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US Military Shocking and Shooting Monkeys Pigs Goats Etc in Trauma Training

PETA | 19.08.2008 22:39 | Animal Liberation | Anti-militarism | Health | World

In the 70's under Caspar Weinberger the US military
was shooting dogs to give surgical practice to surgeons

PETA picketed his home.. .and he switched the DOD
from dogs to goats

Robert Gates, Secretary of Defense, is in charge
of the current atrocity: shooting monkeys, pigs and goats in trauma training

Press Office DOD
Media contact: +1 (703) 697-5131

The Defense Dept is not interested in hearing from you or me.
They feel they are above the law.

US Military Shocking and Shooting Monkeys Pigs Goats Etc in Trauma Training
202 224 3121 Senate and House

U.S. Military Shooting and Burning Live Monkeys, Goats, and Pigs in Trauma Training
The Department of Defense is shooting and burning monkeys, pigs, and goats in combat training exercises for servicemen and servicewomen—even though more effective non-animal simulators are readily available. Leading medical experts agree that these simulators offer superior training. In addition to being cruel, this outmoded practice is a disservice to the men and women who risk their lives in defense of our country and who deserve the most effective trauma training methods available.

PETA is calling for an immediate end to all use of animals in trauma training exercises. Most medical schools long ago ended the use of animals for trauma training.

Many humane alternatives for trauma training are readily available, including the following:

• Having military level one trauma centers work with the community and take care of the entire population of their city
• The Combat Trauma Patient Simulation System, which "provide[s] realistic training" and dropped the trainee attrition rate from 23 percent to 6 percent, according to CHIPS (the U.S. Navy's information technology magazine)
• Simulab Corporation's TraumaMan system, which has been approved by the American College of Surgeons for teaching Advanced Trauma Life Support
• Dr. Emad Aboud's "living" cadaver perfusion model, which has been endorsed by more than 20 surgeons and used in surgical training at universities in the U.S. and abroad

You Can Help
Medical experts agree that there is no need to shoot pigs and goats and to burn monkeys with chemical weapons to teach soldiers and medics how to treat human injuries. Please help animals who are suffering in Department of Defense trauma training exercises by using the form below to send a quick message to Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates respectfully urging him to replace the use of animals with non-animal methods.

Please contact the Department of Defense today by filling out their Ask A Question web form.

Feel free to copy and paste the sample letter below or write your own.

Sample Letter
I was shocked to learn that the Department of Defense is shooting live pigs and goats and burning monkeys in trauma training exercises. There is no justification for this cruelty. The majority of medical schools in North America no longer use animals for medical trauma training, and more effective humane alternatives are readily available. I respectfully request that you adopt PETA's recommendations and take immediate action to end the needless suffering of animals in these outdated training exercises



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Even PETA is being a bit sick by accepting this training is needed

20.08.2008 10:33

The use of chemical weapons by the US and even the UK is part of the need for these training exercises. These weapons were supplied to people like Saddam Hussein and Mugabe was supported doing the most heinous things and was knighted by the evil and ugly British savage monarchy until they were no longer wanted by the monsters that created them.

There is no need for chemical training on animals or simulated machines because there is no need for suffering, full stop, if you believe in anything else you are part of the problem not the solution.


here too

20.08.2008 13:37

Portland down has been, and still does,shooting dogs and pigs and others for years.The use of fragmentation ammunition and the use of uranium tips is ongoing as is the testing of such on non human species.Lets clear up our own backyard.


Yeah here too

20.08.2008 15:16

Yeah here too, it's the only way that they can get realistic training done and I suspect some elements of the NHS do so as well. Pigs is what I'm told is used these days rather than any other animals.


DaVinci on vivisectors

22.08.2008 12:41

Da Vinci: One day the world will look upon research on animals as it now looks
upon research on humans.

Path of Truth