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Amadeu Casellas: 45 days on hunger strike

asdf | 19.08.2008 15:00 | Repression

Amadeu Casellas has been on hunger strike for 50 days to demand a
solution to his critical situation
As of August 10, 2008, Amadeu Casellas has been on hunger strike for 50 days to
demand a solution to his critical situation of imprisonment, already lasting for more
than 22 years. He has paid for 22 years for struggling against the state, for bank
expropriations carried out in the 70s and 80s to help finance the workers’ struggles
of that era.

As of August 10, 2008, Amadeu Casellas has been on hunger strike for 50 days to demand a
solution to his critical situation of imprisonment, already lasting for more than 22 years. He
has paid for 22 years for struggling against the state, for bank expropriations carried out in
the 70s and 80s to help finance the workers’ struggles of that era.
Due to the authorities’ continuous refusal to give him a release date and the horrible
conditions prisoners in the Quatre Camins prison are subjected to, Amadeu made the
decision to go on hunger strike as a way to confront the prison authorities.
After being lied to by the director of the prison during his last hunger strike in April, Amadeu
has decided that this hunger strike will be to the ultimate consequences: if the prison
authorities don’t grant him an open regime (this is equivalent to day work release, where the
prisoner signs out and goes to work during the day, returning to the prison in the evening),
or a lessening of his sentence, he will continue the hunger strike.
On August 1 there was a protest at the General Direction of Penitentiary Services, which is
responsible for giving day work releases, to show that support for Amadeu is growing. If his
demands are not met, the demonstrations will continue. People tried to enter the building to
have a face to face dialogue, but the guards lowered the gates. Hours later, a pair of
comrades, including his lawyer, was able to enter and speak with Mr. Paco de Vicente, the
person in charge of classifications. Mr. Paco de Vicente sated that he would visit Amadeu,
who was moved to the prison hospital of Terrasa last Thursday. In the conversation, he
stated that he would ratify the “agreements” which he will offer to Amadeu: transfer to
another prison (Brians II) and revision of his case. Of course, this is only if Amadeu agrees to
give up his hunger strike. In Brians II Amadeu could once again, before another Treatment
Junta (similar to a U.S. Parole Board), try to obtain the day work release.
This game by the General Direction of Penitentiary Services is clear to us. They want to go
on their vacations tranquilly, so they will try to get Amadeu to give up his hunger strike
based on paper (false) promises. But of course we cannot believe these lies, so Amadeu has
decided to continue his hunger strike until his demands are met. And we support him.
Amadeu has lost more than 25 kilos (50.7 lbs.) and he is being maintained on glucose in
water. His sugar levels are down to 50 mg/l, and he is being given Valium.
The conditions at the penitentiary hospital of Terrassa are shameful. In the first place, none
of the comrades who tried to visit him have been able to. The prison authorities say they
were authorized to visit him at Quatre Camins, not Terrassa. Only his mother and his lawyer
have been able to have 30 minute visits with him.
Additionally, Amadeu can only make phone calls using a Telefónica phone card, which could
not be found in the entire town of Terrassa, as they are sold only in tobacco shops, all of
which were closed in the afternoon. Telefónica has monopolized prisoners’ phone calls, and
each month these phone cards are harder and harder to find near the prisons.
And the medical doctors don’t deserve anything more than an open tomb. They haven’t
weighed Amadeu since he arrived three days ago. And if this were not enough, the doctors
bring him meals three times a day (to tempt him to eat), but these meals cannot be eaten
by someone who has been on hunger strike, as they would be impossible to digest.
Amadeu has commented that four people have come to Terrassa from Quatre Camins with
food poisoning, and one had to have his gall bladder removed. The prison authorities treat
people like shit; they give them shitty food, and people say: They’re okay; they’re getting
three square mails a day.
Although his health is deteriorating, Amadeu has not lost his sense of humor and his morale
is high. He asks everyone to pressure the General Direction of Penitentiary Services (DGSP)
and the Penal Junta 2 of Manresa.
As an expression of solidarity with Amadeu, we encourage everyone to pressure these two
centers with phone calls, faxes, visits, demonstrations, actions--whatever you can do.

must also pressure all representatives of the Spanish state at an international level.

Dirección General de Servicios Penitenciarios
Albert Batlle i Bastardas
c/Aragó, 332. Barcelona, España

Juzgado de lo Penal nº 2 de Manresa
Jueza Erika López Gracia
C/Alfons XII, nº 7
Manresa, España
Phone: 93 872 82 77
Fax: 93 872 71 05

Write to Amadeu:
Amadeu Casellas Ramón
Hospital de Terrassa, Mòdul penitenciari
Ctra. Torrebonica, s/n
C.P. 08227 Terrassa (Bcn)



Hide the following 2 comments

it's 59 days! FIFTY NINE! correction!!!!! big difference between 59 and 45 days.

19.08.2008 17:16

4 days ago appeal
4 days ago appeal

"Franki" sends support
"Franki" sends support

I suppose up till the tenth day you call these things fasts - but then you get really serious and accurate about counting them. Maybe someone could correct the title which is a very unfortuanate mistake.

from "kaos en la red" this afternoon as Amadeu reaches his 59th day on hungerstrike. :-

" i write this letter to show my support with the political prisoner Amadeu Caselles on hunger strike for 59 days and to demand his rights which have been denied him a long time because of his stance against the penitencial system and his anarchist ideology.

I'm Frances Argemí, a member of the social movements of Terrassa, who people know as "Franki" and two months ago I was released (3rd grade) [a type of open prison constant surveillance deal] {freedom has no grades!} from prison after one & half months. I was inside a short time in comparison to the 8 years which the comrade from Terrassa Laura Riera will complete at the end of this August, or the 9 which Zigor and Diego will complete this coming January when they will be freed. Or the 22 years which Amadeu Caselles has served, who should have been out of prison long ago.

But the time I was inside allowed me see how the prison guards methods work ; repression, isoliation, sanctions, intimidations, lies, agressions both physical and psychological. Like many political prisoners, this is the situation which Amadeus resists for reasons no greater than; he has receieved no privileges, not even "3rd grade" {freedom has no grades!} nor conditional liberty despite fulfilling the conditions.

etc.., Terrassa 19 d'agost del 2008

read the whole text in Catalan or Castillian at

******* (explanatory notes) "Franki" became a Catalan political prisoner case of reknown with widespread support when he was imprisoned for burning a Spanish flag this year. The other political prisoners to whom his letter refers are serving sentences for providing logistic support to ETA, though never classified as members of that group the case against them maintained that the squat they lived in had been used to facilitate Basque terrorism.


write to Amadeu : you can see a PDF here which tells you how to if you can't really think of something yourself.
You don't even have to think of something - just buy a postcard, stick a stamp on it, draw a smiley, write the address properly (you don't need a "ñ" just put Spain &% be decent about it and put "Catalunya" too) put the card in a postbox, then postman pat will bring it to prison for you. Don't sulk if you don't get a reply.

Amadeu Casellas Ramón
Hospital de Terrassa, Mòdul penitenciari
Ctra. Torrebonica, s/n
C.P. 08227


it's 63 days today.

22.08.2008 17:25

Since the last comment are rather to be more specific the last show of solidarity from "Franki", the Catalan independence unmbrella website has given Amadeu lots of attention.

This shows us something which is really quite important about hunger strikes, hunger strikers, prisoner solidarity &c.,

The most famous (or infamous) hungerstriker in the modern Spanish state was of course Iñaki de Juana Chaos whose prison sentences were earned as ETA's main assassin. In total he was tried for 25 deaths and condemned to 3,000 years in prison & was then released. But of course he too was released "late" - because though his sentances were reduced the wiley Spanish state found new reasons to keep him inside. After 18 years and a photograph in the English Times newspaper,- de Juana Chaos was released by the Spanish state, only to be arrested again after the broken Basque/Spanish peace process, when again he served a sentence with all possible remission applied & now Iñaki de Juana Chaos is in Ireland evading the Spanish state's latest summons.

Some call Iñaki a victim of Spanish hatred.
Some call Iñaki a murderer who should never have been released from prison.

Compare & Contrast.

Amadeu never got a photo in the Times.
Amadeu never killed anybody - not even for a flag or a language.

I reckon his case and the hypocrisy and issues it raises deserves another article with the correct number of days in the title.
