demonstrate for civil rights
Civil Person | 30.08.2008 11:36
we need a recognisable movement on the streets for civil rights in the uk and elsewhere as soon as possible
what do people think about a coalition of demos across uk, at town halls on sept 11th & in solidarity with those doing so elsewhere. on grounds of defending civil liberties..
see below about queen's autumn speech: due to set out the govt's latest plans for our democratic health & well-being.
this may be a lot more effective than at parliament and imo it is time to get the national political spotlight away from the BNP
> In the Queen's speech this autumn Gordon Brown's
> government will announce a
> scheme to institute a database of every telephone call,
> email, and act of
> online usage by every resident of the UK. It will propose
> that this
> information will be gathered, stored, and "made
> accessible" to the security
> and law enforcement agencies, local councils, and
> "other public bodies".
See also about Sep 11
(comment re sept 11th, the levellers & catalan, tis quite a date)
+ plans for us embassy
thoughts anyone..?
see below about queen's autumn speech: due to set out the govt's latest plans for our democratic health & well-being.
this may be a lot more effective than at parliament and imo it is time to get the national political spotlight away from the BNP
> In the Queen's speech this autumn Gordon Brown's
> government will announce a
> scheme to institute a database of every telephone call,
> email, and act of
> online usage by every resident of the UK. It will propose
> that this
> information will be gathered, stored, and "made
> accessible" to the security
> and law enforcement agencies, local councils, and
> "other public bodies".

See also about Sep 11

(comment re sept 11th, the levellers & catalan, tis quite a date)
+ plans for us embassy

thoughts anyone..?
Civil Person
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30.08.2008 12:42
remember it will be more likely to be read and/or acted upon if you keep it civil
i would suggest questions, where did the idea originate from, why is it necessary, are there to be exemptions etc but of course stating the appalling assault on civil liberties.
could be worth sending copy to your mp
Do it now and keep up the pressure
More than this
30.08.2008 17:28
Much of the state apparatus now seems bent on removing all our rights, rights that our ancestors fought and died for. And our ancestors didn't win by petitioning the King on one aspect of his abuses, no - they had to fight!
Thankfully we do not need to use violence to transform this nasty authoritarian current, but in my opinion we do need to get out on the street in numbers. If we do not, we will leave this work to the right wingers: Davis, Cameron and Johnson or worse, the BNP.
We need to get our act together, and sharpish. We need to have the courage to get ourselves out there, to organise ourselves distinctinctively and enjoyably in each community, with all the art, ingenuity, humour and love that the movement contains. And to reflect the kind of society we want to see (sharing, supportive communities enjoying the dignity, sovereignty and responsibility of collective self-determination) and we need to do it not on paper BUT ON THE STREET. At Town halls, embassies. No hate, just love and welcome to all who are there and firmness of principle. An end to the war on our liberties. A new start. New structures, new constitution. Government of the people and a civil society constitution that honours individual and collective rights above all other considerations. We need to say enough, in this way, with love but determinations - in no uncertain terms.
Can the movement how show leadership from below? Can we make the link in people's minds between the defence of civil rights and the fight to build a new, authentically civil and civilising society? Yes we can. New social relations at the local level. Regular meetings and demos done locally but SIMULTANEOUSLY. Commitment to new, local community sovereignty as a way of transforming the above but not divided, each locality acting at the same time. Good people from all walks of life coming together, in defence and civilised, non-violent attack. Local actions but done simultaneaously. This is the movement's great opportunity!
We cannot continue to prop up this growing authoritarian tradition with slavish devotion the current order. We must stand up against it, responsibly. There is no reason why we can't be militant in a peaceful way, challenging the authoritarians while making common cause with those aspects of government which are benign.
There is no need to smash the state but there IS an urgent need to democratise it, from below and show the world what is possible when the capitalist world comes to the end of its tether. Otherwise what incentive for the Russias and Chinas to go beyond their authoritarian capitalist model? If we continue to go THEIR way who is the real leader, and where are we being led? It's NOT ok to have the opportunity to get rich if you can't disagree and we have to show it, now.
The fight must start soon, and it must be by people from all walks of life who chose to come together on the streets, in each and every locality, to stand up to the unaccountable assymetric powers. From these beginnings a new society can and must be born.
Suggest blank banners and / or bring food to share. Suggest it becomes, once started a weekly meeting at local town halls, so we keep the pressure on from there, and build the movement and the new society at the same time.
What are we waiting for - Father Christmas .. ?
Civil Person