with the aid of British troops.

We want to point out that the small arms manufacturer, Heckler and Koch, based in Nottingham, will sell their guns to just about anybody.

We want to tell her:

Troops Out of Afghanistan! (and Iraq, etc.) and
Close Down Heckler and Koch!

That's what the placards will say, and we will, of course, have Nottingham Stop the War's Big White Banner.

Come along as soon as you can after work: you get the Number 27 bus from King Street (off the Market Square) and get off it at Carlton Road Tescos. You then go along either First Avenue or Second Avenue to Foxhill Road Central, which runs sort of parallel with, and to the North of, Carlton Road.

We'll be the ones making all the noise.

Join us.

(Nottingham Coordinator. Stop the War Coalition)

John Shemeld
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