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Just another crazy idea

Courtenay Rogers | 23.08.2008 09:52

The Protest Vote Party

The perfect political party one that doesnt want

Political Policy:-

In truth the party wouldn’t have any real political policies; therefore anyone with any view can vote or join the party.
The philosophy is simple the party is not gathering votes for itself but against the system.

If this party were lucky/unlucky enough to win any sort of electoral victory then the answer is simple they call an instant election with as many independents as possible as the party are not a power seeking party but a protest party in doing this they would effectively to some extent give the power back to the people


To give those that don't vote for whatever reason and those that vote for independents just to use there vote, a platform that at least acknowledges that these votes aren’t for the party but votes against the entire system of politics and law.


Currently there are 100's of thousands of people in this country that do not vote for one reason or another, many like myself refuse to vote out of protest at the system, unfortunately that refusal ends up in these votes going to the party in power, there are also another group that vote for independents again simply out of protest and not because they support the independent him/herself.

Now I’m no expert but I do believe that if someone with more knowledge than myself and like myself had no political allegiances, were to start a party like this it would begin the slow process of changing the system of politics and law we currently live under.

For More Info on starting a political party: -

Courtenay Rogers


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Maybe be slightly more positive?

23.08.2008 12:24

Would it not make sense for the party to be positive?

In standing for election, the platform could be simple: none of the above. That is, elect this candidate and I will call a new election on the basis that you do not want any of the other candidates to participate. This makes the protest vote more effective. The person elected intends to resign and call an election, but that person is forced to remain in power until such time as all the candidates who lost at the prior election agree not to stand.

Voting "None Of The Above" makes sense because it is a protest vote for a party that does not want power. It also makes sense to the less radically inclined as it obliges the parties to put up new candidates.

A significant political stance would also be to reduce the deposit to some reasonable proportion of the candidates income - say 1%. Enough to make them think seriously, yet not excluding anybody from participation. (It also makes it much more expensive for the rich bastards to stand -which is good enough for me).

Emily Pankhurst