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Silvio Berlusconi: European democracy never has been in bigger danger...

Hans Ceustermans | 26.08.2008 17:15

’Who has fear dies every day. Who has not, dies only once…’
Judge Paolo Borsellino(RIP)

On 8 april 2008, a few days before the elections, Silvio Berlusconi confirms that the life sentenced gangster Vittorio Mangano, who worked several years as ‘horsekeeper’ at the villa of Berlusconi, was a hero.
Could it be that this was a message for somebody?

’Who has fear dies every day. Who has not, dies only once’ Paulo Borsellino(RIP)
’Who has fear dies every day. Who has not, dies only once’ Paulo Borsellino(RIP)

’Who has fear dies every day. Who has not, dies only once…’
Judge Paolo Borsellino(RIP)

On 8 april 2008, a few days before the elections, Silvio Berlusconi confirms that the life sentenced gangster Vittorio Mangano, who worked several years as ‘horse keeper’ at the villa of Berlusconi, was a hero.
Could it be that this was a message for somebody?

In his last interview(19 may 1992), judge Paolo Borsellino described Vittorio Mangano not as a little fish but as the mafia bridge(‘il ponte’) to north Italy.
This interview has only been seen on one satellite television channel so in fact nobody in Italy has noticed it(video and written version)
Borsellino talks about the fact that the mafia is very interested to invest their money in the business world and tries to penetrate.
Furthermore he mentions that there are more running investigations involving Mangano, Berlusconi and senator Dell’Utri (Berlusconi’s right hand and co-founder of Forza Italia and several times convicted).

Two days after this interview, his colleague judge Giovanni Falcone dies in one of the most brutal bomb attacks ever.
30 meters of highway were destroyed in the ‘strage di Capaci’.
Two months later, Paolo Borsellino dies in again another brutal bomb attack.
A hero was murdered…
’Who has fear dies every day. Who has not, dies only once…’ was his belief.

Borsellino and Falcone were murdered in full ‘mani
pulite’ time.
In that period Silvio Berlusconi decided to dedicate himself to politics.
Some party members of Silvio Berlusconi have declared explicitly that the raising of a new party would be the only escape to keep them out of jail.

Organized crime is very interested in European business(interview with Rita Borsellino) and if you control the media, you can act undisturbed.
By coincidence, Silvio Berlusconi and his organization are not only interested in the Italian media but also in the European media.
One of the biggest media concerns in the world, Endemol, was taken over last year by Berlusconi’s company Mediaset.

If you have absolute media control, you control people's emotions like fear or anxiety.
You can make people afraid of muslims, gypsies, immigrants or whatever you want.
You can send the army on the streets and let people believe that they are really in danger.

In the meanwhile, there are numerous members in the Italian parliament that have been convicted or accused of mafia connections...

The EPD is more then willing to welcome Silvio Berlusconi and his party in the
European parliament.
Can Silvio Berlusconi be suspected of any ethical and political principles?
Will Europe follow the 'democratic' roadmap of Silvio Berlusconi?

More info and articles with references you can find here:

Silvio Berlusconi: A threath for European democracy?

Help Europe:Silvio Berlusconi is taking over the European media

Silvio Berlusconi and the 2008 ‘democratic’ election campaign

Italian crystal nights: First the gypsies… Is this Europe 1938?

Silvio Berlusconi: European democracy never has been in bigger danger…

Hans Ceustermans
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Hide the following 4 comments

Who cares about what the stupid mafioso think

26.08.2008 20:32

Who cares? There are more important matters in the world instead of a bunch of tasteless criminal idiots in Italy.

feller man

Those 'stupid' idiots are more then interested in Europe

27.08.2008 06:42

If you think that these 'idiots' are only interested in Italy, you're making a very big mistake.
Underestimating Silvio Berlusconi is the worst thing you can do.
I consider this man a malicious genius that knows very good what he's doing.
And what he has done with Italy, he will do with Europe.
Who controls the European media?

Hans Ceustermans
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a curiosity about alternative Italian media which perhaps escaped your analysis

27.08.2008 20:37

Hans perhaps you could skip the intro -

I completely concur that Mr B. has exercised dangerous influence over the "fourth estate" and his mixture of media & politics presented modern Europe with a paradigm which it had not known in any significant form since the end of the 19th century in England. But all packaged up for the "here & now". Who else would be capable of instructing his own publishing company to issue a book of Berlusconi insults? (only 500 were printed - serious editing)
italian- But to understand the Italian book reading public you need to remember the second novel by Guiseppe Caruso, (sports correspondent leftwing daily l'Unita) "Chi ha ucciso Silvio Berlusconi?" which translated means :- "who killed Berlusconi?". Not exactly John Grisham but enough people bought it to show an interest in assassinating Mr B. (an interview with the author in which he discussed "his hit" on the man who heads a company which uses the basilisk monster as logo. For those who don't know what a basilisk is, it's a nasty creature of the "look at me not" phylum, meaning those who look at it get turned to stone. Leonardo da Vinci infamously spotted one unawares in the hills and left us a sketch. )


I'm not going to wax lyrical & indulge in my Berlusconi archive, I reckon Hans Ceustermans probably knows his material. The point I want to make is simple & important ::

Under Berlusconi there was an Italian Indymedia with over 12 local city nodes and regional centres.

Under Prodi - Indymedia Italy was closed down.

Now today there are again indymedia groups active in Italy :- Italy (((i))) is still in Beta
Roma IMC has a newswire but is still rancid with bugs

The point I make is very very simple & ought interest anyone interested in the "why" we make indymedia. Societies which enjoy the highest levels of supposed freedom of the press in Europe are the ones with most censorious & clique ridden IMC groups who rather than provoke change avoid confrontation or even any hint of a unverified opinion. They also operate closed moderated mailing lists and are to a one - centralised. The very freedom they enjoy is never tested. But the societies in Europe which endure the worst levels of media inteference are paradoxically the ones who have vibrant & brave IMC groups which are also significantly decentralised & transparent.

that implies a very odd & unhealthy correalation doesn't it?

I argue that if you want to understand the commercial press of any society you simply examine its dating services. If you want to understand the successes or failures of resistance you look at its indymedia groups or equivalent netbased collectives. & last of all, I don't think Mr B is as interested in what he can do with Europe as what he can do to Africa. ((( ci parliamo, forse un altro giorno. in bocca al lupo quindi non é in bocca al basilisco )))


I don't think Mr B. is very interested in Indymedia.

29.08.2008 20:09


Thank you for your answer.

I don't think Mr B. is very interested in Indymedia.
I think he considers Indymedia visitors as a minority of marginals that can be neglected.
He's interested in the mass media however with which you can reach the vast majority of people and control their emotions(Did you notice that everywhere in Europe you find television screens anywhere:In bars, restaurants, metrostations, airports...)

If I remember good ,Indymedia Italy was closed of all the fuzz about the dead soldiers in Irak(sent there by the government of Mr B)
The slogan '10, 100, 100 dead soldiers in Nassiria' caused a lot of commotion.
But I can be wrong.
It could be that Indymedia Italia was closed by Romano Prodi.
Anti Romenian actions were allready taken by the previous government of Prodi.
Rest the question who determines the political agenda.
If the rape of an Italian woman by a Romenian is headnews for two months, you can start to ask yourself questions.

I think that during the government of Prodi it was all still clear who was ruling behind the scenes.
Mr B has so much power in Italy that i don't see any government(left or right) being able to do someting about it.

Berlusconi decided when the Prodi government had to fall.
First he tried at the 'finanziaria' at november 2007 when he tried and managed to buy some senators(these are all facts not speculations)
When that didn't work , he managed to get in action the weak link in the government of Prodi, Mastella.
Mastella didn't get by coincidence the job of minister of justice and he managed to delay the voting of a 'conflict of interest' law until end 2007.
Berlusconi made clear to Mastella that it was time to act 'in his way'.
Mastella got involved in a juridical scandal which after the elections, by coincidence, seemed to be prooved on nothing.

Hans Ceustermans
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