Another Letter For The Pope And For Ireland
seamus breathnach | 30.07.2008 14:57 | Culture | History | Terror War | Liverpool | London
Another Letter For The Pope And For Ireland
While the White Pope plays the PR game at home the Black Pope does the biz abroad.
Nothing new in East Timor, Vietnam, Rwanda or Croatia
The following Letter appeared in the Irish Independent dated Wednesday 30th of July 2008. Its contents , which I believe, and which, apart from other references , is intelligible, hinge not too remotely on Papal hypocrisy as well as the infinite depravity of my country under the Papacy’s influence. The Popes even give Caesar a bad name!
While the White Pope plays the PR game at home the Black Pope does the biz abroad.
Nothing new in East Timor, Vietnam, Rwanda or Croatia
The following Letter appeared in the Irish Independent dated Wednesday 30th of July 2008. Its contents , which I believe, and which, apart from other references , is intelligible, hinge not too remotely on Papal hypocrisy as well as the infinite depravity of my country under the Papacy’s influence. The Popes even give Caesar a bad name!
Another Letter For The Pope And For Ireland
While the White Pope plays the PR game at home the Black Pope does the biz abroad.
Nothing new in East Timor, Vietnam, Rwanda or Croatia
The following Letter appeared in the Irish Independent dated Wednesday 30th of July 2008. Its contents , which I believe, and which, apart from other references , is intelligible, hinge not too remotely on Papal hypocrisy as well as the infinite depravity of my country under the Papacy’s influence. The Popes even give Caesar a bad name!
Irish complicity in West’s war crime
Wednesday July 30 2008
M ROSS’S letter (’Poisonous feuds led to bloodshed’, Letters, July 29) was a whiff of fresh air amid the bland xerox chorus that journalism has become. An equally generous dose of fresh air, from John Laughland, can be found at
Surprisingly to many people, Ireland has connections with the late Yugoslavia. I refer readers to Church of Ireland cleric Hubert Butler (and his book ‘Escape from the Anthill’), who taught in Croatia in 1938 and returned there to document the massacre of a million humans, mostly Orthodox Serbs, then Jews and Gypsies, by fascist Catholic Croatia. The biggest death camp in Europe, after Auschwitz, was in the Nazi puppet “Independent State of Croatia”, close to Zagreb.
All this was known to the Vatican. The forced conversion of a quarter of a million Orthodox Christians by the Catholic statelet of Croatia was never rescinded by the Holy See, although all communists were excommunicated.
In the garb of a Catholic priest, the Himmler of Croatia, Andrija Artukovic (”Father Anic”), arrived in Ireland after WWII. His escape via Austria and Switzerland and concealment in Ireland was arranged by the Order of Friars Minor, with the collusion of the Irish hierarchy. It’s doubtful if the government knew who or what “Father Anic” was. He subsequently found refuge in California and was returned to communist Yugoslavia in 1986, where he was tried for crimes he did not commit and not tried for crimes he did commit.
The troubles there are not the fruit of Serb nationalism. “Greater Serbia” was the WMD war cry of Austro-Hungary up to 1914 and from 1991 of the West and the so-called international community.
Ireland has not only permitted CIA “rendition flights”, but in 1999 lent her airports to the Pentagon in violation of Ireland’s constitutionally mandated neutrality for logistic support against the Christian Serbs and in support of creating new German puppet states (Croatia and Slovenia), as well as Islamic states in Bosnia and Kosovo.
Targets in the 78-day Blitzkrieg of 1999 included empty government buildings across the street from the US Embassy in Belgrade, Danube bridges, markets, civilian trains, Serb TV, the Chinese embassy, schools and hospitals.
Serb mothers delivered babies under NATO/US bombing, with doctors working by the light of torches.
Over a quarter of a million Serbs were expelled from lands which had been theirs since the time of the Battle of the Boyne. Not “Connacht or hell”, but Serbia or hell.
Milosevic, by the way, barred the refugees from entering Serbia while he held a May Day parade in Belgrade in 1995. Some nationalist. The refugees were for the most part put up in Serb Bosnia.
Last, but not least, the goal of the US/NATO humanitarian bombing — RAF and Luftwaffe flying wingtip to wingtip –was the creation, at the sacrifice of Christians, of Islamic states in the heart of Europe.
That’s why we got cheap oil.
JP Maher PH D_Professor Emeritus,
Citizen of Ireland and USA,
Veteran US Army Counter-Intelligence Corps,
Yugoslav Desk 430th MI BN,
Serb-Croat Linguist,
Northern Italy 1959-61
Chicago IL 60630_USA
While the White Pope plays the PR game at home the Black Pope does the biz abroad.
Nothing new in East Timor, Vietnam, Rwanda or Croatia
The following Letter appeared in the Irish Independent dated Wednesday 30th of July 2008. Its contents , which I believe, and which, apart from other references , is intelligible, hinge not too remotely on Papal hypocrisy as well as the infinite depravity of my country under the Papacy’s influence. The Popes even give Caesar a bad name!
Irish complicity in West’s war crime
Wednesday July 30 2008
M ROSS’S letter (’Poisonous feuds led to bloodshed’, Letters, July 29) was a whiff of fresh air amid the bland xerox chorus that journalism has become. An equally generous dose of fresh air, from John Laughland, can be found at

Surprisingly to many people, Ireland has connections with the late Yugoslavia. I refer readers to Church of Ireland cleric Hubert Butler (and his book ‘Escape from the Anthill’), who taught in Croatia in 1938 and returned there to document the massacre of a million humans, mostly Orthodox Serbs, then Jews and Gypsies, by fascist Catholic Croatia. The biggest death camp in Europe, after Auschwitz, was in the Nazi puppet “Independent State of Croatia”, close to Zagreb.
All this was known to the Vatican. The forced conversion of a quarter of a million Orthodox Christians by the Catholic statelet of Croatia was never rescinded by the Holy See, although all communists were excommunicated.
In the garb of a Catholic priest, the Himmler of Croatia, Andrija Artukovic (”Father Anic”), arrived in Ireland after WWII. His escape via Austria and Switzerland and concealment in Ireland was arranged by the Order of Friars Minor, with the collusion of the Irish hierarchy. It’s doubtful if the government knew who or what “Father Anic” was. He subsequently found refuge in California and was returned to communist Yugoslavia in 1986, where he was tried for crimes he did not commit and not tried for crimes he did commit.
The troubles there are not the fruit of Serb nationalism. “Greater Serbia” was the WMD war cry of Austro-Hungary up to 1914 and from 1991 of the West and the so-called international community.
Ireland has not only permitted CIA “rendition flights”, but in 1999 lent her airports to the Pentagon in violation of Ireland’s constitutionally mandated neutrality for logistic support against the Christian Serbs and in support of creating new German puppet states (Croatia and Slovenia), as well as Islamic states in Bosnia and Kosovo.
Targets in the 78-day Blitzkrieg of 1999 included empty government buildings across the street from the US Embassy in Belgrade, Danube bridges, markets, civilian trains, Serb TV, the Chinese embassy, schools and hospitals.
Serb mothers delivered babies under NATO/US bombing, with doctors working by the light of torches.
Over a quarter of a million Serbs were expelled from lands which had been theirs since the time of the Battle of the Boyne. Not “Connacht or hell”, but Serbia or hell.
Milosevic, by the way, barred the refugees from entering Serbia while he held a May Day parade in Belgrade in 1995. Some nationalist. The refugees were for the most part put up in Serb Bosnia.
Last, but not least, the goal of the US/NATO humanitarian bombing — RAF and Luftwaffe flying wingtip to wingtip –was the creation, at the sacrifice of Christians, of Islamic states in the heart of Europe.
That’s why we got cheap oil.
JP Maher PH D_Professor Emeritus,
Citizen of Ireland and USA,
Veteran US Army Counter-Intelligence Corps,
Yugoslav Desk 430th MI BN,
Serb-Croat Linguist,
Northern Italy 1959-61
Chicago IL 60630_USA

seamus breathnach