Report on an inspection of Yarl's Wood Immigration Removal Centre
NCADC News Service | 21.08.2008 08:11 | Anti-racism | Migration
Report on an announced inspection of Yarl's Wood Immigration Removal Centre
by Anne Owers, HM Chief Inspector of Prisons, inspection 4 - 8 February 2008, report compiled May 2008, published today Thursday 21st August 2008
Escort vehicles with caged compartments were inappropriately used to transport children.
the average length of children's detention had increased and this had a detrimental effect on children and their families.
overall provision of health services was a concern
Children staying for more than a few days received an unsatisfactory educational experience and there were few activities outside school hours.
There was no evidence that children's individual needs were systematically taken into account when decisions to detain were made. Our interviews with detained children illustrated the effect of sudden arrest and detention on their wellbeing and reflected how scared they were while held in detention.
The standard of care delivery was reasonable for basic primary care, but some serious gaps in provision, including poor access and communication, impacted negatively on detainee wellbeing. Services for children were under-developed.
Download the full report'sWoodfinal.pdf
IntroductionYarl's Wood, near Bedford, is the main immigration removal centre for women and families. This was the centre's first full announced inspection since it was taken over by Serco in April 2007. Despite the upheaval of this change of management and a significant reduction in staff, the centre was performing reasonably well in many areas. However, as with all immigration removal centres, there were insufficient activities for detainees. We were also particularly concerned by the length of detention of some children and the damaging effect this had on them.
Arrangements to ensure the safety of women at Yarl's Wood were generally sound: reception was well designed and managed, there was little evidence of bullying, rates of self-harm were low, use of force was proportionate and there was little use of separation. We particularly welcomed the much more reasonable approach to security now in place, with women allowed unsupervised access to more of the establishment than on our last visit. However, a lack of legal advice and inadequate information about immigration casework left many women anxious and afraid.
The plight of detained children remained of great concern. While child welfare services had improved, an immigration removal centre can never be a suitable place for children and we were dismayed to find cases of disabled children being detained and some children spending large amounts of time incarcerated. We were concerned about ineffective and inaccurate monitoring of length of detention in this extremely important area. Any period of detention can be detrimental to children and their families, but the impact of lengthy detention is particularly extreme.
The centre was brighter and better decorated than on our last visit. Staff and detainees generally got on well, although some staff appeared too busy to get to know the women in their care. Faith services were good, but it was disappointing that diversity policy and procedures were underdeveloped. Women complained about the food. Healthcare needed further improvement, particularly to address mental health and child health needs.
We were once again disappointed by the limited amount of activity available for detainees. The centre remained hamstrung by the Border and Immigration Agency (now the UK Border Agency) assumption that detainees would be quickly removed and, therefore, that purposeful activity was not a priority. Yet at the time of the inspection, over 40% of detainees had been at Yarl's Wood for more than a month. While there was a limited education programme, a small amount of paid work and good library and physical education opportunities, many detainees remained bored and insufficiently occupied. Many sat around watching television or films. The nursery was well resourced, but education and after-school activities for children were inadequate.
We welcomed the appointment of a new welfare officer, although his role was underresourced. Visiting arrangements were good, but the visits area was not sufficiently supervised. Access to telephones was also good and internet access had recently been introduced.
Yarl's Wood is to be congratulated on sustaining reasonable performance in many areas, despite the upheavals of the change of management and reduction in staff numbers. However, significant concerns remain, particularly the lack of activity for detainees, which is a failure that we have identified across the immigration detainee estate. Even more worrying was the plight of children detained for increasing periods of time and with insufficient provision to meet their needs. Yarl's Wood must seek to meet these concerns, but they are ultimately issues for the UK Border Agency, which must urgently address them.
Anne Owers, HM Chief Inspector of Prisons, May 2008
Source for this Message:Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Prisons for England and Wales
by Anne Owers, HM Chief Inspector of Prisons, inspection 4 - 8 February 2008, report compiled May 2008, published today Thursday 21st August 2008
Escort vehicles with caged compartments were inappropriately used to transport children.
the average length of children's detention had increased and this had a detrimental effect on children and their families.
overall provision of health services was a concern
Children staying for more than a few days received an unsatisfactory educational experience and there were few activities outside school hours.
There was no evidence that children's individual needs were systematically taken into account when decisions to detain were made. Our interviews with detained children illustrated the effect of sudden arrest and detention on their wellbeing and reflected how scared they were while held in detention.
The standard of care delivery was reasonable for basic primary care, but some serious gaps in provision, including poor access and communication, impacted negatively on detainee wellbeing. Services for children were under-developed.
Download the full report

IntroductionYarl's Wood, near Bedford, is the main immigration removal centre for women and families. This was the centre's first full announced inspection since it was taken over by Serco in April 2007. Despite the upheaval of this change of management and a significant reduction in staff, the centre was performing reasonably well in many areas. However, as with all immigration removal centres, there were insufficient activities for detainees. We were also particularly concerned by the length of detention of some children and the damaging effect this had on them.
Arrangements to ensure the safety of women at Yarl's Wood were generally sound: reception was well designed and managed, there was little evidence of bullying, rates of self-harm were low, use of force was proportionate and there was little use of separation. We particularly welcomed the much more reasonable approach to security now in place, with women allowed unsupervised access to more of the establishment than on our last visit. However, a lack of legal advice and inadequate information about immigration casework left many women anxious and afraid.
The plight of detained children remained of great concern. While child welfare services had improved, an immigration removal centre can never be a suitable place for children and we were dismayed to find cases of disabled children being detained and some children spending large amounts of time incarcerated. We were concerned about ineffective and inaccurate monitoring of length of detention in this extremely important area. Any period of detention can be detrimental to children and their families, but the impact of lengthy detention is particularly extreme.
The centre was brighter and better decorated than on our last visit. Staff and detainees generally got on well, although some staff appeared too busy to get to know the women in their care. Faith services were good, but it was disappointing that diversity policy and procedures were underdeveloped. Women complained about the food. Healthcare needed further improvement, particularly to address mental health and child health needs.
We were once again disappointed by the limited amount of activity available for detainees. The centre remained hamstrung by the Border and Immigration Agency (now the UK Border Agency) assumption that detainees would be quickly removed and, therefore, that purposeful activity was not a priority. Yet at the time of the inspection, over 40% of detainees had been at Yarl's Wood for more than a month. While there was a limited education programme, a small amount of paid work and good library and physical education opportunities, many detainees remained bored and insufficiently occupied. Many sat around watching television or films. The nursery was well resourced, but education and after-school activities for children were inadequate.
We welcomed the appointment of a new welfare officer, although his role was underresourced. Visiting arrangements were good, but the visits area was not sufficiently supervised. Access to telephones was also good and internet access had recently been introduced.
Yarl's Wood is to be congratulated on sustaining reasonable performance in many areas, despite the upheavals of the change of management and reduction in staff numbers. However, significant concerns remain, particularly the lack of activity for detainees, which is a failure that we have identified across the immigration detainee estate. Even more worrying was the plight of children detained for increasing periods of time and with insufficient provision to meet their needs. Yarl's Wood must seek to meet these concerns, but they are ultimately issues for the UK Border Agency, which must urgently address them.
Anne Owers, HM Chief Inspector of Prisons, May 2008
Source for this Message:Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Prisons for England and Wales

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21.08.2008 12:02
' there was little evidence of bullying,' - can any detainee or regular visitor to Yarls' Wood comment on that?
'rates of self-harm were low', but according to information obtained by the National Coaliton of annti Deportation Campaings incidents of self-harm requiring medical treatment
Yarl's Wood in April/ May/ June 2008 up 250% on previous quarter, true it is 'only' nine incidents in that quarter, plus all those who were not taken to hospital and those who were stopped from committing suicide by detention staff or fellow detainees: may women are put on suicide watch and there are video cameras everywhere. Being on suicide watch is no barrier to being forcibly removed.
'use of force was proportionate': proportionate to what? keeping rape survisors locked up? - according to the Crossroads Women Centre 70% of the women detained in Yarls' Wood who have been in contact with them are rape survivors. A detention centre is certainly not a place suitable for a child, but it is not a place suitable for a rape survivor either.
'We particularly welcomed the much more reasonable approach to security now in place, with women allowed unsupervised access to more of the establishment than on our last visit.' It seems in fact that the strict prison regime has been relaxed slightly, but the women are still under lock and key.
' However, a lack of legal advice and inadequate information about immigration casework left many women anxious and afraid. ' I'm glad that is recognised that many women are not receiving adeqate legal advice and representation. It results in them being deported - with their children if they have children with them - to countries where their lives are in danger. I am aware of cases of women imprisoned, raped, tortured after being forcibly deported, others have 'disappeared' - they certainly would have got in contact with their families and friends if they could. The anxiety for the threat to their lives of those who are threatened with deportation is probably far worse than the boredom, however terrible, by sitting aimlessly around for months or even years. The main problem is not the lack educational facilities but the absence of rights.
I am aware that the legitimacy of the existence of these prisons for migrants is outside the scope of Her Majesty's Prison Inspector, whose role is to look at the conditions inside. It is very good of Anne Owers that she declares these places are not fit for a child. They aren't. They are not fit for anybody. Especially they are not fit for people who are already severely traumatised. People in detention have flash-backs of the persecution they suffered in their countries and develop suicidal tendencies and all sorts of psychiatric problems.
In my opininon those places should not exist at all. As their justification, that they are necessary to remove people against their will... Why didn't the English stay home, instead of going everywhere as colonialists, warmongers and arms dealers?
a visitor to immigration detainees