Are we losing our right to true free speech and peaceful protest?
Courtenay Rogers | 07.08.2008 15:24 | Climate Chaos
Let me start by saying that i have never been to a protest or rally of any kind upto this point my soul contribution has been to improve how we use stuff around the house and to get an allotment and grow my own veg etc.
But i have a feeling that may change very soon. I like many others in this country have sat idly in my armchair making excuses as to why i can not involve myself in such events, but as of this last week i feel that is about to change with the political policing and media blackout surrounding the Climate Camp i am begining to feel more and more guilty that others are out there effectively fighting for the rights of “ my” children to have a future that doesn’t involve them having to breathe through gas masks and and eat mass produced genetically modified food, as i think of the future for us and our children, to me it appears bleak and the more i look into our basic rights of free speech and protest the more i realise were losing them fast, this flat out scares me, the idea that one day we may be no better off than the Chinese are now.
Now is the time that everybody needs to take responsibility for there own future and if you believe in nothing else , you all believe in the right to free speech and protest. So take control ! Take responsibilty for your own life, and if nothing else use your right to free speech and protest before you lose it.
My humble thanks and apologies to those whom do this on behalf of us all.
But i have a feeling that may change very soon. I like many others in this country have sat idly in my armchair making excuses as to why i can not involve myself in such events, but as of this last week i feel that is about to change with the political policing and media blackout surrounding the Climate Camp i am begining to feel more and more guilty that others are out there effectively fighting for the rights of “ my” children to have a future that doesn’t involve them having to breathe through gas masks and and eat mass produced genetically modified food, as i think of the future for us and our children, to me it appears bleak and the more i look into our basic rights of free speech and protest the more i realise were losing them fast, this flat out scares me, the idea that one day we may be no better off than the Chinese are now.
Now is the time that everybody needs to take responsibility for there own future and if you believe in nothing else , you all believe in the right to free speech and protest. So take control ! Take responsibilty for your own life, and if nothing else use your right to free speech and protest before you lose it.
My humble thanks and apologies to those whom do this on behalf of us all.
Courtenay Rogers
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Do it now
07.08.2008 15:47
Don't ponder on it too much, just do it now. If you are able to get to the climate camp for a day or two then please do so.
As well as that, get involved with a local group working on climate change near you. There all sorts of groups working on the subject and at least one should suit you.
A N Other
go to climate camp - you'll love it!
07.08.2008 16:17
take a chance and go. you'll love it.
Ok, this may sound naff but..
07.08.2008 17:03
I also saw activists as somehow different and a bit full-on and not like reasonable old me. Then, belatedly I woke up to the lies we are told by governments and police, the control of corporations over us, the way profit is ALWAYS put above people and the environment and animals and that 'being reasonable' holds the whole lie together.
The people I've met through Climate Camp, Earth First and anti-war movements are the most real and lovely people I have ever known. Getting involved made me feel strong and in charge of my own life, as well as feeling solidarity with people who won't let you down. I still can't quite make myself climb a cooling tower or D-lock my neck to something but I've come a hell of a long way from the person I used to be. I really hope you come and get involved in whatever way you can. x
do it do it do it
07.08.2008 18:57
How about something like a weekend break at Faslane Peace Camp, in the beautiful Scottish countryside? (plug - ha ha) - alternative living, eco-friendly practices, and anti-nuclear-weapon campaigning... yay!