Four Questions on Violences against Women.
C Murray | 12.08.2008 15:07 | Gender | Health | Social Struggles | World
This simple questionaire is based in two earlier reports and links to
the Ban Ki-Moon campaign on gender and violence:

And of course to the issue of marginalisation of women's political voice by National Governments.
The Questions:
1.Has anyone used violence against you (hit you, choked you, pulled your hair
or done some other physical thing to you that has made you afraid ) in the last
year? How severe were the damages? How often did it happen?
2. Has anyone forced you to have sexual relations either with that person or with someone else in the lasy year? How Often?
3.Was this person your intimate partner ? if so how many times did this take place
in the last year?
4.Were you married before age 18, have you experienced female genital
mutiliation? (Question 4 is to be administered in areas in which there is enough
of these practices to have statistical relevance)
The discussed limitations of the 4 point questionaire :
" The device of a questionaire cannot yield stats about murder, a study
commissioned by the Italian Govt found that a woman was murdered on average
every two days in Italy.
the full text of the report on VAW by Tsung Su is available at

The links to the VAW campaign , including the million signature campaign
on VAW are included in the links at the top of the page. the issue of
listening to women and bringing about measurable changes in VAW
funding is an ongoing bugbear for many nations who have a lack of cohesive
policy on the issues.
The questionaire tool does not go below the age of 18 begging the question
of where a woman begins? In some regions this is considered to be so at
puberty with huge problems on rights provisions for rape victims age
9-11 upward. The hope is to involve national governments in funding adequate
provision for women victims of violence through awareness campaigns
and infrastructural development based on need .
C Murray
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