Three HLS bosses home demos in DC
WSQT Guerrilla Radio 88.1 FM | 27.08.2008 22:49 | SHAC | Animal Liberation | Health | World
Download audio-Three HLS client execs get home demos:
Some of the signs outside Marlene Nicholson's place-people were on BOTH sidewalk
This woman screamed at protesters to leave, trying without sucess to demand ID
This wealthy neighbor grabbed for my camera but could not get it
(clip- HLS is a contract animal lab that kills 500 animals each and every day of the week. They've been exposed in 6 undercover investigations punching beagle puppies in the face and dissecting live monkeys...)
(Clip) Marlene Nicholson protest(Marlene Nicholson is Capitol manager for Barclay's, which owns over 3000 shares of HLS)
Next target: Danial Shapiro-works for Barclays, chief LOBBYIST
(clip-"For the cat and for the mouse-we are outside of your house!)
Some ultra-wealthy upper NW residents value their own "peace and quiet" more than the lives of the 70,000 animals being tortured to death in HLS.
(clip-naSSSTY yuppie lawyer tried to demand ID from protesters-says"not welcome" in her ultra-RICH neighborhood.)
Think we're stupid enough to carry ID to a home demo?
After ditching the cops, protesters moved on to the final target of the day-Jennifer Loray(or Luray), an executive with Abbot Labs, another HLS customer.
Someone called the cops, and ofc Reinhorn,badge number 3429 chose to lie about the law and threaten arrests he had no legal right to make.
(tape-cop threatens protesters with arrest-and claims ALL home demos are arrestable offense!)
There you have it-cops with NO respect for their own laws, looking down the barrel of a magnum-caliber lawsuit
Perhaps these cops and the Mayor are still sore about the home demo at FENTY's place last week by Franklin Shelter residents?
Whether you torture animals for a living, deny life saving meds to the poor, or close homeless shelters to the National park Service can re-seed the mall, home demos are coming to YOUR place real soon-in DC there's NO SLEEP FOR THE WICKED!
WSQT Guerrilla Radio 88.1 FM
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Great media clip
28.08.2008 01:17