9/11,VP Joe Biden,Hunter Biden,Paradigm,Israeli Delaware Corp ICTS International
Tony Ryals | 30.08.2008 02:44
Joseph Biden,in allowing ICTS International to escape scrutiny and allowing his brother and his son to involve themselves with Paradigm hedge fund scum and penny stock operaters and pump and dump 'derivatives' scam artists is below contempt ....... and Barack Obama is rapidly catching up...
9/11,Dem VP Joe Biden,Hunter Biden's Paradigm and Israeli Delaware Corp ICTS International
by Tony Ryals
Some background on Barack Hussein Obama's Democrat VP candidate Joseph Biden,whose fascist tendencies make one suspect that his ignorance of Israeli ex military men who run ICTS International's,(that is incorporated in his home state of Delaware),may not be a case of simple incompetence. That combined with the fact that Biden's sons are self serving and self dealing Washington,D.C. lobbyists and hedge fund scamsters and right wing political wanna bees opens the question of whether he minds or even encouraged both the war fraud as well as securities fraud committed by ICTS Israelis operating out of his own state.
It is a fact that Menachem Atzmon one of the Israeli founders of ICTS International that allowed or failed to stop Mohamed Atta,et.al., from boarding those two flights out of Logan Airport in Boston on 9/11/01 that collided with Rudy Giuliani's World Trade Center killing almost 3000 Americans and others,was a close associate of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and while Olmert got off Atzmon was convicted of diverting funds from Iraeli government to the Likud Party ! Why was he and ex Israeli military men then allowed to come to the U.S. as a convicted criminal and start a Delaware corporation and fund it with money ripped off Americans in a NASDAQ 'pump and dump' scam and then buy Huntleigh airport security and the contract out on Logan Airport Boston in the first place !?
Joseph Biden and our Congress could have closed ICTS International down but instead allowed them to keep operating around the world with American Airlines,including where they are headquartered in Holland in the UK and at Charles DeGualle Aiport in Paris where they allowed Richard Reed the 'shoe bomber' to board post 911!
Any review of the convicted,(in Israel)money launderer Menachem Atzmon's and Ezra Harel's et.al.'s ICTS International would find that it was a securities,(stock),fraud as well as a security fraud.
Joseph Biden,in allowing ICTS International to escape scrutiny and allowing his brother and his son to involve themselves with Paradigm hedge fund scum and penny stock operaters and pump and dump 'derivatives' scam artists is below contempt ....... and Barack Obama is rapidly catching up...
Biden, Iraq and Obama's Betrayal
By Stephen Zunes, Foreign Policy in Focus. Posted August 24, 2008.
The choice of Biden calls into question whether Obama's offering a "change we can believe in."
Incipient Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama’s selection of Joseph Biden as his running mate constitutes a stunning betrayal of the anti-war constituency who made possible his hard-fought victory in the Democratic primaries and caucuses.
The veteran Delaware senator has been one the leading congressional supporters of U.S. militarization of the Middle East and Eastern Europe, of strict economic sanctions against Cuba, and of Israeli occupation policies.
Most significantly, however, Biden, who chaired the Senate Foreign Relations Committee during the lead-up to the Iraq War during the latter half of 2002, was perhaps the single most important congressional backer of the Bush administration’s decision to invade that oil-rich country.
First before I get into the issue of Joe Biden's sons and their sleezy
scammy father-like ways I wish to state clearly and I say this because it needs to be said - and as a victim of U.S. PENNY STOCK FRAUD THAT HAS
light of recent news about Biden's family connections to offshore hedge
funds (that is generally linked to U.S. penny stock fraud and money
laundering), - John McPain I mean McCain would bode even worse - if
that's possible - than bidin' his time Biden !
However I wish to emphasize that the hedge funds that Daddy Joe Biden
pretends to oppose as well as the Paradigm Global Advisers hedge fund
Joe Biden's brother James and son Hunter bought would not be
possible without the corrupt corporate whore legal system in Delaware that daddy Joe Biden has presided over and given his approval of for DECADES now !Also the worthless penny stocks that scum like James and Hunter Biden fill their scammy pump and dump offshore hedge funds with to dump onshore to defraud their fellow Americans and then fill their offshore acounts with the stolen loot is sickening and disgusting.But if you complain to your Congressman or to Senator Biden they will either not respond or tell you that you deserved it - just like McCain might tell a rape victim !
Besides Delaware - Nevada,Florida, Utah and Texas are also centers of penny stock fraud and to my knowledge Joe Biden has never lifted a finger to
oppose this in his unending career as a Delaware Congressman - so what
is he trying to pretend or lie about opposing the offshore money
laundering tactics and penny stock pump and dump fraud - including of
Paradigm LLC that his brother and son bought from their fellow hedge
fund penny stock con and accomplice Anthony Lolito now !? What a hypocrite is Joe Biden and what
scum are his sons !
Regardless of the legal battle between Mr.Lottito and Hunter Biden
and his uncle, James Biden, is a principal in Paradigm.
So now come the Biden scumbags,father and son - I'd like tp puke.Daddy
scumbag Joe running as Barrack Hussein Obama's Dem VP running mate
says he passed legislation favoring his political contributers and son
Baeu's client's - to make declaring bankruptcy more difficult for the
broke and poor NOT to make it harder for them on purpose but to FIGHT
GAMBLING !? Hey,duh,if you want to fight gambling fight those who run
gambling establishments not their victims !If only Mr.Joseph Biden were
only so concerned about securities fraud many being incorporated in
his state of Delaware and getting money back for investors of those
frauds rather than using his position to get his sons and brother set
up in similar business fraud hedge fund scams.
If he had really been serious about fighting gambling he might have been able to keep the IFEN or In Flight Entertainment Network of Morris Talansky and his 'business' partners such as Zev Wolfson off that Swssair 111 that offered inflight gambling to its passengers including many U.N. employees traveling from NY to Europe
on September 2,1998 suspected of causing that crash off the Swissair 111 !
That would have stopped both a stock fraud and a security fraud and have saved over 200 lives if we are to believe Canadian investigators who concluded it was the faulty wiring on board Swissair 111 put their by contractors of that scam to provide
gambling entertainment from New York to Europe that brought it down
AFTER shutting off its blackbox !
I have written and I have written about the Israeli pump and dump
fraud called ICTS International that was incorporated in the state -
Biden's state - of Delaware in 1999 and how it was allowed to be
placed on the NASDAQ stock exchange even though both now Israeli PM
Ehud Olmert and his Likud Party pal Menachem Atzmon and family member
of the Atzmon law firm where Olmert was employed I presume of Israel
had already been charged with the equivalent of money laundering and
while Olmert sleezed out of it - Atzmon was convicted.And yet still
still he Atmon and other Israeli ex military types were allowed to
ener the U.S. and form a supposed airport,etc., 'security' firm and to
buy Huntleigh airport security operation with money defrauded from
Americans through their Delaware corporation,the state Biden
represents for in Congress decades ! - and besides filling their on
offshore including Israeli bank accounts they have enough cash to buy
Huntleigh airport rent-a-cops and its contract to guard Logan Airport
in Boston just before all heil breaks loose and that very airport
coincidentally was the weak link Mohamed Atta et.al. chose to board
flights into Rudy Giuliani's WTC or World Trade Center on 9 11 0l
MONEY LAUNDERERS were SO busy promoting their worthless Delaware
incorporated NASDAQ scam they didn't even notice Mohamed and gang
even get on their flight one way in theory into that New York WTC on
the fateful day ! In fact Menachem Atzmon and that scam called ICTS
International that later allowed Richard Reed the 'shoe bomber' to
board his flight post 911 from Charles DeGualle Airport in Paris bound for America POST 911 - was also
the job of Menachem Atzmon and those incomptent ex military Israelis with their Delaware-Biden corporation to prevent !Had Joe Biden prevented the
scammy Israelis running a securities fraud called ICTS International
from incorporating in Delawre he might have saved 3,000 lives on
9/11 and in fact might have prevented the Iraq War saving MANY more ! And another U.S. penny stock fraud called Securacom that went public at the asking price of $8.50 per share in 1997 and that may or not have been incorporated in Biden's state of Delaware also had the job of protecting Dulles Airport outside Washington and some responsibility for the WTC on9/11. It was run by a Mishra Al Sabah of Kuwait royalty, nemnesises of Saddam Hussein, as well as lesser known W Bush brother Marvin Bush and his cousin Wirt Walker III !These are all in SEC filings Mr.Biden !(Scumbag is all I can say about Joe Biden and the corrupt retards he reproduced.)
Now if Joe Biden has headed up and
'is chairman of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee, widely respected for his knowledge of international affairs' - why didn't he know that the convicted(in Israel) Menachem Atzmon and ex Israeli military men were guarding Logan Airport on 9/11 ? I mean,as a Delaware Senator with a son and a brother who deal with U.S.
penny stocks and offshore accounts to pump and dump the worthless shares from - he never knew that what was guarding Logan Airport on 9/11
was a Delaware incorporated stock manipulation scheme run by an Israeli who had a past criminal record in Israel before incorporating his money laundering scam in Biden's state of Delaware !?
Note that I who was defrauded in U.S. penny stocks and offshore money
laundering operations such as Biden's,et.al.'s Paradigm hedge fund
scam represents was able to find both warnings about Anthony Lotito Jr
and certain penny stock frauds he has aided and abetted and profited
from.Why couldn't the Bidens !? Do they allow the mentally retarded to
receive degrees from Georgetown University and Harvard or just people
with criminal minds !?(It is a fact that Georgetown University employs James Angel who aids penny stock scamsters and a group called NCANS or National Coalition Against Naked Short Selling whose only 'given' adress is the Cheetah Club lap dancing operation out of Las VBegas and Georgetown HAS ALSO HELPS A PENNY STOCK SCAM OUT OF LAS VEGAS CALLED SAMARITAN PHARMACEUTICALS ! REAL
Looks like a daisy chain of litigation among the normally economically incestuous Wall Street
and Washington,D.C.offshore-onshore
stock criminals and con artists in the case of Democratic VP candidate
Joe Biden's family(brother and son) vs Anthony Lotito vs Stephane
Farouze.The scammy Paradigm hedge fund-trust or whatever vagually
mentions its website 'derivatives' on its website.Paradigm con artist
and Deutsche Bank executive and penny stock scheister Stephane Farouze
bills himself as a derivatives specialist and you can find several
examples of Lolito and it looks like his wife as well involved with
some infamous penny stock frauds.One is Brek Energy that involves
Alexander H Walker ex SEC and tranfer agent at his and his family's
NATCO or Nevada Agency and Trust out of Nevada.Walker has been
involved with serial penny stock fraud and works with all sorts
of international criminals with offshore accounyts who pump and dump
worthless U.S. penny stocks and launder the stolen money including
many biotech scams as well as Sulpco of the Jewish Wolfson crime
family of New York and British Israeli Michael Zwebner who is in bed
with both Israeli PM Ehud Olmert and also Islamic money laundering
suspect Mohamid Hadid !
Some estimate the derivatives business which is just a euphemism in my opinion for worthless junk paper or now a days not even that - just
digits on a computer screen represent trillions of dollars in losses
for America and our defrauded economy but trillions of dollars that
digitally reappear in someones elses accounts in Burmuda or the
Caymans and the Caribbean or Israel or Lichtenstein or Switzerland or
Pacific Islands that now serve for little but storage of anonymous
accounts for crooks and terrorists.
In truth even the U.S. itself is a sight for major money laundering
after all with the issue of worthless paper particularly penny stocks
one would not have a derivatives market or need to have offshore
accounts to store the stolen loot in the first place !
Joe Biden and his appear to be part of the problem like Utah
Republican Mormon Senators Bob Bennett and Orin Hatch;(offshore
accounts and probably penny stocks in the Caymans also are apparently
part of McCain's pal,Moron Republican Mitt Romney's religion as well),
or Florida 16th District Democrat Methodist Church member Timothy
Mahoney whose vFinance has aided so many including CIA connected U.S.
penny stock frauds to operate as far as Kuala Lumpur and Dubai such as
Bellador Group boiler room that even cold called the CIA's SRA
International shares in Hong Kong and Endovasc that ripped me off as well as Biophan biotech fraud and the Republican pump and dump and money laundering operation called China Wireless but headquartered in Colorado.Yes since the days of BCCI and Ollie North pre compter era it has gotten way out of hand, particularly after the chaos created after 911 coincidentally) and many right wing fascists with Beltway connections have been taking advantage of it.
It's a small world in the penny stock fraud and money laundering
sector but if you have Wshington D.C. connections as Joe Biden's sons
and brother do - doors will be opened to you.Even Beltway banker David
P Summers who poses as a mild mannered conservative Northern
Virginis,Donion etc., banker for years has led another life as a
Texas 'biotech' genius - all for the purpose of defrauding his fellow
Americans and he may be CIA for all I know but he's an untouchable and
any fraud he commits is covered up and not invested such as Endovasc
and American Biomed,etc..
It turns out Anthony Lotito Jr(who has been sueing Joe Biden's son and
brother over who controlls the hedge fund penny stock derivatives
fraud operation called Paradigm Companies) as well as his wife Joy I
believe was involved in a penny stock petroleum scam that connects with Brek
Energy that connects with Alexander H Walker who in turn connects with
James Dale Davidson(of Steve Forbe's National Taxpayers Union,Agora
Inc,Bill Bonner's penny stock scheiters of Baltimore and world wide
internet and so many biotech,mining etc., penny stock frauds including
Israeli Technion University connected Pluristem,that claims to use
stem cells from oplacentas, along with ex Carlye and CIA Frank
Carlucci),by way of Endovasc and D.C. banker David P Summers,(who has
used both Delaware and Nevada incorporation for his Endovasc pump and dump), among other things and connects with Michael Zwebner who
connects with Israeli PM Ehud Olmert and Islamic charity money
laundering suspect Mohamed Hadid and on and on.....
Now this other character Stephane Farouze who is after Biden son and
brother and is part of Deutsche Bank and was the one who sold Paradigm to them in the first place is also a penny stock and 'derivatives' scheister.
So what is the connection between penny stocks and derivatives or is
that the whole point - penny stocks are the bulk of derivatives and
the big sucking sound of trillions of dollars from U.S. economy more from
penny stocks than the public is being educated to know and this is why
lieing about 'naked shorting' in penny stocks and now in Freddie Mac
and Fannie Mae is so much a part of SEC Chairman Christopher Cox's job
description ?
Also I've become more fascinated with why little brain damaged Joe
Biden never figured the 911 connection to his own state of Delaware and its 'securities' racket in the first place.Particularly why has he never said anything about convicted Israeli money launderer Menachem Atzmon's and Ezra Harel's ICTS International being registered in
Delaware ? Biden obviously wishes to keep Americans in the dark about
the real causes of 911 in the first place and to keep securities fraud
and money laundering through Delaware corporate scams and unaudited shares
alive and well...Joe Biden is no friend to America or Americans.
Derivatives – A Potential Financial Tsunami?
by Daniel Apple and Rick Baugnon
Global Research, March 21, 2008
Derivatives generate reported earnings that are often wildly
overstated and based on estimates whose inaccuracy may not be exposed
for many years. -Warren Buffet
Derivatives are complex financial transactions based upon underlying
instruments like real estate, bonds or stocks and are of two main
types; either bets about the direction of some market, or insurance,that takes on a hedging function against a market position.
9/11,Dem VP Joe Biden,Hunter Biden, Delaware Corp ICTS International
Fund manager sues son and brother of U.S. Senator Biden
Wed Aug 6, 2008 5:44pm
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A Deutsche Bank
executive is suing a son and a brother of Delaware Sen. Joe Biden for
at least $10 million over a deal they had to buy into a hedge fund,
according to court documents.
Stephane Farouze, who is global head of fund derivatives for Deutsche
Bank and lives in London, claimed that Biden's son Hunter and brother
James broke a May 2006 contract and defrauded him after agreeing to
buy his membership interests in New York-based Paradigm Companies LLC.
The lawsuit filed in New York State Supreme Court in Manhattan in June
names Washington lobbyist Hunter Biden, James Biden, and James's
former business partner Anthony Lotito as defendants.
On Wednesday, Farouze's lawyer Marlen Kruzhkov said that the Bidens
"never had any intention of carrying out the agreement with my
He said the Bidens and their lawyers have not responded to the complaint.
Representatives for the Bidens could not immediately be reached for comment.
The lawsuit said that while the Bidens took control of the company,
they never paid Farouze the cash they had agreed to pay.
Sen. Biden is a Delaware Democrat who was first elected to the U.S.
Senate in 1972. He has been mentioned as a possible vice presidential
candidate on Sen. Barack Obama's presidential ticket.
The lawsuit is the second accusing Biden's relatives of irregularities
in their deal to buy hedge fund firm Paradigm. An earlier lawsuit was
filed by Lotito in January 2007.
(Reporting by Grant McCool, editing by Phil Berlowitz)
Note even Farouze's name can be found on at least one fraudulent penny
stock and fronts such as Paradigm are just another way of profiting
from such frauds under greater anonymity.You can't tell
'what's in their wallets' when it is all buried in their anonymous
Paeadigm accounts,etc..
Tarrant Apparel Group (TAGS)
Russ and Farouze 30-Jul-03 04:07 am Just saw "Stephane
Farouze" and "Larry Russ" pop up as TAGS's Directors in some recent
SEC filings. There doesn't seem to be any press release about adding
new Directors. Any idea who these people are?
Hunter Biden appointed head of international penny stock fraud
'derivatives'operation money laundering operation in 2006.His partner in fraud
The following information supplements the information contained under
the sections "Investment Adviser" and "Fund Manager" of the
On May 2, 2006, LBB Holdings USA ("LBB Holdings") entered into
agreements providing for the merger of LBB Holdings with PARADIGM
Founders LLC, which is controlled by Dr. James Park, the founder of
the Company. Subsequently, LBB Holdings entered into an agreement to
acquire the PARADIGM Companies LLC equity interests held by Paradigm
Global Fund III, which is controlled by Stephane Farouze. The
transactions are subject to completion of customary due diligence and satisfaction of other closing conditions expected to be completed
during the third quarter of 2006. As a result of these transactions,
LBB Holdings would, through its majority ownership of Paradigm
Companies, LLC, become the majority holder of PARADIGM Global
Advisors, LLC ("PGA"), the investment adviser to PARADIGM Funds
Trust(the "Trust") and PARADIGM Multi Strategy Fund I, LLC (the
"Portfolio"), in which the Trust invests substantially all of its
shares (the "master-feeder structure"). In anticipation of the
acquisition, PARADIGM Founders and PARADIGM Global Fund III have
agreed to the appointment of LBB Holdings USA with respect to certain
operating matters of the Company and its subsidiaries, and have agreed
to appoint R. Hunter Biden as the interim Chief Executive Officer of
PARADIGM Companies, LLC and its subsidiaries during the due diligence
Newave, Inc is one example of Anthony Lotito's criminal penny stock
enterprise.So is another defunct
'pump and dump' scam called
GASCO ENERGY INC that apparently worked with the criminals who ran
Brek Energy a few years back and seemed to use Asia or Hong Kong to
launder their stolen American money and 'transfer agent' Alexander
Walker who aided Endovasc that ripped me off as well as UCSY or Air
Water Corp of British Israeli mafiosi
Michael Zwebner who is a pal of Israel PM Ehud Olmert ! Joseph Biden
should be in jail along with his sons or they should never be allowed
to hold public office or be involved in any management of a corporation !
Rip Off Report: Newave, Inc Online Supplier ripoff, charged my ...10
Aug 2006 ... Newave, Inc Online Supplier ripoff, charged my credit
card 29.95 after I did not want service. company is in someway
connected with e-bay ...
NeWave, Inc. OTC Bulletin Board: NWWV - Stock HideoutNeWave Receives
Rough Cut of Infomercial via COMTEX August 8, 2005 LONG BEACH, Calif.,
Aug 08, 2005 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- NeWave, Inc. (
Newave Inc. (fr.)Software Listing of Author : "Newave Inc. (fr.)" ...
Publisher: Newave Inc. (FR.)| Date Released: 23-11-2000 | Download
Size: 1613 KB | Download ...
NeWave, Inc [NWWV.OB]Notes about spam incidents involving the stock
NeWave, Inc [NWWV.OB]
AllPennyStocks.com spotlights NeWave, Inc.M2 PRESSWIRE-22 February
2005-AllPennyStocks.com: AllPennyStocks.com spotlights NeWave,
Inc.(C)1994-2005 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD RDATE:22022005 ...
Galaxy Energy,another Anthoby Lottito connected penny stock pump and dump.
Biden's son must really be an idiot to not have used the internet before going into 'business' with him...:
Galaxy Energy Corp (AMEX: GAX)
GAX Msg Board
« GAX Message list | Reply to msg. | Post new msg. « Older | Newer »
By: pipeline_pete
26 Mar 2008, 06:04 PM EDT
Msg. 3449 of 3455
(This msg. is a reply to 3448 by graben1.)
Jump to msg. #
Interesting Graben but since GAX doesn't have any production to get
restricted by pipeline constraints I don't see this as an issue. Also
since they just went into chapter 11 and the stock is no longer
I'm not sure that anything matters very much much anymore -----except
for the Bruners who will wind up with the assets.
good luck to you and all GAX shareholders. May we learn from our mistakes.
Web Results 21 - 26 of 26 for Anthony Lotito Jr sec.gov. (0.04 seconds)
Search Results
PetroHunter Energy Corp (Form: 10KSB, Received:
01/26/2007 15:16:16)o The election of Dr. Anthony K. Yeats, Kelly H.
Nelson and Carmen J. Lotito as directors of the Company; o The change
of our state of incorporation from ...
- 313k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
free-online-itv.blogspot.com/2008_01_01_archive.html - 977k - Cached -
Similar pages - Note this
[DOC] NOUVEAU INTERNATIONAL INC (Form: SB-2, Received: 10/01/1996
00:00:00)File Format: Microsoft Word - View as HTML
Gary W. Black, Jr. 37 General Manager of Vending Division and Field
Service Manager ...... Anthony Lotito and Joy Lotito............. 6432
6432 0 ...
- Similar pages - Note this
BREK ENERGY CORP (Form: DEF 14A, Received: 11/08/2007 09:38:01)Copies
of the documents incorporated by reference in this proxy
statement/prospectus can be obtained through the SEC's website at
http://www.sec.gov or by ...
- Similar pages - Note this
GASCO ENERGY INC (Form: S-4/A, Received: 10/18/2007 15:19:03)In
addition, another Gasco director, C. Tony Lotito, currently serves as
the ...... and at the web site maintained by the SEC at
http://www.sec.gov . ...
- Similar pages - Note this
More results from google.brand.edgar-online.com »
This document is a prospectus of Gasco relating to the issuance of
Gasco common stock in connection with the merger and a proxy statement
of Brek to use in soliciting proxies for the special meeting of Brek
stockholders. It contains answers to frequently asked questions and a
summary description of the merger (beginning on page 1), followed by a
more detailed discussion of the merger and related matters. Please
review carefully the attached materials, including the matters
discussed under "Risk Factors" beginning on page 10.
Lobbyist Biden's Suit Against Former Hedge Fund Partner Dropped
By Thom Weidlich and Jenny Strasburg
Sept. 20 (Bloomberg) -- A judge threw out a lawsuit in which
Washington lobbyist R. Hunter Biden accused a former business partner
of lying about his professional credentials during negotiations to buy
an investment firm.
Biden, son of U.S. Senator Joseph Biden, and James Biden, the
senator's brother, sued Anthony Lotito Jr. in February, claiming
Lotito hid debts and falsely claimed he had securities licenses, in an
effort to lure them as partners in the $21.3 million acquisition of
New York-based Paradigm Cos.
``The connection between Lotito's alleged misrepresentations and the
losses alleged to have been incurred by defendants is tenuous at
best,'' Judge Bernard J. Fried of state court in New York said Sept.
10 in a written ruling.
Lobbyist Hunter Biden Is Sued on Paradigm Purchase (Update1)
By Jenny Strasburg and Thom Weidlich
Jan. 31 (Bloomberg) -- R. Hunter Biden, a Washington lobbyist,
fraudulently excluded a partner from the purchase of a hedge-fund
investment firm, the partner claims in a lawsuit.
Biden and his uncle James Biden squeezed investment consultant Anthony
Lotito Jr. out of the 2006 acquisition of New York-based Paradigm
Cos., Lotito says in a complaint filed Jan. 5 in New York state court.
The Bidens lied to Lotito about their joint offer while negotiating a
better deal alone, Lotito's complaint says. The Bidens deny the
``He wants back what was stolen from him,'' said Lotito's lawyer,
Brian Wille of Kostelanetz & Fink LLP in New York. ``He entered into
this transaction believing in the honesty and integrity of the
NWWV Member Forum
« CLB01382 Message list
By: sexyalexis
02 Oct 2007, 01:28 PM EDT
Msg. 1 of 1
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New Wave Media currently has 137,000,000 restricted and 117,000,000
free trading shares for a total of 254,000,000 and the transfer agent
is transfer Online of Portland Oregon.
NeWave, Inc. NWWV - News today announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary
NeWave, Inc. NWWV - News today announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary
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posted its fourth consecutive month of positive operating income in January.
The 23,000 new members represent an 80% increase in new members enrolled
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NeWave CEO Michael Hill stated, "I am thrilled to report another stellar
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the fourth consecutive month, onlinesupplier.com as an operating
subsidiary has posted positive operating income. We continue to strive towards overall corporate
profitability and positive cash flow, and I believe that we will achieve those objectives this year given our recent performance and the continued growth of ecommerce."
About NeWave, Inc.
Through its websites 'onlinesupplier.com' and 'buydiscount.com', NeWave
provides ecommerce solutions and thousands of high value products at
significant savings to its online loyalty club customers and members.
To find out more about NeWave (OTC Bulletin Board: NWWV), visit our
websites at www.newave-inc.com, www.onlinesupplier.com and
www.buydiscount.com. The Company's public financial information and
filings can be viewed at www.sec.gov.
Joe Biden's spoiled brats are beginning to remind me more of Qusay
Uday Hussein all the time.....And I thought it was Barrack who had a
Hussein attached to his name but it is Joe who has son's who behave
like they inherited class priviledge to lie cheat and steal......And
like Saddam Hussein Joe Biden came from working class roots so maybe
it gave both of them determination to do whatever they could to keep
themselves and their sons in the elite class once they got there...
MBNA paid Biden son at critical time for bill August 25, 2008 6:53 PM ET
All Associated Press newsWASHINGTON (AP) -
''A son of Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden was paid an undisclosed amount of money as a consultant by MBNA, the largest
employer in Delaware, during the years the senator supported
legislation that was promoted by the credit card industry and opposed
by consumer groups.''.....
''The financial services industry made the case that bankruptcy
frequently is a refuge of gamblers, impulsive shoppers, divorced or
separated fathers avoiding child support, and multimillionaires who
buy mansions in states with liberal exemptions to shelter assets from
When the Senate Judiciary Committee approved the bill early in 2005,
Biden, Dianne Feinstein of California and Herb Kohl of Wisconsin were
the only Democrats to vote with the Republican majority. Biden also
voted for the bill on final passage in the Senate, while Obama voted
against it.''
''Besides his lobbying and consulting work, Hunter Biden is also
chairman of a New York-based hedge fund group, called Paradigm Global
Advisers, which faces lawsuits from a former business partner, a
former investor, and a former executive, all of whom claim they were
defrauded. Besides Hunter Biden, his uncle, James Biden, is a
principal in Paradigm.
In one lawsuit, former investor Anthony Lotito contends that James
Biden called him in January, 2006, asking him to arrange a job for
Hunter Biden because of Joseph Biden's concerns that his son's
lobbying career might hurt his bid for the White House.
Lotito provides no evidence of the senator's involvement in the court
papers, however. Hunter and James Biden countersued, accusing their
former partner defrauded them by misrepresenting his experience in the
hedge fund industry and recommending that they hire a lawyer with
felony convictions.''
Sen. Joe Biden's younger son gets scrutiny for lobbying, financial dealings
By Carol Eisenberg | August 28, 2008 at 9:27am | 0
Sen. Joseph Biden may boast that he takes Amtrak home to Delaware
every night, but his younger son, Robert Hunter Biden, appears to be a
creature of the Washington establishment.
"Hunter," as friends and family call him, is a 38-year-old lawyer
whose work as a lobbyist and a hedge fund principal has created some
awkward moments for the elder Biden, just as the Democratic
vice-presidential nominee is emphasizing his working-class origins and how he has tackled moneyed interests on behalf of ordinary Americans.
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Hunter Biden, the second son of Biden and his late wife, Neilia,
served in the Jesuit Volunteer Corps after graduating from Georgetown
University. Right out of Yale Law School, he landed a job with
financial services giant MBNA, the largest employer in Delaware and a
major contributor to his father's campaigns.
After stints as a presidential appointee in Bill Clinton's Commerce
Department and a consultant for MBNA, he went into business with
William Oldaker, a former Federal Election Commission counsel and
longtime adviser and fund-raiser for his father.
Oldaker, Biden & Belair, LLP made $1.7 million in the first six months
of this year, and is registered to represent clients including the
government of the Northern Mariana Islands, the National Association
of Shareholders & Consumer Attorneys and a number of colleges and
Biden's clients reported paying the company $470,000 so far this year,
according to the analysis by USA Today.
It is not illegal for a member of Congress to have a relative in the
lobbying profession. At least 24 House members and 31 senators had
relatives registered as lobbyists in the 2002, 2004 and 2006 election
cycles, according to research by Citizens for Responsibility and
Ethics in Washington, a liberal watchdog group.
But the reports about Hunter Biden's business activities are
particularly sensitive at a time when presumptive Democratic nominee
Barack Obama has vowed to reduce the influence of special interest
groups on policymaking and barred contributions from lobbyists.
The Washington Post, for instance, documented how the younger Biden
sought help from Obama's staff to secure earmarks for several of his
Illinois clients, including a college nursing program and a hospital.
The paper reported that Hunter Biden got the cooperation of Obama's
office to win $190,000 in federal funds for St. Xavier University, a
four-year, 5,600-student institution run by the Roman Catholic Sisters
of Mercy in suburban Chicago.
Biden also sought help from Obama's staff to get funding for Chicago's
Thorek Memorial Hospital. In 2006, Obama asked for $2 million for a
cancer research treatment center there, according to a letter
requesting the money posted on Obama's campaign website. Hunter Biden
was the registered lobbyist and his firm was paid $120,000 for
representing Thorek, which has not received funding, according to the
Obama spokesman David Wade told the Post that Hunter Biden never
appealed directly to the senator.
"Hunter Biden met with the Obama Senate office, not with Senator
Obama," Wade said. "It's hardly surprising that a senator from
Illinois would fight for investments in Mercy Hospital, Thorek
Hospital and St. Xavier University right in Illinois, or that he'd be
joined in that effort by a Republican colleague, Representative Judy
Prior to working for Oldaker, Hunter Biden was the senior vice
president and then a consultant for credit card company MBNA Corp.
From 2001 to 2005, he was paid an undisclosed amount by the company,
which has since been purchased by Bank of America.
Those were the same years that his father was helping the credit card
industry win passage of a law making it harder for consumers to file
for bankrupty protection – a law opposed by Obama and which was
finally passed in 2005.
Obama aides told the New York Times that Hunter Biden had never
lobbied for MBNA and that there was nothing improper about the
consulting payments.
Besides his lobbying and consulting work, Hunter Biden is also
chairman of a New York-based hedge fund group, called Paradigm Global
Advisers, which faces lawsuits from a former business partner, a
former investor, and a former executive, all of whom claim they were
defrauded. Besides Hunter Biden, his uncle, James Biden, is a
principal in Paradigm.
In one lawsuit, former investor Anthony Lotito contends that James
Biden called him in January, 2006, asking him to arrange a job for
Hunter Biden because of Joseph Biden's concerns that his son's
lobbying career might hurt his bid for the White House.
Lotito provides no evidence of the senator's involvement in the court
papers, however. Hunter and James Biden countersued, accusing their
former partner defrauded them by misrepresenting his experience in the
hedge fund industry and recommending that they hire a lawyer with
felony convictions.
In an affidavit, Hunter Biden said his father had nothing to do with
the deal and that it is Lotito who swindled the Bidens.
The campaign of Sens. Barack Obama and Biden declined to discuss the
case with reporters, referring questions to Nicholas Gravante Jr., a
lawyer representing Hunter and James Biden. Gravante told the
Washington Post that assertions that Joseph Biden told his brother he
was concerned about his son's lobbying are "absolutely false."
Biden Family Financial Connections Detailed
The Times reports that the firm promised to finance a hedge fund deal
for Biden's son, Hunter, and brother, James (which ultimately fell
through); picked the law firm of another son, Beau, to work on dozens
of asbestos cases in Delaware; and that SimmonsCoopers employees
donated about $200,000 to Biden's campaign efforts since 2001, making
the company his top donor...
Hunter Biden received consulting fees from MBNA Corp. over a four-year
stretch to work on online banking issues, as his father helped the
credit card industry push through a law that made it harder for
consumers to file for bankruptcy protection, The New York Times has
google paradigm llc biden
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Same day Biden announces he's running for president and that he'll
announce it on Comedy Central, his son, a Beltway lobbyist, was
slapped with an ugly and very embarrassing lawsuit involving the kind
of hedge-fund investment firm his dad spends so much time dealing with
to the exclusion of real issues that plague real Americans. "R. Hunter
Biden, a Washington lobbyist and son of U.S. presidential hopeful
Senator Joseph Biden, fraudulently excluded a partner from the
purchase of a hedge-fund investment firm, the partner claims in a
lawsuit. Biden and his uncle James Biden squeezed investment
consultant Anthony Lotito Jr. out of the 2006 acquisition of New
York-based Paradigm Cos., Lotito says in a complaint filed Jan. 5 in
New York state court. The Bidens lied to Lotito about their joint
offer while negotiating a better deal alone, Lotito's complaint says.
The Bidens deny the claims. 'He wants back what was stolen from him,'
said Lotito's lawyer, Brian Wille of Kostelanetz & Fink LLP in New
York. 'He entered into this transaction believing in the honesty and
integrity of the Bidens.' Hunter Biden, 36, founder and partner of
Washington-based lobbying firm Oldaker, Biden & Belair LLP, stepped
down this month from daily oversight of Paradigm Global Advisors LLC,
a unit of Paradigm Cos. that manages investments in hedge funds. He
became the firm's chairman and remains a lobbyist, an unusual dual
role as scrutiny of the hedge-fund industry has increased." Cozy but I
guess there is no Senator Oldaker or Senator Belair to help the firm.
Biden's Son Sues Ex-Partner
Lobbyist, With Senator's Brother, Alleges Fraud in Fund Buyout
By Jenny Strasburg and Thom Weidlich
Bloomberg News
Wednesday, February 21, 2007; Page D02
R. Hunter Biden, a Washington lobbyist, accused a former business
partner of lying about his professional credentials and finances after
they agreed to buy a hedge fund investment firm in 2006, according to
a complaint in New York state court.
Biden, son of Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.), and James Biden, the
senator's brother, countersued Anthony Lotito Jr. on Feb. 13, saying
he hid debts and falsely claimed he held securities licenses to lure
them as partners in the planned $21.3 million acquisition. Lotito also
persuaded the Bidens to hire a lawyer who had been convicted of fraud,
according to the complaint.
Biden's Son Sues Ex-Partner
Lobbyist, With Senator's Brother, Alleges Fraud in Fund Buyout
By Jenny Strasburg and Thom Weidlich
Bloomberg News
Wednesday, February 21, 2007; Page D02
R. Hunter Biden, a Washington lobbyist, accused a former business
partner of lying about his professional credentials and finances after
they agreed to buy a hedge fund investment firm in 2006, according to
a complaint in New York state court.
Biden, son of Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.), and James Biden, the
senator's brother, countersued Anthony Lotito Jr. on Feb. 13, saying
he hid debts and falsely claimed he held securities licenses to lure
them as partners in the planned $21.3 million acquisition. Lotito also
persuaded the Bidens to hire a lawyer who had been convicted of fraud,
according to the complaint.
"Had James and Hunter Biden known the truth about Anthony Lotito, they
never would have gone into business with him," says the complaint,
which accuses Lotito of fraud and seeks at least $10 million.
Lotito, 49, sued the Bidens on Jan. 5, claiming that they illegally
excluded him from a takeover of New York-based Paradigm Cos. while
negotiating a better deal for themselves. The Bidens now control
Paradigm. The dispute highlights Hunter Biden's unusual dual roles as
lobbyist and investment executive at a time when hedge funds face
greater regulatory scrutiny.
Hunter Biden, 37, stepped down last month from daily oversight of
Paradigm Global Advisors, a unit of Paradigm, which has about $500
million in client money invested in hedge funds. Biden became chairman
of the firm, founded in 1991. He remains a lobbyist with Oldaker,
Biden & Belair of the District, where he is partner and founder. James
Biden, 57, is not involved in Paradigm's management.
Last year, the Bidens agreed to a partnership with Lotito that would
pay him $25,000 a month to find investors for the Paradigm buyout,
with an Oct. 31 deadline to close the transaction. Lotito "failed to
secure even one investor" and all agreed in September to end the
partnership, LBB Holdings USA, according to the Bidens' complaint.
They also claim that Lotito
"fraudulently induced them" to hire John Fasciana, a New York lawyer, to represent the partnership in
negotiations with Paradigm. Fasciana had been convicted in July 2005
on federal charges of conspiracy and wire and mail fraud related to a
scheme to steal millions of dollars from Electronic Data Systems of
Plano, Tex., the world's second-largest computer-services company.
Fasciana was sentenced in November to four years in prison. He has
Separately, Fasciana sued the Bidens and Lotito in August, seeking
$198,000 in legal fees he says they owe him. The Bidens denied the
claim in November and countersued Fasciana, saying he overbilled and
defrauded them by hiding his conviction.
In his lawsuit, Lotito is seeking at least $100 million on claims of
fraud and breach of fiduciary duty. He says the Bidens lied to him
while agreeing Aug. 11 to take over Paradigm for an $8.1 million
promissory note, or guarantee of payment.
Lotito says the Bidens, as his partners in LBB, were obligated to
inform him of their competing bid for Paradigm. Instead, Lotito
claims, they told him that the firm had "substantial liabilities" and
little chance of success.
Lotito claims that he introduced Hunter Biden to Paradigm executives
in January 2006 to help Biden find work outside of lobbying. According
to Lotito's complaint, Sen. Biden said he was concerned that Hunter
Biden's lobbying might affect his planned presidential campaign.
"It is apparent that Mr. Lotito is only invoking Senator Biden's name
to garner media attention," Alan Hoffman, the senator's chief of
staff, said in an e-mail yesterday. The senator is not a defendant in
Lotito's complaint.
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Note Tom DeLay and Marianas Islands.
And note Joe Biden's son also has a Marianas Islands lobbying job.:
The real scandal of Tom DeLay
Monday, May 9, 2005 Posted: 12:14 PM EDT (1614 GMT)
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Creators Syndicate) -- Forget the freebie trips
across the Atlantic and the Pacific. Forget the casinos and the
allegedly illicit contributions -- they represent only degrees of
To grasp the moral bankruptcy of the public Tom DeLay, the House
majority leader, you only have to know about Frank Murkowski and
But as chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee,
Frank Murkowski became furious at the abusive sweatshop conditions
endured by workers, overwhelmingly immigrants, in the U.S. territory
of the Northern Mariana Islands, of which Saipan is the capital.
Because they were produced in a territory of the United States,
garments traveled tariff-free and quota-free to the profitable U.S.
market and were entitled to display the coveted "Made in the USA"
Among the manufacturers that had profited from the un-free labor
market on the island were Tommy Hilfiger USA, Gap, Calvin Klein and
Liz Claiborne.
Moved by the sworn testimony of U.S. officials and human-rights
advocates that the 91 percent of the workforce who were immigrants --
from China, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh -- were being
paid barely half the U.S. minimum hourly wage and were forced to live
behind barbed wire in squalid shacks minus plumbing, work 12 hours a
day, often seven days a week, without any of the legal protections
U.S. workers are guaranteed, Murkowski wrote a bill to extend the
protection of U.S. labor and minimum-wage laws to the workers in the
U.S. territory of the Northern Marianas.
So compelling was the case for change the Alaska Republican marshaled
that in early 2000, the U.S. Senate unanimously passed the Murkowski
worker reform bill.
But one man primarily stopped the U.S. House from even considering
that worker-reform bill: then-House Republican Whip Tom DeLay.
According to law firm records recently made public, lobbyist Jack
Abramoff, paid millions to stop reform and keep the status quo, met
personally at least two dozen times with DeLay on the subject in one
two-year period. The DeLay staff was often in daily contact with
DeLay traveled with his family and staff over New Year's of 1997 on an
Abramoff scholarship endowed by his client, the government of the
territory, to the Marianas, where golf and snorkeling were enjoyed.
DeLay fully approved of the working and living conditions. The Texan's
salute to the owners and Abramoff's government clients was recorded by
ABC-TV News: "You are a shining light for what is happening to the
Republican Party, and you represent everything that is good about what
we are trying to do in America and leading the world in the
free-market system"
Later, DeLay would tell The Washington Post's Juliet Eilperin that the low-wage, anti-union conditions of the Marianas constituted "a perfect petri dish of capitalism. It's like my Galapagos Island."....
U.S. Sen. Biden Has Family Ties To Northern Marianas
Tuesday: August 26, 2008
(Saipan Tribune)
U.S. Sen. Joe Biden, presumptive Democratic presidential contender
Barack Obama's vice presidential candidate, has family ties to the
Northern Mariana Islands, the Saipan Tribune reports.
Biden's son, R. Hunter Biden, was a paid lobbyist for the Northern
Marianas government last year in an unsuccessful attempt to prevent
the federal takeover of local immigration and labor control, as well
as including the U.S. possession in legislation to raise the country's
minimum wage.
The younger Biden's lobbying firm, Oldaker, Biden and Belair, was
hired by the Northern Marianas Gov. Benigno Fitial in 2007 for $90,000
to lobby the U.S. Congress against those measures, the newspaper
Biden's son's lobbying role has raised questions in some U.S.
newspaper reports about the influence he may have had on his father,
who is chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and
previously chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Swissair 111 Crash,Israeli PM Ehud Olmert,Morris Talansky and AIPAC
Attorney Neal Sher Cover Up
Gremach Infrastructure's Google India Attack,Mozambique Coal Baron Squalor
Campbell White's Jonathan Heimberg - Pseudo Christian ?, Judeo Fascist ?,CIA ?
India Bombing,Ken Haywood,Campbell White,Door Ministries,Christian
Fellowship Ministries
Yahoo!,India Bombing: Campbell White Computer and Strange Fox
News-Frank Luntz Connection
Yahoo!'s China,U.S. Government Agents Jerry Yang,Carl Icahn,Missing
White House E-Mail,Adnan Khashoggi, GenesisIntermedia Stock Fraud,
Fox News: Greg Gutfeld,Adolf Hitler's Jewish Relative,Defends New
Yorker Barack Obama Hit Piece
Israeli Foreign Agent Sharon Tzur, Media Watch International,PM Ehud
Olmert,Rudy Giuliani,Morris Talansky Bribery,Fraud
CNN,Wolf Blitzer Cover Up Helped Ehud Olmert To Israeli PM Office
9/11:While Boston Slept,Logan Airport,ICTS International,Israeli PM
Ehud Olmert's Money Launderer Menachem Atzmon Looked On......
9/11:Bush,Kuwaiti,Israeli Involvement Documented In Securities
Exchange Commission Filings
W Bush,Chabad-Lubavitch,Rubashkin's Agriprocessors: Kosher Guns,Drugs,
Ilegal Rabbis,Guatemala Wage Slaves
WeCu,9/11:U.S.Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff Promotes
Israeli 'Security' Fraud
Israel PM Ehud Olmert,Menachem Atzmon,ICTS International,Morris
Talansky Global Technologies, U.S.Stock Money Launderers, WTC,
9/11/01,SwissAir 111,9/2/98
UK Robert Wishart London Money Laundering,SEC's,Georgetown
University's, John Polise,U.S.Penny Stock Fraud
SEC Inspector General H. David Kotz:Peace Corp'S Dayton Daily News
Critic,,Friend To Fraud
California Attorney Francis Pizzulli,Robert F Kennedy
Assassination,Afghhan Torture and Penny Stock Fraud,Money Laundering
University of California Berkeley Grads James Angel,Joshua Ridless
Join SEC Chris Cox's 'Fraud Speech Movement'
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's Air Water Corp stock fraud
promotes pedophilia
http://www.columbus.indymedia.org/node/13382 Israeli Prime Minister
Ehud Olmert,'Orthodox Jews',Stock Fraud,Gay Prostitutes and Death
Community Bank Northern Virginia's David P. Summers Also Texas
Endovasc Penny Stock Fraudster
Titan Corp's Makram Chams Suspends U.S. Constitution
http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2008/01/390122.htmlForbes on
Wikipedia:Gary Weiss 'Edits' James Dale Davidson's and His Own
Mitt Romney,CIA James Woolsey:Fox News' Islamofascist Ijaz Mansoor's
Advice Killed WSJ Reporter Daniel Pearl
Northern Rock, GB:Republican 'Libertarian' Ron Paul Lies About 'Naked
Short Selling'
EU,Mexico,CIA,Guantanamo Rendition Plane, Cocaine, Homeland 'Security'
Ambassador Marc Ginsberg,Fox News,Xybernaut Israeli U.S. Penny Stock Fraud
Scheming:Rudy Giuliani,Paul Singer, Vulture Funds Africa,Adnan
Khashoggi,W Bush
9/11,WTC,Tanya Head,Rudy Giuliani,Adnan Khashoggi,Bernie Kerik, Naked
Securities Fraud
9/11:CIA,Daily Kos,Jerome Arnstrong,Markos Moulitsas Zúniga,ICTS
Israel, Securacom Kuwait,ragingbull Fraud
Utah Governor Jon Huntsman Jr.,Securities Fraud,Stormy Simon
Striptease and Bloody Murder
Samaritan Pharmaceuticals,a Georgetown University Penny Stock Fraud
Pluristem Placentas,James Dale Davidson,Leumi Bank Israel Holocaust
Victims,U.S.Penny Stock Fraud
WTC,9/11,Logan Airport, Boston:Israeli ICTS 'Security':
Barney Frank,Ted Kennedy, John F. Kerry Face Psych Crisis
Reuters on Security Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox's
Terrorist List
Boston Logan Airport,9/11,WTC,Barney Frank,SEC,Israeli Penny Stock
Scam and Bloody Murder
Max Keiser ,Al Jazeera,Qatar promote Naked U.S. Penny Stock Fraud
Christopher'WMDS'Cox:Georgetown University James Angel Pimps Pink
Sheet Penny Stock
Ex U.S. Treasury Secretary John Snow,Michael Moore, Cerberus,Bawag
Austria and Cuba
Charles Schwab,Mantas 'AML':Did The CIA's SRA International Eat George
W Bush's E-mail ?
U.S. Ambassador Sam Fox:From Swift Boat War Fraud to Brussels,Belgium
SWIFT Finance Fraud
Israeli pResident Moshe Katsav's Penny Stock Partner Michael Zwebner
loses in U.S. Court
Cryptometrics:New Zealand Passport Office Used By U.S. Penny Stock Criminals ?
David Grin,Tel Aviv
University,Laurus Capital Management and Union Bank of Israel
FOIA,Alberto Gonzales and SEC'S Chris Cox Enron,Merrill Lych,Latham &
Watkins conflict
Tim Mahoney,vFinance,Venus Methodist Church,Florida,Sayed Mustafa and
Islamic Usury
Charles Schwab:vFinance's Charles Patrick Garcia receives Henry B.
Gonzalez award !?
Democrats William Jefferson,Tim Mahoney, iGate,vFinance,DOBI, Endovasc
penny stock frauds
James Dale Davidson,Charles Schwab,Tim Mahoney,VFIN, LOM and penny
stock share money laundering
Ireland Indymedia bans criticism of Lord Rees Mogg,James Dale Davidson
Post to Lord Rees-Mogg's Weblog re NASDAQ,London Stock Exchange
Virginia:Marvin Bush,Securacom,9/11,U.S. Senator George Allen,Bawag
U.S. Republican George Allen More Corrupt Than Utah Senators Bob
Bennett,Orrin Hatch ?
Asa Hutchinson,Charlie Crist,Jeb Bush,Republican stock fraud and drug
Why did Osama bin Laden choose Jeb Bush's Huffman Aviation terrorist
flight school ?
Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ?
Utah Gov Jon Huntsman,Senator Bennett, Hatch call Republican Senator
Shelby 'a gangster'
Does NY Times censor 9/11 Venice,Florida connection ?
NY Rep.Peter King,CIA,Swift,NY Times,Republican stock fraud
NY WTC 'protected' by Kuwaiti company and Marvin Bush on 9/11
Asa Hutchinson,Richard Rainwater,George W Bush,Tom DeLay & 5.6 Ton
cocaine bust in Mexico
SEC,Schwab,Chris Cox,Hillary Clinton & Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S
In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud
Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ?
Cocaina,Ciudad Del Carmen,Campeche, Abril 10,CIA,Republicanos Y PAN
Did Israel President Moshe Katsav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ?
Israel: Gal Lusky's 'IFA' Caught Up in Moshe Katsav,Mohamed Hadid,
Zwebner 'UCSY' scam ?
Israel President Moshe Katsav aids massive penny stock fraud
Did Israel President Moshe Katzav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ?
SEC,Schwab,Chris Cox,Hillary Clinton & Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S
In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud
Chris Cox,SEC,Makram Majid Chams,Titan Corp,9/11,Abhu Ghraib,etc.
SEC Covers Up UAE Money Laundering with U.S. Stocks
Time Magazine, Daniel Kadlec duped by Houston attorneys Wes Christian
and John O'Quinn
http://www.cleveland.indymedia.org/news/2005/11/17786.phpJohn Reed Stark
UAE,SEC,Georgetown University Stock fraud Academic
fraud Cyber fraud
http://www.maritimes.indymedia.org/news/2006/03/12190.phpDoes NSA Serve SRA
International's 'Cookies' ?
Porter Goss: CIA Cyber and stock fraud ops damaged by leaks ?
D.C.Terrorbaggers:James Dale Davidson,Don Nickles, ex-CIA Chief
Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen
Asa Hutchinson,ex Congressman Tom McMillen, Fortress America,offshore
money laundering
CIA,In-Q-Tel,Amit Yoran re SRA International, Mantas Inc stock fraud
money laundering
Mantas Inc,Herndon,Va,Pro-Money Laundering Arm of International
http://www.ftaaimc.org/en/2005/12 /7186.shtml
CIA and Gilman Louie are
less than honest
Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering
by Tony Ryals
Some background on Barack Hussein Obama's Democrat VP candidate Joseph Biden,whose fascist tendencies make one suspect that his ignorance of Israeli ex military men who run ICTS International's,(that is incorporated in his home state of Delaware),may not be a case of simple incompetence. That combined with the fact that Biden's sons are self serving and self dealing Washington,D.C. lobbyists and hedge fund scamsters and right wing political wanna bees opens the question of whether he minds or even encouraged both the war fraud as well as securities fraud committed by ICTS Israelis operating out of his own state.
It is a fact that Menachem Atzmon one of the Israeli founders of ICTS International that allowed or failed to stop Mohamed Atta,et.al., from boarding those two flights out of Logan Airport in Boston on 9/11/01 that collided with Rudy Giuliani's World Trade Center killing almost 3000 Americans and others,was a close associate of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and while Olmert got off Atzmon was convicted of diverting funds from Iraeli government to the Likud Party ! Why was he and ex Israeli military men then allowed to come to the U.S. as a convicted criminal and start a Delaware corporation and fund it with money ripped off Americans in a NASDAQ 'pump and dump' scam and then buy Huntleigh airport security and the contract out on Logan Airport Boston in the first place !?
Joseph Biden and our Congress could have closed ICTS International down but instead allowed them to keep operating around the world with American Airlines,including where they are headquartered in Holland in the UK and at Charles DeGualle Aiport in Paris where they allowed Richard Reed the 'shoe bomber' to board post 911!
Any review of the convicted,(in Israel)money launderer Menachem Atzmon's and Ezra Harel's et.al.'s ICTS International would find that it was a securities,(stock),fraud as well as a security fraud.
Joseph Biden,in allowing ICTS International to escape scrutiny and allowing his brother and his son to involve themselves with Paradigm hedge fund scum and penny stock operaters and pump and dump 'derivatives' scam artists is below contempt ....... and Barack Obama is rapidly catching up...

Biden, Iraq and Obama's Betrayal
By Stephen Zunes, Foreign Policy in Focus. Posted August 24, 2008.
The choice of Biden calls into question whether Obama's offering a "change we can believe in."
Incipient Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama’s selection of Joseph Biden as his running mate constitutes a stunning betrayal of the anti-war constituency who made possible his hard-fought victory in the Democratic primaries and caucuses.
The veteran Delaware senator has been one the leading congressional supporters of U.S. militarization of the Middle East and Eastern Europe, of strict economic sanctions against Cuba, and of Israeli occupation policies.
Most significantly, however, Biden, who chaired the Senate Foreign Relations Committee during the lead-up to the Iraq War during the latter half of 2002, was perhaps the single most important congressional backer of the Bush administration’s decision to invade that oil-rich country.
First before I get into the issue of Joe Biden's sons and their sleezy
scammy father-like ways I wish to state clearly and I say this because it needs to be said - and as a victim of U.S. PENNY STOCK FRAUD THAT HAS
light of recent news about Biden's family connections to offshore hedge
funds (that is generally linked to U.S. penny stock fraud and money
laundering), - John McPain I mean McCain would bode even worse - if
that's possible - than bidin' his time Biden !
However I wish to emphasize that the hedge funds that Daddy Joe Biden
pretends to oppose as well as the Paradigm Global Advisers hedge fund
Joe Biden's brother James and son Hunter bought would not be
possible without the corrupt corporate whore legal system in Delaware that daddy Joe Biden has presided over and given his approval of for DECADES now !Also the worthless penny stocks that scum like James and Hunter Biden fill their scammy pump and dump offshore hedge funds with to dump onshore to defraud their fellow Americans and then fill their offshore acounts with the stolen loot is sickening and disgusting.But if you complain to your Congressman or to Senator Biden they will either not respond or tell you that you deserved it - just like McCain might tell a rape victim !
Besides Delaware - Nevada,Florida, Utah and Texas are also centers of penny stock fraud and to my knowledge Joe Biden has never lifted a finger to
oppose this in his unending career as a Delaware Congressman - so what
is he trying to pretend or lie about opposing the offshore money
laundering tactics and penny stock pump and dump fraud - including of
Paradigm LLC that his brother and son bought from their fellow hedge
fund penny stock con and accomplice Anthony Lolito now !? What a hypocrite is Joe Biden and what
scum are his sons !
Regardless of the legal battle between Mr.Lottito and Hunter Biden
and his uncle, James Biden, is a principal in Paradigm.
So now come the Biden scumbags,father and son - I'd like tp puke.Daddy
scumbag Joe running as Barrack Hussein Obama's Dem VP running mate
says he passed legislation favoring his political contributers and son
Baeu's client's - to make declaring bankruptcy more difficult for the
broke and poor NOT to make it harder for them on purpose but to FIGHT
GAMBLING !? Hey,duh,if you want to fight gambling fight those who run
gambling establishments not their victims !If only Mr.Joseph Biden were
only so concerned about securities fraud many being incorporated in
his state of Delaware and getting money back for investors of those
frauds rather than using his position to get his sons and brother set
up in similar business fraud hedge fund scams.
If he had really been serious about fighting gambling he might have been able to keep the IFEN or In Flight Entertainment Network of Morris Talansky and his 'business' partners such as Zev Wolfson off that Swssair 111 that offered inflight gambling to its passengers including many U.N. employees traveling from NY to Europe
on September 2,1998 suspected of causing that crash off the Swissair 111 !
That would have stopped both a stock fraud and a security fraud and have saved over 200 lives if we are to believe Canadian investigators who concluded it was the faulty wiring on board Swissair 111 put their by contractors of that scam to provide
gambling entertainment from New York to Europe that brought it down
AFTER shutting off its blackbox !
I have written and I have written about the Israeli pump and dump
fraud called ICTS International that was incorporated in the state -
Biden's state - of Delaware in 1999 and how it was allowed to be
placed on the NASDAQ stock exchange even though both now Israeli PM
Ehud Olmert and his Likud Party pal Menachem Atzmon and family member
of the Atzmon law firm where Olmert was employed I presume of Israel
had already been charged with the equivalent of money laundering and
while Olmert sleezed out of it - Atzmon was convicted.And yet still
still he Atmon and other Israeli ex military types were allowed to
ener the U.S. and form a supposed airport,etc., 'security' firm and to
buy Huntleigh airport security operation with money defrauded from
Americans through their Delaware corporation,the state Biden
represents for in Congress decades ! - and besides filling their on
offshore including Israeli bank accounts they have enough cash to buy
Huntleigh airport rent-a-cops and its contract to guard Logan Airport
in Boston just before all heil breaks loose and that very airport
coincidentally was the weak link Mohamed Atta et.al. chose to board
flights into Rudy Giuliani's WTC or World Trade Center on 9 11 0l
MONEY LAUNDERERS were SO busy promoting their worthless Delaware
incorporated NASDAQ scam they didn't even notice Mohamed and gang
even get on their flight one way in theory into that New York WTC on
the fateful day ! In fact Menachem Atzmon and that scam called ICTS
International that later allowed Richard Reed the 'shoe bomber' to
board his flight post 911 from Charles DeGualle Airport in Paris bound for America POST 911 - was also
the job of Menachem Atzmon and those incomptent ex military Israelis with their Delaware-Biden corporation to prevent !Had Joe Biden prevented the
scammy Israelis running a securities fraud called ICTS International
from incorporating in Delawre he might have saved 3,000 lives on
9/11 and in fact might have prevented the Iraq War saving MANY more ! And another U.S. penny stock fraud called Securacom that went public at the asking price of $8.50 per share in 1997 and that may or not have been incorporated in Biden's state of Delaware also had the job of protecting Dulles Airport outside Washington and some responsibility for the WTC on9/11. It was run by a Mishra Al Sabah of Kuwait royalty, nemnesises of Saddam Hussein, as well as lesser known W Bush brother Marvin Bush and his cousin Wirt Walker III !These are all in SEC filings Mr.Biden !(Scumbag is all I can say about Joe Biden and the corrupt retards he reproduced.)
Now if Joe Biden has headed up and
'is chairman of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee, widely respected for his knowledge of international affairs' - why didn't he know that the convicted(in Israel) Menachem Atzmon and ex Israeli military men were guarding Logan Airport on 9/11 ? I mean,as a Delaware Senator with a son and a brother who deal with U.S.
penny stocks and offshore accounts to pump and dump the worthless shares from - he never knew that what was guarding Logan Airport on 9/11
was a Delaware incorporated stock manipulation scheme run by an Israeli who had a past criminal record in Israel before incorporating his money laundering scam in Biden's state of Delaware !?
Note that I who was defrauded in U.S. penny stocks and offshore money
laundering operations such as Biden's,et.al.'s Paradigm hedge fund
scam represents was able to find both warnings about Anthony Lotito Jr
and certain penny stock frauds he has aided and abetted and profited
from.Why couldn't the Bidens !? Do they allow the mentally retarded to
receive degrees from Georgetown University and Harvard or just people
with criminal minds !?(It is a fact that Georgetown University employs James Angel who aids penny stock scamsters and a group called NCANS or National Coalition Against Naked Short Selling whose only 'given' adress is the Cheetah Club lap dancing operation out of Las VBegas and Georgetown HAS ALSO HELPS A PENNY STOCK SCAM OUT OF LAS VEGAS CALLED SAMARITAN PHARMACEUTICALS ! REAL
Looks like a daisy chain of litigation among the normally economically incestuous Wall Street
and Washington,D.C.offshore-onshore
stock criminals and con artists in the case of Democratic VP candidate
Joe Biden's family(brother and son) vs Anthony Lotito vs Stephane
Farouze.The scammy Paradigm hedge fund-trust or whatever vagually
mentions its website 'derivatives' on its website.Paradigm con artist
and Deutsche Bank executive and penny stock scheister Stephane Farouze
bills himself as a derivatives specialist and you can find several
examples of Lolito and it looks like his wife as well involved with
some infamous penny stock frauds.One is Brek Energy that involves
Alexander H Walker ex SEC and tranfer agent at his and his family's
NATCO or Nevada Agency and Trust out of Nevada.Walker has been
involved with serial penny stock fraud and works with all sorts
of international criminals with offshore accounyts who pump and dump
worthless U.S. penny stocks and launder the stolen money including
many biotech scams as well as Sulpco of the Jewish Wolfson crime
family of New York and British Israeli Michael Zwebner who is in bed
with both Israeli PM Ehud Olmert and also Islamic money laundering
suspect Mohamid Hadid !
Some estimate the derivatives business which is just a euphemism in my opinion for worthless junk paper or now a days not even that - just
digits on a computer screen represent trillions of dollars in losses
for America and our defrauded economy but trillions of dollars that
digitally reappear in someones elses accounts in Burmuda or the
Caymans and the Caribbean or Israel or Lichtenstein or Switzerland or
Pacific Islands that now serve for little but storage of anonymous
accounts for crooks and terrorists.
In truth even the U.S. itself is a sight for major money laundering
after all with the issue of worthless paper particularly penny stocks
one would not have a derivatives market or need to have offshore
accounts to store the stolen loot in the first place !
Joe Biden and his appear to be part of the problem like Utah
Republican Mormon Senators Bob Bennett and Orin Hatch;(offshore
accounts and probably penny stocks in the Caymans also are apparently
part of McCain's pal,Moron Republican Mitt Romney's religion as well),
or Florida 16th District Democrat Methodist Church member Timothy
Mahoney whose vFinance has aided so many including CIA connected U.S.
penny stock frauds to operate as far as Kuala Lumpur and Dubai such as
Bellador Group boiler room that even cold called the CIA's SRA
International shares in Hong Kong and Endovasc that ripped me off as well as Biophan biotech fraud and the Republican pump and dump and money laundering operation called China Wireless but headquartered in Colorado.Yes since the days of BCCI and Ollie North pre compter era it has gotten way out of hand, particularly after the chaos created after 911 coincidentally) and many right wing fascists with Beltway connections have been taking advantage of it.
It's a small world in the penny stock fraud and money laundering
sector but if you have Wshington D.C. connections as Joe Biden's sons
and brother do - doors will be opened to you.Even Beltway banker David
P Summers who poses as a mild mannered conservative Northern
Virginis,Donion etc., banker for years has led another life as a
Texas 'biotech' genius - all for the purpose of defrauding his fellow
Americans and he may be CIA for all I know but he's an untouchable and
any fraud he commits is covered up and not invested such as Endovasc
and American Biomed,etc..
It turns out Anthony Lotito Jr(who has been sueing Joe Biden's son and
brother over who controlls the hedge fund penny stock derivatives
fraud operation called Paradigm Companies) as well as his wife Joy I
believe was involved in a penny stock petroleum scam that connects with Brek
Energy that connects with Alexander H Walker who in turn connects with
James Dale Davidson(of Steve Forbe's National Taxpayers Union,Agora
Inc,Bill Bonner's penny stock scheiters of Baltimore and world wide
internet and so many biotech,mining etc., penny stock frauds including
Israeli Technion University connected Pluristem,that claims to use
stem cells from oplacentas, along with ex Carlye and CIA Frank
Carlucci),by way of Endovasc and D.C. banker David P Summers,(who has
used both Delaware and Nevada incorporation for his Endovasc pump and dump), among other things and connects with Michael Zwebner who
connects with Israeli PM Ehud Olmert and Islamic charity money
laundering suspect Mohamed Hadid and on and on.....
Now this other character Stephane Farouze who is after Biden son and
brother and is part of Deutsche Bank and was the one who sold Paradigm to them in the first place is also a penny stock and 'derivatives' scheister.
So what is the connection between penny stocks and derivatives or is
that the whole point - penny stocks are the bulk of derivatives and
the big sucking sound of trillions of dollars from U.S. economy more from
penny stocks than the public is being educated to know and this is why
lieing about 'naked shorting' in penny stocks and now in Freddie Mac
and Fannie Mae is so much a part of SEC Chairman Christopher Cox's job
description ?
Also I've become more fascinated with why little brain damaged Joe
Biden never figured the 911 connection to his own state of Delaware and its 'securities' racket in the first place.Particularly why has he never said anything about convicted Israeli money launderer Menachem Atzmon's and Ezra Harel's ICTS International being registered in
Delaware ? Biden obviously wishes to keep Americans in the dark about
the real causes of 911 in the first place and to keep securities fraud
and money laundering through Delaware corporate scams and unaudited shares
alive and well...Joe Biden is no friend to America or Americans.

Derivatives – A Potential Financial Tsunami?
by Daniel Apple and Rick Baugnon
Global Research, March 21, 2008
Derivatives generate reported earnings that are often wildly
overstated and based on estimates whose inaccuracy may not be exposed
for many years. -Warren Buffet
Derivatives are complex financial transactions based upon underlying
instruments like real estate, bonds or stocks and are of two main
types; either bets about the direction of some market, or insurance,that takes on a hedging function against a market position.
9/11,Dem VP Joe Biden,Hunter Biden, Delaware Corp ICTS International
Fund manager sues son and brother of U.S. Senator Biden
Wed Aug 6, 2008 5:44pm
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A Deutsche Bank
executive is suing a son and a brother of Delaware Sen. Joe Biden for
at least $10 million over a deal they had to buy into a hedge fund,
according to court documents.
Stephane Farouze, who is global head of fund derivatives for Deutsche
Bank and lives in London, claimed that Biden's son Hunter and brother
James broke a May 2006 contract and defrauded him after agreeing to
buy his membership interests in New York-based Paradigm Companies LLC.
The lawsuit filed in New York State Supreme Court in Manhattan in June
names Washington lobbyist Hunter Biden, James Biden, and James's
former business partner Anthony Lotito as defendants.
On Wednesday, Farouze's lawyer Marlen Kruzhkov said that the Bidens
"never had any intention of carrying out the agreement with my
He said the Bidens and their lawyers have not responded to the complaint.
Representatives for the Bidens could not immediately be reached for comment.
The lawsuit said that while the Bidens took control of the company,
they never paid Farouze the cash they had agreed to pay.
Sen. Biden is a Delaware Democrat who was first elected to the U.S.
Senate in 1972. He has been mentioned as a possible vice presidential
candidate on Sen. Barack Obama's presidential ticket.
The lawsuit is the second accusing Biden's relatives of irregularities
in their deal to buy hedge fund firm Paradigm. An earlier lawsuit was
filed by Lotito in January 2007.
(Reporting by Grant McCool, editing by Phil Berlowitz)
Note even Farouze's name can be found on at least one fraudulent penny
stock and fronts such as Paradigm are just another way of profiting
from such frauds under greater anonymity.You can't tell
'what's in their wallets' when it is all buried in their anonymous
Paeadigm accounts,etc..

Tarrant Apparel Group (TAGS)
Russ and Farouze 30-Jul-03 04:07 am Just saw "Stephane
Farouze" and "Larry Russ" pop up as TAGS's Directors in some recent
SEC filings. There doesn't seem to be any press release about adding
new Directors. Any idea who these people are?
Hunter Biden appointed head of international penny stock fraud
'derivatives'operation money laundering operation in 2006.His partner in fraud

The following information supplements the information contained under
the sections "Investment Adviser" and "Fund Manager" of the
On May 2, 2006, LBB Holdings USA ("LBB Holdings") entered into
agreements providing for the merger of LBB Holdings with PARADIGM
Founders LLC, which is controlled by Dr. James Park, the founder of
the Company. Subsequently, LBB Holdings entered into an agreement to
acquire the PARADIGM Companies LLC equity interests held by Paradigm
Global Fund III, which is controlled by Stephane Farouze. The
transactions are subject to completion of customary due diligence and satisfaction of other closing conditions expected to be completed
during the third quarter of 2006. As a result of these transactions,
LBB Holdings would, through its majority ownership of Paradigm
Companies, LLC, become the majority holder of PARADIGM Global
Advisors, LLC ("PGA"), the investment adviser to PARADIGM Funds
Trust(the "Trust") and PARADIGM Multi Strategy Fund I, LLC (the
"Portfolio"), in which the Trust invests substantially all of its
shares (the "master-feeder structure"). In anticipation of the
acquisition, PARADIGM Founders and PARADIGM Global Fund III have
agreed to the appointment of LBB Holdings USA with respect to certain
operating matters of the Company and its subsidiaries, and have agreed
to appoint R. Hunter Biden as the interim Chief Executive Officer of
PARADIGM Companies, LLC and its subsidiaries during the due diligence
Newave, Inc is one example of Anthony Lotito's criminal penny stock
enterprise.So is another defunct
'pump and dump' scam called
GASCO ENERGY INC that apparently worked with the criminals who ran
Brek Energy a few years back and seemed to use Asia or Hong Kong to
launder their stolen American money and 'transfer agent' Alexander
Walker who aided Endovasc that ripped me off as well as UCSY or Air
Water Corp of British Israeli mafiosi
Michael Zwebner who is a pal of Israel PM Ehud Olmert ! Joseph Biden
should be in jail along with his sons or they should never be allowed
to hold public office or be involved in any management of a corporation !
Rip Off Report: Newave, Inc Online Supplier ripoff, charged my ...10
Aug 2006 ... Newave, Inc Online Supplier ripoff, charged my credit
card 29.95 after I did not want service. company is in someway
connected with e-bay ...
NeWave, Inc. OTC Bulletin Board: NWWV - Stock HideoutNeWave Receives
Rough Cut of Infomercial via COMTEX August 8, 2005 LONG BEACH, Calif.,
Aug 08, 2005 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- NeWave, Inc. (
Newave Inc. (fr.)Software Listing of Author : "Newave Inc. (fr.)" ...
Publisher: Newave Inc. (FR.)| Date Released: 23-11-2000 | Download
Size: 1613 KB | Download ...
NeWave, Inc [NWWV.OB]Notes about spam incidents involving the stock
NeWave, Inc [NWWV.OB]
AllPennyStocks.com spotlights NeWave, Inc.M2 PRESSWIRE-22 February
2005-AllPennyStocks.com: AllPennyStocks.com spotlights NeWave,
Inc.(C)1994-2005 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD RDATE:22022005 ...
Galaxy Energy,another Anthoby Lottito connected penny stock pump and dump.
Biden's son must really be an idiot to not have used the internet before going into 'business' with him...:

Galaxy Energy Corp (AMEX: GAX)
GAX Msg Board
« GAX Message list | Reply to msg. | Post new msg. « Older | Newer »
By: pipeline_pete
26 Mar 2008, 06:04 PM EDT
Msg. 3449 of 3455
(This msg. is a reply to 3448 by graben1.)
Jump to msg. #
Interesting Graben but since GAX doesn't have any production to get
restricted by pipeline constraints I don't see this as an issue. Also
since they just went into chapter 11 and the stock is no longer
I'm not sure that anything matters very much much anymore -----except
for the Bruners who will wind up with the assets.
good luck to you and all GAX shareholders. May we learn from our mistakes.
Web Results 21 - 26 of 26 for Anthony Lotito Jr sec.gov. (0.04 seconds)
Search Results
PetroHunter Energy Corp (Form: 10KSB, Received:
01/26/2007 15:16:16)o The election of Dr. Anthony K. Yeats, Kelly H.
Nelson and Carmen J. Lotito as directors of the Company; o The change
of our state of incorporation from ...
- 313k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
free-online-itv.blogspot.com/2008_01_01_archive.html - 977k - Cached -
Similar pages - Note this
[DOC] NOUVEAU INTERNATIONAL INC (Form: SB-2, Received: 10/01/1996
00:00:00)File Format: Microsoft Word - View as HTML
Gary W. Black, Jr. 37 General Manager of Vending Division and Field
Service Manager ...... Anthony Lotito and Joy Lotito............. 6432
6432 0 ...
- Similar pages - Note this
BREK ENERGY CORP (Form: DEF 14A, Received: 11/08/2007 09:38:01)Copies
of the documents incorporated by reference in this proxy
statement/prospectus can be obtained through the SEC's website at

- Similar pages - Note this
GASCO ENERGY INC (Form: S-4/A, Received: 10/18/2007 15:19:03)In
addition, another Gasco director, C. Tony Lotito, currently serves as
the ...... and at the web site maintained by the SEC at

- Similar pages - Note this
More results from google.brand.edgar-online.com »

This document is a prospectus of Gasco relating to the issuance of
Gasco common stock in connection with the merger and a proxy statement
of Brek to use in soliciting proxies for the special meeting of Brek
stockholders. It contains answers to frequently asked questions and a
summary description of the merger (beginning on page 1), followed by a
more detailed discussion of the merger and related matters. Please
review carefully the attached materials, including the matters
discussed under "Risk Factors" beginning on page 10.

Lobbyist Biden's Suit Against Former Hedge Fund Partner Dropped
By Thom Weidlich and Jenny Strasburg
Sept. 20 (Bloomberg) -- A judge threw out a lawsuit in which
Washington lobbyist R. Hunter Biden accused a former business partner
of lying about his professional credentials during negotiations to buy
an investment firm.
Biden, son of U.S. Senator Joseph Biden, and James Biden, the
senator's brother, sued Anthony Lotito Jr. in February, claiming
Lotito hid debts and falsely claimed he had securities licenses, in an
effort to lure them as partners in the $21.3 million acquisition of
New York-based Paradigm Cos.
``The connection between Lotito's alleged misrepresentations and the
losses alleged to have been incurred by defendants is tenuous at
best,'' Judge Bernard J. Fried of state court in New York said Sept.
10 in a written ruling.

Lobbyist Hunter Biden Is Sued on Paradigm Purchase (Update1)
By Jenny Strasburg and Thom Weidlich
Jan. 31 (Bloomberg) -- R. Hunter Biden, a Washington lobbyist,
fraudulently excluded a partner from the purchase of a hedge-fund
investment firm, the partner claims in a lawsuit.
Biden and his uncle James Biden squeezed investment consultant Anthony
Lotito Jr. out of the 2006 acquisition of New York-based Paradigm
Cos., Lotito says in a complaint filed Jan. 5 in New York state court.
The Bidens lied to Lotito about their joint offer while negotiating a
better deal alone, Lotito's complaint says. The Bidens deny the
``He wants back what was stolen from him,'' said Lotito's lawyer,
Brian Wille of Kostelanetz & Fink LLP in New York. ``He entered into
this transaction believing in the honesty and integrity of the

NWWV Member Forum
« CLB01382 Message list
By: sexyalexis
02 Oct 2007, 01:28 PM EDT
Msg. 1 of 1
Jump to msg. #
New Wave Media currently has 137,000,000 restricted and 117,000,000
free trading shares for a total of 254,000,000 and the transfer agent
is transfer Online of Portland Oregon.
NeWave, Inc. NWWV - News today announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary

NeWave, Inc. NWWV - News today announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary
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The 23,000 new members represent an 80% increase in new members enrolled
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NeWave CEO Michael Hill stated, "I am thrilled to report another stellar
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subsidiary has posted positive operating income. We continue to strive towards overall corporate
profitability and positive cash flow, and I believe that we will achieve those objectives this year given our recent performance and the continued growth of ecommerce."
About NeWave, Inc.
Through its websites 'onlinesupplier.com' and 'buydiscount.com', NeWave
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significant savings to its online loyalty club customers and members.
To find out more about NeWave (OTC Bulletin Board: NWWV), visit our
websites at www.newave-inc.com, www.onlinesupplier.com and
www.buydiscount.com. The Company's public financial information and
filings can be viewed at www.sec.gov.
Joe Biden's spoiled brats are beginning to remind me more of Qusay
Uday Hussein all the time.....And I thought it was Barrack who had a
Hussein attached to his name but it is Joe who has son's who behave
like they inherited class priviledge to lie cheat and steal......And
like Saddam Hussein Joe Biden came from working class roots so maybe
it gave both of them determination to do whatever they could to keep
themselves and their sons in the elite class once they got there...

MBNA paid Biden son at critical time for bill August 25, 2008 6:53 PM ET
All Associated Press newsWASHINGTON (AP) -
''A son of Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden was paid an undisclosed amount of money as a consultant by MBNA, the largest
employer in Delaware, during the years the senator supported
legislation that was promoted by the credit card industry and opposed
by consumer groups.''.....
''The financial services industry made the case that bankruptcy
frequently is a refuge of gamblers, impulsive shoppers, divorced or
separated fathers avoiding child support, and multimillionaires who
buy mansions in states with liberal exemptions to shelter assets from
When the Senate Judiciary Committee approved the bill early in 2005,
Biden, Dianne Feinstein of California and Herb Kohl of Wisconsin were
the only Democrats to vote with the Republican majority. Biden also
voted for the bill on final passage in the Senate, while Obama voted
against it.''

''Besides his lobbying and consulting work, Hunter Biden is also
chairman of a New York-based hedge fund group, called Paradigm Global
Advisers, which faces lawsuits from a former business partner, a
former investor, and a former executive, all of whom claim they were
defrauded. Besides Hunter Biden, his uncle, James Biden, is a
principal in Paradigm.
In one lawsuit, former investor Anthony Lotito contends that James
Biden called him in January, 2006, asking him to arrange a job for
Hunter Biden because of Joseph Biden's concerns that his son's
lobbying career might hurt his bid for the White House.
Lotito provides no evidence of the senator's involvement in the court
papers, however. Hunter and James Biden countersued, accusing their
former partner defrauded them by misrepresenting his experience in the
hedge fund industry and recommending that they hire a lawyer with
felony convictions.''
Sen. Joe Biden's younger son gets scrutiny for lobbying, financial dealings
By Carol Eisenberg | August 28, 2008 at 9:27am | 0
Sen. Joseph Biden may boast that he takes Amtrak home to Delaware
every night, but his younger son, Robert Hunter Biden, appears to be a
creature of the Washington establishment.
"Hunter," as friends and family call him, is a 38-year-old lawyer
whose work as a lobbyist and a hedge fund principal has created some
awkward moments for the elder Biden, just as the Democratic
vice-presidential nominee is emphasizing his working-class origins and how he has tackled moneyed interests on behalf of ordinary Americans.
Hint: Click in map to explore connectionsStory continues below
interactive map MAP HINTS: Click expands a name. Control+Click centers
map on a name. Solid lines are current relations. Dotted lines are
former relations. For advanced tools choose Tools > Options from the
menu at top. More help. Not seeing the maps? Please go here to check
for the latest version of Java.See large version of map | See full
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Hunter Biden, the second son of Biden and his late wife, Neilia,
served in the Jesuit Volunteer Corps after graduating from Georgetown
University. Right out of Yale Law School, he landed a job with
financial services giant MBNA, the largest employer in Delaware and a
major contributor to his father's campaigns.
After stints as a presidential appointee in Bill Clinton's Commerce
Department and a consultant for MBNA, he went into business with
William Oldaker, a former Federal Election Commission counsel and
longtime adviser and fund-raiser for his father.
Oldaker, Biden & Belair, LLP made $1.7 million in the first six months
of this year, and is registered to represent clients including the
government of the Northern Mariana Islands, the National Association
of Shareholders & Consumer Attorneys and a number of colleges and
Biden's clients reported paying the company $470,000 so far this year,
according to the analysis by USA Today.
It is not illegal for a member of Congress to have a relative in the
lobbying profession. At least 24 House members and 31 senators had
relatives registered as lobbyists in the 2002, 2004 and 2006 election
cycles, according to research by Citizens for Responsibility and
Ethics in Washington, a liberal watchdog group.
But the reports about Hunter Biden's business activities are
particularly sensitive at a time when presumptive Democratic nominee
Barack Obama has vowed to reduce the influence of special interest
groups on policymaking and barred contributions from lobbyists.
The Washington Post, for instance, documented how the younger Biden
sought help from Obama's staff to secure earmarks for several of his
Illinois clients, including a college nursing program and a hospital.
The paper reported that Hunter Biden got the cooperation of Obama's
office to win $190,000 in federal funds for St. Xavier University, a
four-year, 5,600-student institution run by the Roman Catholic Sisters
of Mercy in suburban Chicago.
Biden also sought help from Obama's staff to get funding for Chicago's
Thorek Memorial Hospital. In 2006, Obama asked for $2 million for a
cancer research treatment center there, according to a letter
requesting the money posted on Obama's campaign website. Hunter Biden
was the registered lobbyist and his firm was paid $120,000 for
representing Thorek, which has not received funding, according to the
Obama spokesman David Wade told the Post that Hunter Biden never
appealed directly to the senator.
"Hunter Biden met with the Obama Senate office, not with Senator
Obama," Wade said. "It's hardly surprising that a senator from
Illinois would fight for investments in Mercy Hospital, Thorek
Hospital and St. Xavier University right in Illinois, or that he'd be
joined in that effort by a Republican colleague, Representative Judy
Prior to working for Oldaker, Hunter Biden was the senior vice
president and then a consultant for credit card company MBNA Corp.
From 2001 to 2005, he was paid an undisclosed amount by the company,
which has since been purchased by Bank of America.
Those were the same years that his father was helping the credit card
industry win passage of a law making it harder for consumers to file
for bankrupty protection – a law opposed by Obama and which was
finally passed in 2005.
Obama aides told the New York Times that Hunter Biden had never
lobbied for MBNA and that there was nothing improper about the
consulting payments.
Besides his lobbying and consulting work, Hunter Biden is also
chairman of a New York-based hedge fund group, called Paradigm Global
Advisers, which faces lawsuits from a former business partner, a
former investor, and a former executive, all of whom claim they were
defrauded. Besides Hunter Biden, his uncle, James Biden, is a
principal in Paradigm.
In one lawsuit, former investor Anthony Lotito contends that James
Biden called him in January, 2006, asking him to arrange a job for
Hunter Biden because of Joseph Biden's concerns that his son's
lobbying career might hurt his bid for the White House.
Lotito provides no evidence of the senator's involvement in the court
papers, however. Hunter and James Biden countersued, accusing their
former partner defrauded them by misrepresenting his experience in the
hedge fund industry and recommending that they hire a lawyer with
felony convictions.
In an affidavit, Hunter Biden said his father had nothing to do with
the deal and that it is Lotito who swindled the Bidens.
The campaign of Sens. Barack Obama and Biden declined to discuss the
case with reporters, referring questions to Nicholas Gravante Jr., a
lawyer representing Hunter and James Biden. Gravante told the
Washington Post that assertions that Joseph Biden told his brother he
was concerned about his son's lobbying are "absolutely false."
Biden Family Financial Connections Detailed

The Times reports that the firm promised to finance a hedge fund deal
for Biden's son, Hunter, and brother, James (which ultimately fell
through); picked the law firm of another son, Beau, to work on dozens
of asbestos cases in Delaware; and that SimmonsCoopers employees
donated about $200,000 to Biden's campaign efforts since 2001, making
the company his top donor...
Hunter Biden received consulting fees from MBNA Corp. over a four-year
stretch to work on online banking issues, as his father helped the
credit card industry push through a law that made it harder for
consumers to file for bankruptcy protection, The New York Times has
google paradigm llc biden


Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Same day Biden announces he's running for president and that he'll
announce it on Comedy Central, his son, a Beltway lobbyist, was
slapped with an ugly and very embarrassing lawsuit involving the kind
of hedge-fund investment firm his dad spends so much time dealing with
to the exclusion of real issues that plague real Americans. "R. Hunter
Biden, a Washington lobbyist and son of U.S. presidential hopeful
Senator Joseph Biden, fraudulently excluded a partner from the
purchase of a hedge-fund investment firm, the partner claims in a
lawsuit. Biden and his uncle James Biden squeezed investment
consultant Anthony Lotito Jr. out of the 2006 acquisition of New
York-based Paradigm Cos., Lotito says in a complaint filed Jan. 5 in
New York state court. The Bidens lied to Lotito about their joint
offer while negotiating a better deal alone, Lotito's complaint says.
The Bidens deny the claims. 'He wants back what was stolen from him,'
said Lotito's lawyer, Brian Wille of Kostelanetz & Fink LLP in New
York. 'He entered into this transaction believing in the honesty and
integrity of the Bidens.' Hunter Biden, 36, founder and partner of
Washington-based lobbying firm Oldaker, Biden & Belair LLP, stepped
down this month from daily oversight of Paradigm Global Advisors LLC,
a unit of Paradigm Cos. that manages investments in hedge funds. He
became the firm's chairman and remains a lobbyist, an unusual dual
role as scrutiny of the hedge-fund industry has increased." Cozy but I
guess there is no Senator Oldaker or Senator Belair to help the firm.
Biden's Son Sues Ex-Partner
Lobbyist, With Senator's Brother, Alleges Fraud in Fund Buyout
By Jenny Strasburg and Thom Weidlich
Bloomberg News
Wednesday, February 21, 2007; Page D02
R. Hunter Biden, a Washington lobbyist, accused a former business
partner of lying about his professional credentials and finances after
they agreed to buy a hedge fund investment firm in 2006, according to
a complaint in New York state court.
Biden, son of Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.), and James Biden, the
senator's brother, countersued Anthony Lotito Jr. on Feb. 13, saying
he hid debts and falsely claimed he held securities licenses to lure
them as partners in the planned $21.3 million acquisition. Lotito also
persuaded the Bidens to hire a lawyer who had been convicted of fraud,
according to the complaint.

Biden's Son Sues Ex-Partner
Lobbyist, With Senator's Brother, Alleges Fraud in Fund Buyout
By Jenny Strasburg and Thom Weidlich
Bloomberg News
Wednesday, February 21, 2007; Page D02
R. Hunter Biden, a Washington lobbyist, accused a former business
partner of lying about his professional credentials and finances after
they agreed to buy a hedge fund investment firm in 2006, according to
a complaint in New York state court.
Biden, son of Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.), and James Biden, the
senator's brother, countersued Anthony Lotito Jr. on Feb. 13, saying
he hid debts and falsely claimed he held securities licenses to lure
them as partners in the planned $21.3 million acquisition. Lotito also
persuaded the Bidens to hire a lawyer who had been convicted of fraud,
according to the complaint.
"Had James and Hunter Biden known the truth about Anthony Lotito, they
never would have gone into business with him," says the complaint,
which accuses Lotito of fraud and seeks at least $10 million.
Lotito, 49, sued the Bidens on Jan. 5, claiming that they illegally
excluded him from a takeover of New York-based Paradigm Cos. while
negotiating a better deal for themselves. The Bidens now control
Paradigm. The dispute highlights Hunter Biden's unusual dual roles as
lobbyist and investment executive at a time when hedge funds face
greater regulatory scrutiny.
Hunter Biden, 37, stepped down last month from daily oversight of
Paradigm Global Advisors, a unit of Paradigm, which has about $500
million in client money invested in hedge funds. Biden became chairman
of the firm, founded in 1991. He remains a lobbyist with Oldaker,
Biden & Belair of the District, where he is partner and founder. James
Biden, 57, is not involved in Paradigm's management.
Last year, the Bidens agreed to a partnership with Lotito that would
pay him $25,000 a month to find investors for the Paradigm buyout,
with an Oct. 31 deadline to close the transaction. Lotito "failed to
secure even one investor" and all agreed in September to end the
partnership, LBB Holdings USA, according to the Bidens' complaint.
They also claim that Lotito
"fraudulently induced them" to hire John Fasciana, a New York lawyer, to represent the partnership in
negotiations with Paradigm. Fasciana had been convicted in July 2005
on federal charges of conspiracy and wire and mail fraud related to a
scheme to steal millions of dollars from Electronic Data Systems of
Plano, Tex., the world's second-largest computer-services company.
Fasciana was sentenced in November to four years in prison. He has
Separately, Fasciana sued the Bidens and Lotito in August, seeking
$198,000 in legal fees he says they owe him. The Bidens denied the
claim in November and countersued Fasciana, saying he overbilled and
defrauded them by hiding his conviction.
In his lawsuit, Lotito is seeking at least $100 million on claims of
fraud and breach of fiduciary duty. He says the Bidens lied to him
while agreeing Aug. 11 to take over Paradigm for an $8.1 million
promissory note, or guarantee of payment.
Lotito says the Bidens, as his partners in LBB, were obligated to
inform him of their competing bid for Paradigm. Instead, Lotito
claims, they told him that the firm had "substantial liabilities" and
little chance of success.
Lotito claims that he introduced Hunter Biden to Paradigm executives
in January 2006 to help Biden find work outside of lobbying. According
to Lotito's complaint, Sen. Biden said he was concerned that Hunter
Biden's lobbying might affect his planned presidential campaign.
"It is apparent that Mr. Lotito is only invoking Senator Biden's name
to garner media attention," Alan Hoffman, the senator's chief of
staff, said in an e-mail yesterday. The senator is not a defendant in
Lotito's complaint.
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Note Tom DeLay and Marianas Islands.
And note Joe Biden's son also has a Marianas Islands lobbying job.:

The real scandal of Tom DeLay
Monday, May 9, 2005 Posted: 12:14 PM EDT (1614 GMT)
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Creators Syndicate) -- Forget the freebie trips
across the Atlantic and the Pacific. Forget the casinos and the
allegedly illicit contributions -- they represent only degrees of
To grasp the moral bankruptcy of the public Tom DeLay, the House
majority leader, you only have to know about Frank Murkowski and
But as chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee,
Frank Murkowski became furious at the abusive sweatshop conditions
endured by workers, overwhelmingly immigrants, in the U.S. territory
of the Northern Mariana Islands, of which Saipan is the capital.
Because they were produced in a territory of the United States,
garments traveled tariff-free and quota-free to the profitable U.S.
market and were entitled to display the coveted "Made in the USA"
Among the manufacturers that had profited from the un-free labor
market on the island were Tommy Hilfiger USA, Gap, Calvin Klein and
Liz Claiborne.
Moved by the sworn testimony of U.S. officials and human-rights
advocates that the 91 percent of the workforce who were immigrants --
from China, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh -- were being
paid barely half the U.S. minimum hourly wage and were forced to live
behind barbed wire in squalid shacks minus plumbing, work 12 hours a
day, often seven days a week, without any of the legal protections
U.S. workers are guaranteed, Murkowski wrote a bill to extend the
protection of U.S. labor and minimum-wage laws to the workers in the
U.S. territory of the Northern Marianas.
So compelling was the case for change the Alaska Republican marshaled
that in early 2000, the U.S. Senate unanimously passed the Murkowski
worker reform bill.
But one man primarily stopped the U.S. House from even considering
that worker-reform bill: then-House Republican Whip Tom DeLay.
According to law firm records recently made public, lobbyist Jack
Abramoff, paid millions to stop reform and keep the status quo, met
personally at least two dozen times with DeLay on the subject in one
two-year period. The DeLay staff was often in daily contact with
DeLay traveled with his family and staff over New Year's of 1997 on an
Abramoff scholarship endowed by his client, the government of the
territory, to the Marianas, where golf and snorkeling were enjoyed.
DeLay fully approved of the working and living conditions. The Texan's
salute to the owners and Abramoff's government clients was recorded by
ABC-TV News: "You are a shining light for what is happening to the
Republican Party, and you represent everything that is good about what
we are trying to do in America and leading the world in the
free-market system"
Later, DeLay would tell The Washington Post's Juliet Eilperin that the low-wage, anti-union conditions of the Marianas constituted "a perfect petri dish of capitalism. It's like my Galapagos Island."....
U.S. Sen. Biden Has Family Ties To Northern Marianas
Tuesday: August 26, 2008
(Saipan Tribune)
U.S. Sen. Joe Biden, presumptive Democratic presidential contender
Barack Obama's vice presidential candidate, has family ties to the
Northern Mariana Islands, the Saipan Tribune reports.
Biden's son, R. Hunter Biden, was a paid lobbyist for the Northern
Marianas government last year in an unsuccessful attempt to prevent
the federal takeover of local immigration and labor control, as well
as including the U.S. possession in legislation to raise the country's
minimum wage.
The younger Biden's lobbying firm, Oldaker, Biden and Belair, was
hired by the Northern Marianas Gov. Benigno Fitial in 2007 for $90,000
to lobby the U.S. Congress against those measures, the newspaper
Biden's son's lobbying role has raised questions in some U.S.
newspaper reports about the influence he may have had on his father,
who is chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and
previously chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Swissair 111 Crash,Israeli PM Ehud Olmert,Morris Talansky and AIPAC
Attorney Neal Sher Cover Up

Gremach Infrastructure's Google India Attack,Mozambique Coal Baron Squalor

Campbell White's Jonathan Heimberg - Pseudo Christian ?, Judeo Fascist ?,CIA ?

India Bombing,Ken Haywood,Campbell White,Door Ministries,Christian
Fellowship Ministries

Yahoo!,India Bombing: Campbell White Computer and Strange Fox
News-Frank Luntz Connection

Yahoo!'s China,U.S. Government Agents Jerry Yang,Carl Icahn,Missing
White House E-Mail,Adnan Khashoggi, GenesisIntermedia Stock Fraud,

Fox News: Greg Gutfeld,Adolf Hitler's Jewish Relative,Defends New
Yorker Barack Obama Hit Piece

Israeli Foreign Agent Sharon Tzur, Media Watch International,PM Ehud
Olmert,Rudy Giuliani,Morris Talansky Bribery,Fraud

CNN,Wolf Blitzer Cover Up Helped Ehud Olmert To Israeli PM Office

9/11:While Boston Slept,Logan Airport,ICTS International,Israeli PM
Ehud Olmert's Money Launderer Menachem Atzmon Looked On......
9/11:Bush,Kuwaiti,Israeli Involvement Documented In Securities
Exchange Commission Filings

W Bush,Chabad-Lubavitch,Rubashkin's Agriprocessors: Kosher Guns,Drugs,
Ilegal Rabbis,Guatemala Wage Slaves

WeCu,9/11:U.S.Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff Promotes
Israeli 'Security' Fraud

Israel PM Ehud Olmert,Menachem Atzmon,ICTS International,Morris
Talansky Global Technologies, U.S.Stock Money Launderers, WTC,
9/11/01,SwissAir 111,9/2/98

UK Robert Wishart London Money Laundering,SEC's,Georgetown
University's, John Polise,U.S.Penny Stock Fraud

SEC Inspector General H. David Kotz:Peace Corp'S Dayton Daily News
Critic,,Friend To Fraud

California Attorney Francis Pizzulli,Robert F Kennedy
Assassination,Afghhan Torture and Penny Stock Fraud,Money Laundering

University of California Berkeley Grads James Angel,Joshua Ridless
Join SEC Chris Cox's 'Fraud Speech Movement'

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's Air Water Corp stock fraud
promotes pedophilia

Ehud Olmert,'Orthodox Jews',Stock Fraud,Gay Prostitutes and Death

Community Bank Northern Virginia's David P. Summers Also Texas
Endovasc Penny Stock Fraudster

Titan Corp's Makram Chams Suspends U.S. Constitution

Wikipedia:Gary Weiss 'Edits' James Dale Davidson's and His Own

Mitt Romney,CIA James Woolsey:Fox News' Islamofascist Ijaz Mansoor's
Advice Killed WSJ Reporter Daniel Pearl

Northern Rock, GB:Republican 'Libertarian' Ron Paul Lies About 'Naked
Short Selling'

EU,Mexico,CIA,Guantanamo Rendition Plane, Cocaine, Homeland 'Security'

Ambassador Marc Ginsberg,Fox News,Xybernaut Israeli U.S. Penny Stock Fraud

Scheming:Rudy Giuliani,Paul Singer, Vulture Funds Africa,Adnan
Khashoggi,W Bush

9/11,WTC,Tanya Head,Rudy Giuliani,Adnan Khashoggi,Bernie Kerik, Naked
Securities Fraud

9/11:CIA,Daily Kos,Jerome Arnstrong,Markos Moulitsas Zúniga,ICTS
Israel, Securacom Kuwait,ragingbull Fraud

Utah Governor Jon Huntsman Jr.,Securities Fraud,Stormy Simon
Striptease and Bloody Murder

Samaritan Pharmaceuticals,a Georgetown University Penny Stock Fraud

Pluristem Placentas,James Dale Davidson,Leumi Bank Israel Holocaust
Victims,U.S.Penny Stock Fraud

WTC,9/11,Logan Airport, Boston:Israeli ICTS 'Security':
Barney Frank,Ted Kennedy, John F. Kerry Face Psych Crisis

Reuters on Security Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox's
Terrorist List

Boston Logan Airport,9/11,WTC,Barney Frank,SEC,Israeli Penny Stock
Scam and Bloody Murder

Max Keiser ,Al Jazeera,Qatar promote Naked U.S. Penny Stock Fraud

Christopher'WMDS'Cox:Georgetown University James Angel Pimps Pink
Sheet Penny Stock

Ex U.S. Treasury Secretary John Snow,Michael Moore, Cerberus,Bawag
Austria and Cuba

Charles Schwab,Mantas 'AML':Did The CIA's SRA International Eat George
W Bush's E-mail ?

U.S. Ambassador Sam Fox:From Swift Boat War Fraud to Brussels,Belgium
SWIFT Finance Fraud

Israeli pResident Moshe Katsav's Penny Stock Partner Michael Zwebner
loses in U.S. Court

Cryptometrics:New Zealand Passport Office Used By U.S. Penny Stock Criminals ?

David Grin,Tel Aviv
University,Laurus Capital Management and Union Bank of Israel

FOIA,Alberto Gonzales and SEC'S Chris Cox Enron,Merrill Lych,Latham &
Watkins conflict

Tim Mahoney,vFinance,Venus Methodist Church,Florida,Sayed Mustafa and
Islamic Usury

Charles Schwab:vFinance's Charles Patrick Garcia receives Henry B.
Gonzalez award !?

Democrats William Jefferson,Tim Mahoney, iGate,vFinance,DOBI, Endovasc
penny stock frauds

James Dale Davidson,Charles Schwab,Tim Mahoney,VFIN, LOM and penny
stock share money laundering

Ireland Indymedia bans criticism of Lord Rees Mogg,James Dale Davidson

Post to Lord Rees-Mogg's Weblog re NASDAQ,London Stock Exchange

Virginia:Marvin Bush,Securacom,9/11,U.S. Senator George Allen,Bawag

U.S. Republican George Allen More Corrupt Than Utah Senators Bob
Bennett,Orrin Hatch ?

Asa Hutchinson,Charlie Crist,Jeb Bush,Republican stock fraud and drug

Why did Osama bin Laden choose Jeb Bush's Huffman Aviation terrorist
flight school ?

Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ?

Utah Gov Jon Huntsman,Senator Bennett, Hatch call Republican Senator
Shelby 'a gangster'

Does NY Times censor 9/11 Venice,Florida connection ?

NY Rep.Peter King,CIA,Swift,NY Times,Republican stock fraud

NY WTC 'protected' by Kuwaiti company and Marvin Bush on 9/11

Asa Hutchinson,Richard Rainwater,George W Bush,Tom DeLay & 5.6 Ton
cocaine bust in Mexico

SEC,Schwab,Chris Cox,Hillary Clinton & Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S
In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud

Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ?

Cocaina,Ciudad Del Carmen,Campeche, Abril 10,CIA,Republicanos Y PAN

Did Israel President Moshe Katsav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ?

Israel: Gal Lusky's 'IFA' Caught Up in Moshe Katsav,Mohamed Hadid,
Zwebner 'UCSY' scam ?

Israel President Moshe Katsav aids massive penny stock fraud

Did Israel President Moshe Katzav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ?

SEC,Schwab,Chris Cox,Hillary Clinton & Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S
In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud

Chris Cox,SEC,Makram Majid Chams,Titan Corp,9/11,Abhu Ghraib,etc.

SEC Covers Up UAE Money Laundering with U.S. Stocks

Time Magazine, Daniel Kadlec duped by Houston attorneys Wes Christian
and John O'Quinn

UAE,SEC,Georgetown University Stock fraud Academic
fraud Cyber fraud

International's 'Cookies' ?

Porter Goss: CIA Cyber and stock fraud ops damaged by leaks ?

D.C.Terrorbaggers:James Dale Davidson,Don Nickles, ex-CIA Chief
Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen

Asa Hutchinson,ex Congressman Tom McMillen, Fortress America,offshore
money laundering

CIA,In-Q-Tel,Amit Yoran re SRA International, Mantas Inc stock fraud
money laundering

Mantas Inc,Herndon,Va,Pro-Money Laundering Arm of International

CIA and Gilman Louie are
less than honest

Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering

Tony Ryals