Parliament Square: police harassment
James Holland | 29.07.2008 14:16 | Iraq | London
I was just on my way to a church function when I saw police talking to Brian Haw as I drove around Parliament Square. I stopped to try and ask what was happening. Three policemen came over to me and said they weren't required to tell me but I could ask Brian and Barbara later. The acting sergeant then told me to move on. I asked why and if I was doing anything wrong and he told me to move on again. I tried to ask why again and he called a policeman over saying "Do a check on this man - he won't move on" I said I would and to my shame I moved on. They were very intimidating however.
From what I could see they were trying to search the tents, but they didn't have a warrant or were refusing to produce it.
From what I could see they were trying to search the tents, but they didn't have a warrant or were refusing to produce it.
James Holland
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It's nice being reminded
29.07.2008 15:12
29.07.2008 16:10
Benn, Livingstone, and Galloway...
29.07.2008 18:06
Watch the videos! Blair's boys, Tony Benn (the minister who supplied Israel with the nuclear materials required to build fussion bombs), Galloway (the go-between guy that kept contact with Saddam era Iraq for the British authorities) and Livingstone (the go-between guy that kept contact with the IRA for the British authorities during Thatcher's era) are all treated like royalty. As soon as Haw starts to speak, female MI5 agents, embedded within the stop-the-war movement, are trying to drag him off stage.
On Indymedia UK, those that attempt to speak out of the circle of British intelligence control will find their posts rapidly hauled off to the concentration camp called 'hidden' . The only exceptions occur because the censorship must never be so obvious or offensive that it ultimately proves counter-productive.
Brain Haw cannot be censored from Indymedia UK, much as every established activist group in zionist hands would love. Instead, Mr Haw is abused in a very clever way. The issues for which he fights are NEVER mentioned. Instead, the man himself is made the issue, safely neutralising his work.
If Brian Haw attempted to make a speech on Indymedia UK, for instance, it would be immediately hidden.
Brian Haw fights the nazi-like atrocities of Blair's New Labour organisation, and wants every person that has enabled New Labour to make rape, torture and genocide the common currency of the West to be considered WAR CRIMINALS and tried as the same. Benn, Livingstone, and Galloway have all been willing participants in New Labour, and their presence has been instrumental to Blair's successes. Even outside of this party, Galloway was able to neatly run the massive anti-war movement into the ground, guaranteeing another round of electoral success for Blair, despite massively diminished support for New Labour at the last General Election.
On the verge of war with Iran, Respect and the anti-war parties of the UK are an utter joke, and the British Public are most unlikely to make the effort again that saw the millions demonstrate in London last time. Brian Haw is the only one that could lead such a movement, but that isn't his choice, and doesn't seem to be his nature, and good for him on that, for we mush each find our own way, and what Mr Haw has done makes him as good as Blair and his supporters are evil.
BTW, yes I am aware that Blair has his Bush-like puppet 'running' New Labour at the moment, although Blair's proxies are the ones really running the show. The UK is operating like nazi-clockwork and Blair needs an international freedom during this run up to his next wars. Obama (or Clinton) will create the climate that allows NATO to finally morph into a unified EU army (with massive German participation), an army that is intended to carry out most of the duties of occupation in Iran, Saudi, Pakistan etc., after the US army has carried out frontline duties allowing the invasions to proceed.
Mr Haw is going to be protesting many tens of millions more racist murders by the UK and USA, during the next few years.
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