Russia-Georgia conflict: another cartoon (by Latuff)
Latuff | 11.08.2008 14:17 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | London | World
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great "image says it all" - "no words needed" vid link here
11.08.2008 15:38
Then think about it carefully. That's the president of Georgia who sees a Russian jet, or perhaps one of his bodyguards see it, you don't see it, then they run for shelter. They're not exactly going to win a n Olympic medal for speed and they're not going to outrun a fighter jet. Then just around the corner they "take shelter". Not inside a building. Just around the corner with one of those bullet proof screens that presidential and royal bodyguards carry all the time and look like briefcases and can as the name implies stop bullets. There has never been an incident on record of them stopping jet aircraft or bombs.
But it's a good vid.
isn't it?
It took vids like that to win the revolution of the Roses which never really relied on as much popular mobilisation as the Orange revolution in the Ukraine (which made hair-plaiting fashionable) or the Cedar revolution in Lebanon (which put Hezbollah in power). All these revolutions were named by people who make vids for George Bush in an attempt to convince you & other people who watch vids that his kicking the shit out of Iraq wasn't for Oil but instead to bring liberty to the world and what's more people wanted it so much they thought up names for "revolutions" which brought nothing but corruption, sneaky capitalism & NATO bases.
The source idea for the advertising meme of "branding revolutions" was the Velvet revolution under George H Bush which seemed a dandy idea. The legacy of that revolution included the partition of previously sovereign and indissoluble Czechoslovakia into 2 parts based on ethnic, linguistic and historical reasons.
the Ivan revolution
Sarkozy was supposed to be going to Tbilisi tomorrow.
11.08.2008 18:20
Imagine if your local Boris did a video like the one in the last comment which without words really says it all. Hold your image of local Boris with special plod protecting him from incomings and then announced to you, the united kollectivers that London would be defended and the soldiery had withdrawn from Kent to do so. (just to make a useful analogy of distance to help it be clear).
You'd reckon the shit had more than hit the fan but was well into circulation if not actually dripping like viscous mucous from your face.
wouldn't you?
& so we may reflect that Bush & Cheney perhaps even resorting to Halliburton assistance managed to fly out the 4th largest contigent of troops that had illegally invaded Iraq all those years ago. The Georgian soldiers go home to defend their capital city from aggression. Iraq is just that little bit (2,000 soldiers) less occupied.
If Russia invades the USA next they'll probably leave Iraq as well.
Then neither Obama nor Mc Cain will have to worry about it anymore.
Bush legacy