Help us to update the directory from the next libertarian agenda book
centre d'estudis josep ester i borras | 12.08.2008 13:57
This year the “Center of d’Estudis Josep Ester Borràs” and “l’Ateneu Anarquista Columna Terra i Llibertat” (Berga, Barcelona) are in charge of the proyect to publish the yearly “Libertarian Agenda Book”
Help us to update the directory from the next libertarian agenda book:
This year the “Center of d’Estudis Josep Ester Borràs” and “l’Ateneu Anarquista Columna Terra i Llibertat” (Berga, Barcelona) are in charge of the proyect to publish the yearly “Libertarian Agenda Book”
As many of you probably know allready, the Libertarian Agenda Book is yearly Published since a long time ago(many years it was done by “Ateneu Llibertari del Poble Sec” and during the last 5 years by “Ateneu Llibertari d’Igualada”). During this month you can send us your texts and draws to:
Besides, one of our main jobs is to update the directory of anarchist colectives and organizations. That,s why we ask for the help of everyone to update as much as we can this internacional directory and address book of anarchist proyects and colectives.
If you find a wrong address or a colective wich don,t exist anymore or want to add a new address you can tell us by email.
To Watch the current directory link to:
You can also make and leave your coments at:
Or send your corrections or a new address to:
Thanks a lot and salud!!
This year the “Center of d’Estudis Josep Ester Borràs” and “l’Ateneu Anarquista Columna Terra i Llibertat” (Berga, Barcelona) are in charge of the proyect to publish the yearly “Libertarian Agenda Book”
As many of you probably know allready, the Libertarian Agenda Book is yearly Published since a long time ago(many years it was done by “Ateneu Llibertari del Poble Sec” and during the last 5 years by “Ateneu Llibertari d’Igualada”). During this month you can send us your texts and draws to:

Besides, one of our main jobs is to update the directory of anarchist colectives and organizations. That,s why we ask for the help of everyone to update as much as we can this internacional directory and address book of anarchist proyects and colectives.
If you find a wrong address or a colective wich don,t exist anymore or want to add a new address you can tell us by email.
To Watch the current directory link to:

You can also make and leave your coments at:

Or send your corrections or a new address to:

Thanks a lot and salud!!
centre d'estudis josep ester i borras