Demos against Russian Aggression
SiafuSoldier | 13.08.2008 13:26
Reposted from Facebook
Russian embassy if anybody is in London join us at Russian embassy from 3 to 6 everyday till Saturday and on Saturday at 5 at Big Ben
Russian embassy if anybody is in London join us at Russian embassy from 3 to 6 everyday till Saturday and on Saturday at 5 at Big Ben
Reposted from Facebook
Russian embassy if anybody is in London join us at Russian embassy from 3 to 6 everyday till Saturday and on Saturday at 5 at Big Ben
Please attend and repost!
Russian embassy if anybody is in London join us at Russian embassy from 3 to 6 everyday till Saturday and on Saturday at 5 at Big Ben
Please attend and repost!
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13.08.2008 14:07
Facebook group's - Georgian situation 101
13.08.2008 14:08
The criminal regime that the Russians set up in South Ossetia has accused Georgia of genocide against the Ossetian people. This is a terrible lie and another Kremlin-sponsored provocation. Georgia has always been a multi-national countries that has been home to Georgians, Jews, Ossetians, Armenians, and Abkhazians among others. All these nations have lived in Georgia peacefully for many centuries.
Georgia is not waging a war against Ossetians, Georgians have lived side by side with Ossetians for centuries. Georgia is defending itself from the Russian nationalists who sit in Kremlin and what to annex Georgian land to rebuild an empire that is long gone.
The real genocide happened in Ossetia in the late 1980s and early 1990s when Russian-backed thugs and the Russian military expelled 40,000 Georgian civilians from their homes and killed thousands more.
This is a war in which a small but proud nation fights for its right to exist against a superpower that wants to destroy it.
This group is NOT against Russian people, it is against the Russian government and its aggressive policies against Georgia.
Gaumarjos damoukidebel Sakartvelos
Very sophisticated stuff this facebook politics......
Why not?
13.08.2008 14:33
Markku Allen
What about the Georgian aggression to South Ossetia?
13.08.2008 16:13
its the americans behind this conflict
13.08.2008 23:06
peter ambler
14.08.2008 00:10
You can blame a lot of things on the US but am fairly sure that the Russians are doing the invadeing and shooting, will check the pictures again to make sure, er yep, BMP's not Bradleys.
As for reminding how the egalitarian russians came to our rescue in several wars is as pointless as pointing out that the Muslims ran spain, yes they did but it ain't today!
Oh in Napolionic times there was a Czar and Russia had militeristic ambitions that were only kept in check by the huge cost of an adventure.
In WW2 can we quickly look at the charming Gulags, work camps, anexations of at least 10 soverin states and Prauge in springtime? walks like a duck........
Blaming the US is cheap and befudles the point that Europe has a monster on it's doorstep and it needs dealing with, the big question is HOW!
This is real, people are dieing, whos next, Estonia?
Harry Purvis
Georgia and Lebanon
14.08.2008 09:41
Harry opines: "Blaming the US is cheap and befudles the point that Europe has a monster on it's doorstep and it needs dealing with"
Yes - that'll be the same Europe that is so eager to admit the Apartheid state to its fold, despite the fact that the Israeli state is not in Europe, and has its own monstrous ways.
"It is also very interesting at this time to contrast the U.S. reaction to this conflict with its reaction to Israel's smashing of Lebanon. In this case there was an immediate call for ceasefire by the U.S. In the case of Lebanon the U.S. did all it could to block the call for a ceasefire. On American television today there is a relentless parade of images of destruction and talks of a "humanitarian catastrophe". Whereas the level of destruction that was visited on Lebanon was treated as a "he said, she said" affair as if both sides suffered equally. When it was shown at all."
But Harry, like all Daily Mail/Sunday Times readers can only see aggression when it is practised by the 'Enemy of the Day'. Hence the conclusion of Cooney's article (
"The Times on Sunday published an op-ed by William Kristol describing the "aggressive powers" of the world without even a self-reflexive twitch, not even a nod at the most aggressive power of them all. It's like Parisians used to say about the ugly Eiffel Tower when it first went up—the only time you can't see it is when you're inside it."
Naughty people
14.08.2008 14:29
el goog
Ignore Iraq , Afghanistan and Palestine - Georgia is the real issue
14.08.2008 15:23
Yes - I'm sure Putin will 'behave' himself if a few one-dimensional facebook junkies hold placards outside the Russian Embassy.
Splinter Plank
I know
14.08.2008 16:16
do tanks have tires? confused
Harry Purvis
indymedia - bullshitmedia more like.
15.08.2008 08:45
16.08.2008 13:23
Maybe you need to ask yourself some deep questions before you pass judgement on eveyone else!
Markku Allen
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