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Minutes of Manchester NO2ID Meeting, July 2008

Dave Page | 07.08.2008 22:34 | Social Struggles | Technology | Liverpool

Apologies for the late posting of these minutes; we could use volunteers to take and write up minutes at our meetings.

Manchester NO2ID Logo
Manchester NO2ID Logo

Summary of Actions

* Dave to set up a web-based sign-up for two shifts at the next stall

* Someone to volunteer to talk to FAB Café about a film screening on Sunday 28th September.

* Dave to acquire a stock of NO2ID Pledge [1] business cards.

* Dave to raise the Communications Bill with NO2ID HQ.


Recent Events

We set a new record for petition signatures at the Beech Road Festival in Chorlton [2], gathering 123 signatures in one day. Withington Lib Dem MP John Leech signed the NO2ID Pledge [3], though Dave hasn't had time yet to send out a press release about this.

Our street stall [4] was intermittently wet, and fairly quiet this month. Thanks to those who braved the weather to help out; the random displays of street and performance art in St. Anne's Square certainly gave us something to look at!

Dave appeared on City Talk radio in Liverpool [5]; we're still waiting for an MP3 of the recording.


Last Month's Actions

Most of the actions from last month had been completed. The Alternative Fresher's Fair has not yet been organised. Student society paperwork has been submitted. We have the Yorkshire NO2ID constitution. Dave had not printed a flyer, and suggested the group design it together after the meeting. Dave has not chased up the Mega Mela, the Preston NO2ID list, or the Co-Operative Bank. Tom and Nick have been plotting about a gig.

Labour Party Conference

Steve has been talking to the Convention of the Left about a slot for a campaigning meeting, which has been alloted. The next CotL meeting is on 29th July; Dave said he would try to attend. Dave is arranging a public meeting, aiming for the Tuesday of Conference, and talking to the British Computer Society about this. A film screening at FAB Café for the Sunday would be great.

Press Releases

Tom and Helen asked for more information about writing press releases. Dave suggested reading the Campaigner's Handbook [6] which is currently being revamped; our own press releases [7] are also available online. NO2ID local groups co-ordinator Matty Mitford would probably be happy to run some press release training; otherwise we could organise our own training meeting.


Manchester Events

We should buy a cheap gazebo for the stall; they can be had for ten pounds but Argos are perpetually sold out. Other suggestions for places to get one are welcome. Given the attendance at the stall, Steve suggested trying to organise multiple events in one month, and splitting people between them. Dave thought it'd be safer to try organising two shifts on a Saturday afternoon, and suggested a web-based sign up to try and organise people.

Dave still wants to organise a "grilling" barbeque outside the NIR interrogation centre on Aytoun Street.

Local Groups News

Dave attended a Liverpool NO2ID meeting [8] and has been in contact both with new Liverpool NO2ID co-ordinator Kirsty, and the Liverpool Defy-ID campaign. Dave is confident that with a bit of work, we can get an active group off the ground there. It was suggested that we try to organise a screening of Taking Liberties [9] there.

At the Northern Anarchist Network meeting in Burnley, Dave made contact with some local activists who want to run a NO2ID stall at a Burnley community fair in October / November.

Councillor Joe O'Neill is organising some civil liberties events in Salford, including identity cards and the Database State. More details as they become available.


Expanding the Campaign

Lots of people were excited about the Communications Bill and its implications for Government monitoring of people's Internet and phone records. Dave promised to raise this with the central NO2ID campaign.

We talked about approaching other groups to do talks on the Database State; No Borders and Unite Against Fascism were mentioned as organisations who might be happy for us to put on a talk, other suggestions are welcome.

Other News

Steve is doing a talk on civil liberties at Climate Camp [10].

Dave is attending NO2ID's AGM in London on 1st August.


Dave Page
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Hide the following 2 comments

ID dead already

09.08.2008 20:24

The ID card is dead. The next government is going to be a Tory one and that's the death knell for the ID card.

All those wide-eyed, naive, star-struck idealists who ever voted for Blair should remember just how repressive New Labour has been. Vote more reponsibly in future!


Not Over Yet

19.09.2008 03:00

There's a lot more to the National ID Scheme than simply the piece of plastic. If I were confident that a Tory government would completely dismantle all aspects of the database state, and put in protection against any future intrusion, I'd find better things to do with my time than lobby politicians and inform the public.

Unfortunately, the price of our freedom to protest, to live our lives without intrusion, and to protect ourselves from the Government is eternal vigilance. Please help us.

Dave Page
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