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Professor Atkinson wants GM trial Secrecy.

Ilyan | 29.07.2008 09:26 | Bio-technology | World

GM Phds, Professors, and Bureaucrats at a London Symposium were warned about GM trials. They ignored it.

The warning was delivered appropriately in a Chemistry Society's building in London. It was very appropriate that the Government called that GM Trials Symposium there. The warning came directly from the work of Chemists. In the 1920s Chemists discovered CFCs, there were patents, and production started and grew..

Fiifty years later they discovered the risks in CFCs. There is now Chlorine in the Ozone layer that will catalyse the Ozone whenever it gets cold enough. Ozone is destroyed, but the Chlorine remains to repeat the action.

Those fifty years indicates the time that should be spent properly researching the safety of any technological breakthrough. All tests and trials to do with GM should be contained in secure premises with Porton Down standards of security (or better) for fifty years before open air trials are allowed.

The Chair understood the proposal and said it would be considered later.

It is quite clear that if God exists, Scientists in the pay of Patent seeking Businesses have Him/Her/It well beaten. God never made any CFCs, nor put fish genes into plants. The most God did in GM was to cross Alaskan Cedar (Chamaecyparis Nootkatensis renamed Xanthocyparis Nootkatensis in about 2002) with Monterey Cyprus ( Cupressus macrocarpa). The result is believed sterile. Leylandii are only reproduced by cuttings. There may be a warning there.

Looking back at the mass extinction potential in the destruction of the Ozone Layer, it is clear that all GM Scientists should be conscripted into priority research to produce plants and animals that will thrive when exposed to what are today lethal levels of Ultra violet light.

The incompetent Politicians who are busy destroying the value of Money will not do that. The GM Scientists are allowed to proceed making the genetic mix necessary to fulfill Armageddon. The Bible gave warning.



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Here's an idea

29.07.2008 15:27

Instead of bitching about GM scientists as if they are part of some evil social club, how about you read a fucking book and get involved. For every CFC you can point at there are a hundred technologies that have not caused any problems.

"it is clear that all GM Scientists should be conscripted into priority research to produce plants and animals that will thrive when exposed to what are today lethal levels of Ultra violet light."

You are completely batshit. You don't need to "conscript" scientist to do that research, you just need to be prepared to fund it and EMPLOY scientists. Science is not an organisation with it's own hidden agenda, it is a method for divining truth - and one that has served us well for a long time.

One of the reasons that scientists ignore you is that you treat them as if they are some necessary evil. A malevolent force that must be locked away for those vanishingly rare occassions where a fundraising vegan BBQ and a native American raindance don't quite cut the mustard.

The other is that you obviously don't know what you are talking about.


Ilyan and Steve with hidden Greenwash agenda to hide GM food facts

30.07.2008 10:04

Both of these individuals seem in perfect harmony. On the one hand, there is Ilya, a crazed religious fiend without any real idea of genetically modified technology quoting the bible and the on the other, there is Steve, a hatred filled science lover telling us how scientists are going to save the world and somehow links this with GM.

Here are some facts

1 Religion is irrelevant in the UK and is certainly not the reason why most ordinary people are concerned about GM technology. The UK is a secular place and apart from the monarchy and their cohorts, most people other than from oppressed colonial nations do not go to church. Other religious orders have made no references to GM in their speeces and therefore Ilya and Steve seem to have some other agenda

2 Steve seems to think science is the only reason why we are alive, please can you tell me which scientist assisted the planet 4.5 billion years ago, please name any scientist that can nourish as many life forms as planet earth please? Furthermore, I am going to rely on self-determination, nature and observational science which has allowed humans to live up till now rather than words and just science. You are trying to suggest that all scientists support GM technology, let me tell everyone they do not and below is where you can find some research proving why

It sounds like Steve and Ilya are jointly paid to do a bit of Greenwash by some corporates but here are some facts of what ordinary people, the majority in the UK are very concerned about.

The GM issue is very serious as it raises issues about human health, the access to ordinary non-GMO foods which have proved beneficial to human health as well as the detrimental impact on the environment, wildlife and ecology.

The four serious points are as follows:

GM foods are not ordinary foods and are therefore inherently different to what we have been eating. They are created in laboratories using genes which are synthetic versions of the originals.
GM foods are not safe and have been proven not to be so for by independent research scientists at the Institute of Science in Society. See url
These scientists are not in the pay of organisations who are interested in a profit sector which leaves the control of food, the ecology in the hands of lab technicians.
GM companies are not being ensured for this experimentation on the environment, organic farming or on human health via their GM foods because no one is prepared to underwrite the risks.
GM foods lead to more pesticide problems as pests build up resistance.

I for one do not want to experiment with human health and am also not prepared to underwrite the risks taken by companies with track records like that of Monsanto. The European Union must take action to protect the citizen from the harmful impacts of a technology sector that is ripe for abuse and monopolisation of our food chain.

truth about GM

Other ends

30.07.2008 12:44

Well Steve, reading books is no help unless you have a microscope and are helping God breed the new disease that will wipe out about five billion people. Then a Textbook on Bacteriology and something on Histology might help. They are in my house, but to really be effective destroying this Money based Civiliisation you need a good Virus. Infecting Chickens with human 'flu and then giving them this new bird 'flu might do the trick.

Thanks for the hint that led to that idea, though that might only meet half the target. The survival rate in Vietnam was fifty percent of those humans who caught bird flu..

There is a daft suggestion about Vegan. Let it be known that as a properly adopted member of the Cow family (My cow 'mother' her idea- would attack any human who came into the field with me) I eat cows so that our co-evolution shall continue to exist. And if I see any human whacking a cow with an alkathene pipe I might kill that human.

Truth GM: "1 Religion is irrelevant in the UK and is certainly not the reason why most ordinary people are concerned about GM technology." But for those who are religious, that GM Scientists are usurping God is a very powerful argument. The idea "God will cancel the Resurrection because humans are destroying this Creation" turned one proGM Government Official at a Swansea meeting green,

I think you would find that the thing that scares the people at most is the release of Genetically modified genes in the wild, and the effect of the modification techniques that might go with them.. Long ago I put a piece up here suggesting people keep the I-sis magazine going by taking out subscriptions. That piece was hidden. Now there are ads on their site, It is still worth a visit, and free to subscribe to their emails.
