Bobby Robert's Circus Demo Wrexham
CAPAS | 08.09.2008 22:13 | Animal Liberation
Animal Right's protesters were again at ths sad circus when it arrived in Wrexham, North Wales this weekend. After having visited him on four occasions whilst he was recently in Towyn, he was delighted to find us on his doorstep yet again! We informed the few members of the public who attended the circus, about the sad plight of the 55 year old arthritic elephant Anne. We had the lovely Animal Padre Rev James Thompson with us who said a prayer that he had composed himself for Anne which appealed to her incarcerators to let her retire to a sanctuary with her own kind for the remaining few years of her life. Bobby himself came to see what all the noise was about. Yet again there were very few punters so it looks like people are getting the message about this archiac cruelty. He is of to Hereford now then Malvern, we hope our friends there will carry on the fight.
Wherever you go Bobby, we will be there!!
Wherever you go Bobby, we will be there!!
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Who needs animals...
08.09.2008 22:45
Croissant Neuf Circus.... Bring Back the Big Green Road Show!
Full house @bobby roberts
09.09.2008 08:32
I see removing Anne from her Family,may cause more stress for her.
my kids have been to various festivals , i see this has in empowering them to decide in later life are circus bad with animals? i would rather leave these one up to the kids to decide and not an adult who knows best,and decides for the young people, LET THEM DECIDE WHAT IS AND NOT
Davey man from spring lodge
Up to the kids?
09.09.2008 08:42
Parental responsibility?
09.09.2008 10:43
And what about the value of education? I have a four year old who is passionately against eating meat, and who is always lecturing me about what is good for the environment. He has been to an animal free circus and loved it. If he saw a poster for Bobby Roberts, he would pester me to go. However, I would explain to him what happens at that circus, and what they do to animals, and he would both understand why I would not want to take him, and would not want to go himself.
Maybe you would call this brainwashing. Personally, I call it responsible parenting. As an anarchist parent, I want to bring up a child who thinks thoughtfully about the world we live in, and the consequences for humans and non humans alike. I would not be happy bringing up a child who gets his own way through pester power, and then can't see the harm at enjoying watching animals who have been abused.
What kind of person would want to watch this?
09.09.2008 10:59
I have two daughters under ten, and they love animals. Which is why we have pets, who they help to care for. And we go out for walks in the forest, looking for birds and getting some exercise. And we all enjoy Springwatch, and animal documentaries. I'd never take them to an animal circus, and don't understand parents who would.
There is nothing to be gained from seeing animals in this sad state at a circus. Bobby Roberts' Super Circus has been near me before, and you can see the animals in their pens - they animals look worn out and sad.
Why people would pay money to the people keeping these animals like that is beyond me - and using the excuse of "let the children do what they want" is ridiculous. As parents, it is our job to teach children right from wrong. Being cruel to animals definitely falls under "wrong" - i'd have thought that would be obvious?
Jane Lucas
Davey is from the circus... (obviously)
09.09.2008 11:54
09.09.2008 12:15
John Peters
jane - pets?
09.09.2008 12:19
- bullied it into submission by 'trick' and 'treat' psychological conditioning
- denied it a family
- denied it companionship
- neutered it
- totally fucked up what was once a wild animal cos you fancied a friend that couldn't answer back.
just throwing it back at ya, i don't really care cos i eat meat and dairy. Its just a common gaping hole in most AR lunatics argument; captive animals are captive animals.
John Peters
09.09.2008 13:42
09.09.2008 14:34
but, of course, my rehoming of pets has nothing to do with the fact that this circus is treating animals appallingly. Unlike my rescued animals, the elephant was trapped from the wild, forced to perform tricks and is suffering greatly from being carted around the country in accommodation which has been condemned by experts as unsuitable.
Your suggestion that neutering is in any way an immoral act (do you understand that not neutering means more animals, and that there aren't enough homes for the ones alive now??) suggests a serious lack of understanding of the issue.
I don't know what "AR lunatics" you're referring to - I can't imagine that there are any animal rights activists who prolifically breed domestic animals and force them to perform tricks or keep them in isolation.
Which strongly indicates that you haven't actually spoken to any, and are talking absolute rubbish.
Jane Lucas
Reply To Hypocritique Comment
09.09.2008 14:49
I'm amazed by your comment, gobsmacked in fact.How anyone can make such ill informed, ignorant remarks, is beyond me You are so wrong, you know nothing about it at all. I feel sorry for you, all that heart disease, cancer you can expect to get. Also the contribution you are making to Climate Change, all of it from your meat and dairy diet.
So sad, good luck mate. and your children too.
AR Vegan lunatic
09.09.2008 17:24
Parr for the course, just makes us all more determined to protest and educate about the animal cruelty that Bobby Roberts's circus is all about!
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