Communique from Family Court Fugitive Natalie Bracht
Tony Gosling | 13.08.2008 19:06 | Gender | Indymedia | Repression
[Note to Indymedia editors - Natalie wanted these concerns about the possible suiciding of here and/or her children to be publicly known. Photo of her whilst on the run in Bowl Court, Shoreditch can be seen elsewhere on the internet] Natalie Bracht is still believed to be on the run with her five daughters and expresses her fears here that she may be 'suicided'. In other words that some intelligence service or other 'higher' group than Northumbria police may know exactly where she is, playing her a sick sort of cat and mouse game. Whether she deserves to be accused of being a potential child murderer as Sunderland social services have done... and separated from her five children we shall probably never know due to the chilling secrecy of the Family Courts and the High Court judge that issued the Recovery Order for the children. Much of what Northumbria police have had to say about her case, such as her first husband denying that he is a Mossad nuclear scientist when Natalie said her second husband was, does not add up. This communique was written on 23rd June 2008 before the High Court Recovery Order was issued and the photograph of Natalie and four of the girls taken in Shoreditch on 4th June 2008. All who have met her whilst she's been 'on the run' seem to agree that the only real threat to the children comes from injustices of Sunderland Social Services and the High Court. Such as the exclusion by said Social Services of all and any supportive professional voices from Natalies' case conferences.
To The Outside World
by Natalie Bracht - Monday 23rd June 2008
This is a response to the ‘missing’ appeal in the British media as well as the poster campaign to find the missing mum and her five daughters from Sunderland
Now, in the beginning, my name is Natalie Bracht and I’m the mother of five lovely kids. I’m 33 and my children are between 5 and 13.
We are not only Germans but also British citizens. Not that this is important to us but to correct errors in the press and police records.
We have been reading the Northumbria police ‘missing’ appeal in many different newspapers, from television news and the BBC website
We found ourselves described as people ‘on the run’.
On the run from whom? ...well they don’t explain that part, do they?
Honestly they don’t say anything, apart from that we are missing and that the kids haven’t been to school for more than a week and have been separated from their friends and that this is certainly not good for them.
And that they don’t know where we are.
And that they are concerned about the safety of my children.
Now, I don’t believe that anybody, especially the so-called ‘counterparts’ who are working very closely with the police - are concerned about the safety of my children at all.
[Natalie describes the secret network of those she believes are harassing her as ‘the counterparts’]
Because I’m described as a person with a personality disorder and emotional and narcissistic behaviour. In short, totally mad and mental, according to a so-called independent psychiatrist - who has been organised through one of the ‘counterparts’.
I’m also not aware of the mental history they claim for me.
So why do they claim?
Now, just in case you are ‘mental’ enough outside there, you might understand.
This is also a message to all the thousands of parents in this country whose children have been wrongly taken away by Britain’s corruptly installed family court system.
And as you have read before I’m mad and mental. I say that their power to do so is coming from a very well known society in this country.
[Natalie mentioned freemasonry in the previous hour long interview I recorded with her which is available on the web – ed.]
Anyway, I have no intention of letting them use my five daughters and therefore we are ‘on a run’.
Now, facing the mastermind of a surveillance system in London I was, we can say forced, to use some camouflage for me and my daughters.
And yes, we have been successful.
Yes, we also disconnected our mobile.
And we didn’t use our bank account.
All because I’m so mad?
We changed our outfits - not because of a personality disorder - but simply to find a way to keep the kids safe.
I hereby congratulate the reporter of The Sun who put me down as a Muslim mother and Kings Cross and hiding and so on - well this is The Sun.
I also understand that in the media it is believed that I have visited the central mosque in Regent’s Park.
Is it confirmed?
Now, let me help you, I have in fact visited the ICCUK many times in the last 2 years.
And I’m sure this is well known to ‘the counterparts’.
Taking into account that everything that goes in or out of Regent’s Park mosque is miraculously shared immediately
So why is it that certain people cannot be touched by the law?
Well, I have to admit that I often ask my self, and there are more and more people who ask the same question: What happens to all the children who are put through forced adoption process?
Why an increasing number of kids? In certain parts of Britain mostly white children, very young.
Why is it so easy to take away children from their parents?
What is the purpose of so much secrecy in the family courts?
And what is happening inside them?
Why are the parents silenced, and threatened to be imprisoned when they start to talk about this?
Is this why most people don’t know this goes on?
Talk to Journalist Brian Morgan in Cardiff about the effect of this on his freedom of speech.
What kind of children are they interested in?
And who are ‘they’?
Well, coming back to my kids, they had a good attendance at school and good school reports. They were a pleasure to teach.
No emotional difficulties at all.
Clean, well fed, happy, interested, according to the school reports.
But social services say I am ‘emotionally abusing’ them because I said bad things to my children about social services in Sunderland.
I see.
Well, there was also a very dangerous way of interviewing my children through social services or ‘counterparts’ who were using my children to get information about my family.
Passed on to different agencies in Britain.
And I don’t like my children being interrogated.
I call this ‘emotional abuse’ of them and I also think I have to protect them from this.
Maybe because I’m a narcissistic mother?
And I’m also ‘mad’ because I wanted my children’s fingerprints to be removed from their database.
For anyone who hasn’t heard about this: in some schools they take the children’s fingerprints instead of their name when the kids want to borrow a book out of the library.
Now I don’t like that.
Because I’m having a ‘paranoid’ world view according to the ‘independent’ psychiatrist who is connected to a certain community in Britain. Incidentally, the same as most of the other people who are making allegations against us. [freemasonry again? – ed.]
Now, the connection between this community and the media as well as the court systems and ‘Labour Friends’ is by now known, to a certain extent.
Yes, we are in hiding.
No, we will not be silenced.
Yes, I have a connection to people who know about these things.
Yes, they are sheltering us.
And the number of people affected by this is increasing
And the number of adoptions as well.
Now, they have destroyed my existence.
Dirtied my name,
We were facing emotional harassment, all of us.
Through the British state institutions
No more freedom at all.
My family lost all our privacy, absolutely no liberty left.
A normal live was made impossible for us. We were treated like criminals.
Until today.
Now we may be surprised to see what is coming next. Looking at the present political climate maybe are developing into suspects. Or suicide victims. Or whatever.
Names on a list in the controlled media systems.
For now though I would like to say that it is a very relaxing time we are having without these people around us.
The children are enjoying themselves, doing all the things they like to do without the feeling that they are being watched or immediately reported.
I also would like to use the opportunity, and the kids as well, to send greetings to my aunt in the Netherlands and to let her know we are fine and the kids are recovering from all this and are very happy.
I’m also asking the German authorities to watch this case from a different view point.
Natalie Bracht
Passport number 23062008
Bowl Court website
Tony Gosling arrested in missing persons hunt
Original discussions here
This story on UK Indymedia
by Natalie Bracht - Monday 23rd June 2008
This is a response to the ‘missing’ appeal in the British media as well as the poster campaign to find the missing mum and her five daughters from Sunderland
Now, in the beginning, my name is Natalie Bracht and I’m the mother of five lovely kids. I’m 33 and my children are between 5 and 13.
We are not only Germans but also British citizens. Not that this is important to us but to correct errors in the press and police records.
We have been reading the Northumbria police ‘missing’ appeal in many different newspapers, from television news and the BBC website
We found ourselves described as people ‘on the run’.
On the run from whom? ...well they don’t explain that part, do they?
Honestly they don’t say anything, apart from that we are missing and that the kids haven’t been to school for more than a week and have been separated from their friends and that this is certainly not good for them.
And that they don’t know where we are.
And that they are concerned about the safety of my children.
Now, I don’t believe that anybody, especially the so-called ‘counterparts’ who are working very closely with the police - are concerned about the safety of my children at all.
[Natalie describes the secret network of those she believes are harassing her as ‘the counterparts’]
Because I’m described as a person with a personality disorder and emotional and narcissistic behaviour. In short, totally mad and mental, according to a so-called independent psychiatrist - who has been organised through one of the ‘counterparts’.
I’m also not aware of the mental history they claim for me.
So why do they claim?
Now, just in case you are ‘mental’ enough outside there, you might understand.
This is also a message to all the thousands of parents in this country whose children have been wrongly taken away by Britain’s corruptly installed family court system.
And as you have read before I’m mad and mental. I say that their power to do so is coming from a very well known society in this country.
[Natalie mentioned freemasonry in the previous hour long interview I recorded with her which is available on the web – ed.]
Anyway, I have no intention of letting them use my five daughters and therefore we are ‘on a run’.
Now, facing the mastermind of a surveillance system in London I was, we can say forced, to use some camouflage for me and my daughters.
And yes, we have been successful.
Yes, we also disconnected our mobile.
And we didn’t use our bank account.
All because I’m so mad?
We changed our outfits - not because of a personality disorder - but simply to find a way to keep the kids safe.
I hereby congratulate the reporter of The Sun who put me down as a Muslim mother and Kings Cross and hiding and so on - well this is The Sun.
I also understand that in the media it is believed that I have visited the central mosque in Regent’s Park.
Is it confirmed?
Now, let me help you, I have in fact visited the ICCUK many times in the last 2 years.
And I’m sure this is well known to ‘the counterparts’.
Taking into account that everything that goes in or out of Regent’s Park mosque is miraculously shared immediately
So why is it that certain people cannot be touched by the law?
Well, I have to admit that I often ask my self, and there are more and more people who ask the same question: What happens to all the children who are put through forced adoption process?
Why an increasing number of kids? In certain parts of Britain mostly white children, very young.
Why is it so easy to take away children from their parents?
What is the purpose of so much secrecy in the family courts?
And what is happening inside them?
Why are the parents silenced, and threatened to be imprisoned when they start to talk about this?
Is this why most people don’t know this goes on?
Talk to Journalist Brian Morgan in Cardiff about the effect of this on his freedom of speech.
What kind of children are they interested in?
And who are ‘they’?
Well, coming back to my kids, they had a good attendance at school and good school reports. They were a pleasure to teach.
No emotional difficulties at all.
Clean, well fed, happy, interested, according to the school reports.
But social services say I am ‘emotionally abusing’ them because I said bad things to my children about social services in Sunderland.
I see.
Well, there was also a very dangerous way of interviewing my children through social services or ‘counterparts’ who were using my children to get information about my family.
Passed on to different agencies in Britain.
And I don’t like my children being interrogated.
I call this ‘emotional abuse’ of them and I also think I have to protect them from this.
Maybe because I’m a narcissistic mother?
And I’m also ‘mad’ because I wanted my children’s fingerprints to be removed from their database.
For anyone who hasn’t heard about this: in some schools they take the children’s fingerprints instead of their name when the kids want to borrow a book out of the library.
Now I don’t like that.
Because I’m having a ‘paranoid’ world view according to the ‘independent’ psychiatrist who is connected to a certain community in Britain. Incidentally, the same as most of the other people who are making allegations against us. [freemasonry again? – ed.]
Now, the connection between this community and the media as well as the court systems and ‘Labour Friends’ is by now known, to a certain extent.
Yes, we are in hiding.
No, we will not be silenced.
Yes, I have a connection to people who know about these things.
Yes, they are sheltering us.
And the number of people affected by this is increasing
And the number of adoptions as well.
Now, they have destroyed my existence.
Dirtied my name,
We were facing emotional harassment, all of us.
Through the British state institutions
No more freedom at all.
My family lost all our privacy, absolutely no liberty left.
A normal live was made impossible for us. We were treated like criminals.
Until today.
Now we may be surprised to see what is coming next. Looking at the present political climate maybe are developing into suspects. Or suicide victims. Or whatever.
Names on a list in the controlled media systems.
For now though I would like to say that it is a very relaxing time we are having without these people around us.
The children are enjoying themselves, doing all the things they like to do without the feeling that they are being watched or immediately reported.
I also would like to use the opportunity, and the kids as well, to send greetings to my aunt in the Netherlands and to let her know we are fine and the kids are recovering from all this and are very happy.
I’m also asking the German authorities to watch this case from a different view point.
Natalie Bracht
Passport number 23062008
Bowl Court website

Tony Gosling arrested in missing persons hunt

Original discussions here

This story on UK Indymedia

Tony Gosling