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When is a bloodsport not a bloodsport? When it's a grouse shoot!

West Yorkshire Hunt Saboteurs | 14.08.2008 16:00 | Animal Liberation | Ecology

The Bingley Moor Partnership and the Moorlands Association have been busy in the lead-up to the ‘Glorious 12th’, the official start of the grouse shooting season, trying to make it in the headlines and turn the tables on the general public opposition to bloodsports.

The Bingley Moor Partnership and the Moorlands Association have been busy in the lead-up to the ‘Glorious 12th’, the official start of the grouse shooting season, trying to make it in the headlines and turn the tables on the general public opposition to bloodsports.

The articles have a general tone of pathetic attitudes; whinging and whining like little kids, complaining about the names the “anti’s” call their pastime and how it is a tradition so it must be right.

One article starts off:

Edward Bromet doesn’t like the phrase ‘bloodsport’.

“It is grouse shooting,” he said. “You don’t need to give it another name to make it sound worse. It has gone on since Victorian times and it will go on in the future.”

We suggest that before Edward Bromet goes commenting in papers he looks up the dictionary definition of ‘bloodsport’ and hopefully will realise that grouse shooting involves birds, and other animals, being killed, blood being shed and animal suffering, so falls into this criteria.

Furthermore; in the past children were sent up chimneys and down mines, fox hunting was legal, the slave trade was a legitimate line of business, bear bating happened, fur farming was rife…. the list goes on and on of disgusting and cruel traditions which are now banned and we aim to see the shooting of animals for entertainment consigned to the history books too.

Bromet has yet to comment on his involvement in Bradford Council’s ’secret’ dealings (see article below) - maybe this will come next?!

West Yorkshire Hunt Saboteurs
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