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Donut Market Expect To Drop In London as 31,000 Met Cops get Electronic Tags

bb | 29.07.2008 14:04 | Analysis | Technology | London

This month every on duty Met cop will be under constant individual surveillance from a big brother tracking computer.

Police force keeps tabs on officers

Janes Police Review (extract)

10 April 2008

The force will be able to pinpoint the exact location of every police officer

THERE will be nowhere for Met officers to hide after July when the force plans to introduce electronic tracking of all its officers.

Supervisors will be able to pinpoint the exact location of every on-duty officer in the force area when it introduces the Automated Personal Location System.

The Met said this will enhance the safety of its 31,000 officers and allow them to be sent to incidents more quickly,

The Met Police Federation has cautiously welcomed the scheme but warned that the system has 'an element of Big Brother to it'.

The system is one of the largest of its kind in the world, according to Telent, the company behind the technology, although neither the force nor Telent would give any more information about exactly how the system will work or what sort of devices officers will wear.

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Display the following 3 comments

  1. To be followed within a week by... — MonkeyBot 5000
  2. I heard a rumour that those things give you cancer. — beep beep (bzzzt) crackle ((plod)) beep beep (((proceed on your way)))
  3. How is this news? — Concerned of Halton Moor