Turbulence e-Newsletter 3
Turbulence: Ideas for movement | 06.08.2008 09:43 | Climate Camp 2008 | Analysis | Globalisation | Social Struggles | World
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e-Newsletter 3
1. Urgent appeal for donations!
2. Turbulence @ Climate Camp
3. First translation of Turb_04 article now online
Printing Turbulence 4: ‘Who Can Save Us From the Future?’ set us back several thousand pounds, and distribution costs have so far stretched into the many hundreds. We’re thrilled to be receiving so many orders and requests for copies, but we have now well and truly run out of cash.
If you’ve already received a copy in the post, picked up the latest issue at a bookstore near you, or hope to be able to get your hands on one in the near future, please consider making a donation no matter how small!
Donations can be made via the PayPal button on our website: www.turbulence.org.uk
If you’d rather pay directly into our bank account or write us a cheque, get in touch with us at
Many of the Turbulence collective will be taking part in the Camp for Climate Action which has just begun in Kent in the UK.
We will, of course, be distributing copies of the new magazine at the camp (remember to grab a bundle to take back to your local independent bookshop, social centre, or wherever else you can think of to distribute copies!)
We’re also going to be participating in a number of workshops, discussing some of the issues brought up in our latest publication and more.
On Thursday 7 August, The Free Association (many of whom are also involved with Turbulence) will be running a workshop entitled ‘Who Can Save Us From the Future? Capitalism, Crisis, Austerity and Freedom’. It will be taking place in Space B at 4:30pm.
In an unfortunate clash, Turbulence editor Tadzio Mueller will be taking part in a discussion entitled, ‘Copenhagen 2009 – What Will Be the Camp’s Response?’ at the same time. Mona Bricke and John Jordan will also be participating in the event which takes place in Space G.
Tadzio Mueller will also be discussing ‘Which Way Forward for the Climate Movement’ with Simon Lewis and Mona Bricke from 2pm on Thursday 7 August, also in Space G.
One of the Turbulence Collective, Keir Milburn, will also be taking part in the discussion, ‘The Road to 90% and the Role of the State’ alongside George Monbiot, Almuth Ernsting and others. The event takes place on Tuesday 5 August in Space A from 7:30pm.
The full programme for the Camp is available here:
And information about the location is here:
And don’t forget the Klimakamp in Germany from 15-24 August in Hamburg!
Christian Frings’ article, ‘Global Capitalism: Futures and Options’, published in the latest issue of Turbulence is now available in German on our website.
(August 5, 2008)
1. Urgent appeal for donations!
2. Turbulence @ Climate Camp
3. First translation of Turb_04 article now online
Printing Turbulence 4: ‘Who Can Save Us From the Future?’ set us back several thousand pounds, and distribution costs have so far stretched into the many hundreds. We’re thrilled to be receiving so many orders and requests for copies, but we have now well and truly run out of cash.
If you’ve already received a copy in the post, picked up the latest issue at a bookstore near you, or hope to be able to get your hands on one in the near future, please consider making a donation no matter how small!
Donations can be made via the PayPal button on our website: www.turbulence.org.uk
If you’d rather pay directly into our bank account or write us a cheque, get in touch with us at

Many of the Turbulence collective will be taking part in the Camp for Climate Action which has just begun in Kent in the UK.
We will, of course, be distributing copies of the new magazine at the camp (remember to grab a bundle to take back to your local independent bookshop, social centre, or wherever else you can think of to distribute copies!)
We’re also going to be participating in a number of workshops, discussing some of the issues brought up in our latest publication and more.
On Thursday 7 August, The Free Association (many of whom are also involved with Turbulence) will be running a workshop entitled ‘Who Can Save Us From the Future? Capitalism, Crisis, Austerity and Freedom’. It will be taking place in Space B at 4:30pm.
In an unfortunate clash, Turbulence editor Tadzio Mueller will be taking part in a discussion entitled, ‘Copenhagen 2009 – What Will Be the Camp’s Response?’ at the same time. Mona Bricke and John Jordan will also be participating in the event which takes place in Space G.
Tadzio Mueller will also be discussing ‘Which Way Forward for the Climate Movement’ with Simon Lewis and Mona Bricke from 2pm on Thursday 7 August, also in Space G.
One of the Turbulence Collective, Keir Milburn, will also be taking part in the discussion, ‘The Road to 90% and the Role of the State’ alongside George Monbiot, Almuth Ernsting and others. The event takes place on Tuesday 5 August in Space A from 7:30pm.
The full programme for the Camp is available here:

And information about the location is here:

And don’t forget the Klimakamp in Germany from 15-24 August in Hamburg!

Christian Frings’ article, ‘Global Capitalism: Futures and Options’, published in the latest issue of Turbulence is now available in German on our website.
(August 5, 2008)
Turbulence: Ideas for movement
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