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Anarchy Alive - Uri Gordon speaking in Liverpool Fri 15th Aug

nfn | 12.08.2008 11:54 | Analysis | Culture | Social Struggles | Liverpool

News From Nowhere Radical & Community Bookshop presents anarchist author Uri Gordon speaking about his book "Anarchy Alive! Anti-Authoritarian Politics From Practice to Theory", at 7pm, this Friday 15th August, at Liverpool Social Centre, basement 96 Bold St, Liverpool L1 4HY (Entrance next door to bookshop - ring basement bell). All welcome.

Book cover - Anarchy Alive by Uri Gordon - ISBN 9780745326832
Book cover - Anarchy Alive by Uri Gordon - ISBN 9780745326832

Anarchist politics are at the heart of today’s most vibrant and radical social movements. From squatted social centres and community gardens to acts of sabotage and raucous summit blockades, anarchist groups and networks are spreading an ethos of direct action, non-hierarchical organizing and self-liberation that has redefined revolutionary struggle for the 21st century.

Anarchy Alive! is a fascinating, in-depth look at the practice and theory of contemporary anarchism. Uri Gordon draws on his activist experience and on interviews, discussions and a vast selection of recent literature to explore the activities, cultures and agendas shaping today’s explosive anti-authoritarian revival. Anarchy Alive! also addresses some of the most tense debates in the contemporary movement, using a theory based on practice to provocatively reshape anarchist discussions of leadership, violence, technology and nationalism.

Uri Gordon has been tear-gassed in several major European cities. An Israeli activist and journalist, he wrote his PhD on anarchist politics at Oxford while organising with the Dissent! network, Indymedia, Peoples' Global Action and Anarchists Against the Wall.

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sorry but no

12.08.2008 16:26

"From squatted social centres and community gardens to acts of sabotage and raucous summit blockades, anarchist groups and networks are spreading an ethos of direct action, non-hierarchical organizing and self-liberation that has redefined revolutionary struggle for the 21st century."

That's meant to PROMOTE anarchism? That sounds like a critique not a rallying cry! Squatting and rioting, big wow.

Can i just say as an anarchist who has done all of the above, even the community garden, that all of these things were not 'anarchist' in an of themselves but done to further the self organisation of the working class. Tactics are not anarchist. Anarchism is the reason why.



13.08.2008 17:09

Sounds like you have a reason to attend and discuss. Personally I'd love to go, but I am several thousand miles away so can't.



14.08.2008 13:56

Alan Moore thinks that individual anarchy equals freedom and creativity, while collective anarchy equals fascism....

Would love to be there!