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Grouse Shoots Sabbed in the Holme Valley

West Yorkshire Hunt Sabs | 31.08.2008 15:03 | Animal Liberation | Ecology

West & South Yorkshire Hunt Sabs joined forces yesterday to stop grouse shoots in the Holme Valley, near Holmfirth.

West & South Yorkshire Hunt Sabs joined forces yesterday to stop grouse shoots in the Holme Valley, near Holmfirth.

At the first shoot, over 25 sabs got between the beaters and the guns and then blocked the shooting butts resulting in most of the bloodsports enthusiasts cracking their guns and abbandoning the first drive. Obviously angry at their 'sport' being stopped, members of the shoot assaulted one sab to try and get their video camera, rammed the sab van and the owner of the shoot decided it would be a good idea to put one of the front windows through on the vehicle. As per usual, the police couldn't care less and were more interested in getting rid of the sabs with laws they didn't even know themselves.

The next group of shooters, a bit further down the road, packed up straight away when they saw the sabs arriving; however poor communication meant that they couldn't tell the beaters who carried on driving the grouse towards guns that weren't there. Realising they had been made fools of, on of teh head beaters begun shouting at the police to enforce laws that didn't exist, to which they just told him the truth.

The day's sabbing was a great success, with countless lives being saved and two shoots stopped from killing.

West Yorkshire Hunt Sabs
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Great work

31.08.2008 15:28

Sound like a nice turnout, keep up the pressure in Yorkshire!!


Well done

31.08.2008 18:09

Sounds like a good day's work, shame they didn't shoot themselves and do the world a favour!



31.08.2008 18:38

Excellent stuff, sabs! Keep it up!

Gregory Beetle

any pictures?

31.08.2008 21:46

this would be a good feature for leeds-imc, along with the coucil demo & ALF actions against the shoot...

Animal Rep