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BIA vans trashed

Wrecking crew | 30.08.2008 13:29 | Anti-racism | Repression | Social Struggles

On the night of Friday 29th August the regional headquarters of the Borders and Immigration Agency in Portishead were the target for a response to the routine violence of forced removal, detention and deportation.

On the night of Friday 29th August the regional headquarters of the Borders and Immigration Agency in Portishead were the target for a response to the routine violence of forced removal, detention and deportation.We made life more difficult for the thugs in uniform by putting their vehicles out of operation with a volatile mix of paint stripper on bodywork, glass etching fluid on windows, locks glued, tires burst, lights spraypainted, mirrors and wipers removed, as well as some good old fashioned mechanical sabotage on all 7 vehicles in the car park. If a job's worth doing it's worth doing well. "Racist thugs work here" was the message painted on the building.
We stand against the state's steadily creeping fascism of racist immigration policies designed to tighten the grip of capital over all of our lives, of trialling surveillance and control technologies such as ID cards and biometric passports first on foreigners before imposing them on everyone, of the creation of a sub class whose repression justified by media hysteria and the powers that be. In solidarity, for a response to every abuse and for fighting back in the social war.

Wrecking crew


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Top Job!

30.08.2008 15:17

If a job's worth doing it's worth doing well."

Too true...sounds like you drummed up a few thousand in damage!

For a future without borders...

Southern Antifascist

Hats off!

04.09.2008 17:58

massive congrats folks.
while the majority talk the talk from the comfort of their safe & secure lives, to no avail, you obviously can walk the walk - which is infinitely more important to the men, women & children on the receiving end of these immoral, evil & ruthless snatch squads.
i have nothing but admiration for those, like yourselves, who are willing to put themselves on the line to challenge & obstruct what is blatantly a heinous crime,
as well as those others who consistently give of their time, resources & energy to personally assist the men, women & children who are being wrenched from their communities & denied their most basic of human rights - freedom, safety & security,
you are fantastic
