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CUBA: Besieged by hurricanes

posted by F Espinoza | 08.09.2008 11:03 | Climate Chaos

We had hardly recovered from the emotional impact and material damages caused by the unexpectedly strong winds of hurricane Gustav on the Isla de la Juventud and Pinar del Rio, when news were received of sea floods caused by Hanna. Then, the worst news of all: that the very intense hurricane Ike, turning southwest under pressure from a strong anti-hurricane system located north of its course, would strike heavily over 625 miles throughout the national territory.

Besieged by hurricanes


We had hardly recovered from the emotional impact and material damages caused by the unexpectedly strong winds of hurricane Gustav on the Isla de la Juventud and Pinar del Rio, when news were received of sea floods caused by Hanna. Then, the worst news of all: that the very intense hurricane Ike, turning southwest under pressure from a strong anti-hurricane system located north of its course, would strike heavily over 625 miles throughout the national territory.

This means, in fact, that the entire country will be impacted by the three hurricanes; and some places will be hit twice.

What will happen with the bananas, fruits and vegetables in the intensive-farming areas? What will happen with the cultivation of beans and other grains? What will happen with the sugarcane and rice plantations? What will happen with the poultry, pork and milk production centers? The entire nation is now in what in military terms is defined as combat alert.

The problems raised in the reflection which defined Gustav as a nuclear strike have multiplied. The principles guiding our behavior are still the same, just that much greater efforts will be required.

The Civil Defense did not miss a second. Comrades in positions of responsibilities in both the Party and the Government have been visiting every place. The cadres should demand discipline, withhold their emotions and exercise their authority. The responsibility for information falls on our media: television, radio and printed press.

The world has admired our people’s conduct under the scourge of Gustav. As our enemies cynically rubbed their hands with glee, our friends, who are obviously not few, are determined to cooperate with our people. The seeds of solidarity planted for many years are growing everywhere. Aircrafts from Russia and other countries have been flying in from thousands of miles away with products which cannot be measured for their volume or price but for their significance. We have received donations from small states like East Timor, and messages from important friendly nations like Russia, Vietnam, China and others expressing the willingness to cooperate as much as possible with the investment programs we shall soon undertake to reestablish and develop production.

The sister Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, and its President Hugo Chavez, has adopted measures which constitute the most generous gesture of solidarity our homeland has known.

I think that despite the intensity of the blows received and of those still to come, our country is in a position to save the life of its citizens. The families shall be provided material assistance and food for as long as necessary until they recover --as soon as possible-- their capacity for food production. This assistance cannot be the same in every municipality since the damages are not the same neither is the time they will need to be back on their feet.

At this moment we are besieged by hurricanes. We should be more rational than ever and fight wastage, vagrancy and complacency. We should be absolutely honest avoiding demagoguery or compromising with weakness or opportunism. The revolutionary militants should set an example. They should give and receive confidence. They should give everything for the people, even their lives if need be.

Fidel Castro Ruz

September 7, 2008

5:29 p.m.

News about hurricane “Ike”:

More news:

In Great Britain and Ireland:

posted by F Espinoza


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Isn't this a repost?

08.09.2008 12:53

This sounds like a reposting of an official (government) Cuban news report. It reads as too propangandist, and it's got the Cuban president's name on it. I thought Indymedia wasn't meant to be used for repostings from official media sources.
Besides, it would be far more interesting to get the contributor's own account and observations of the hurricanes in Cuba. Which parts of the country have been worst hit, and how exactly are people on the ground dealing with it? has anybody been killed or injured? This is the sort of information nobody is getting from Cuba, the mainstream Western media looks only at the USA (like New Orleans), as though people from other countries don't count.
But given that Cuba's government is repressive, would it be safe, or possible, for a Cuban citizen to post this kind of information?

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