Troops Out Movement Delegation to Belfast 7 - 10 Aug
Mary Pearson | 29.07.2008 09:51
This is to inform people of the Troops Out Movement's annual visit to Belfast which co-insides with the final weekend of the West Belfast Community Festival - Feile an Phobail
Troops Out Movement
Campaigning for British Withdrawal from Ireland
Annual Delegation to Belfast
Thurs 7th – Sun 10th August
This year’s visit will be ten years after the Good Friday Agreement and fifteen months after the re-opening of the Northern Ireland Assembly. What are the changes? The Delegation is a unique opportunity to observe, first hand, the reality of life in Belfast and hear, free from media interference, the views of people directly affected.
You will have chance to:-
• Attend political talks / discussion workshops
• Visit community groups
• Join in the West Belfast Community Festival
see at
For Further Information contact:
Troops Out Movement
PO Box 1032 Birmingham B12 8BZ Tel: 0121 773 8683 0r 0797 017 4167
Campaigning for British Withdrawal from Ireland
Annual Delegation to Belfast
Thurs 7th – Sun 10th August
This year’s visit will be ten years after the Good Friday Agreement and fifteen months after the re-opening of the Northern Ireland Assembly. What are the changes? The Delegation is a unique opportunity to observe, first hand, the reality of life in Belfast and hear, free from media interference, the views of people directly affected.
You will have chance to:-
• Attend political talks / discussion workshops
• Visit community groups
• Join in the West Belfast Community Festival
see at
For Further Information contact:
Troops Out Movement
PO Box 1032 Birmingham B12 8BZ Tel: 0121 773 8683 0r 0797 017 4167

Mary Pearson