Attending the Camp For Climate Action 2008 - The practicalities, fun, and fears.
voices | 28.07.2008 13:18 | Climate Camp 2008 | Climate Chaos
Views, reassurance, clarification, and enthusiasm from people who attended in 2007, and a little bit of the magic in their words and eyes.
Video on Climate Camp For Action website:
Attending the Camp For Climate Action 2008 from Alined Gif on Vimeo.
Video On Vimeo:
Attending the Camp For Climate Action 2008 from Alined Gif on Vimeo.
Video On Vimeo:
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28.07.2008 14:34
Middle Class
28.07.2008 22:35
Workin Class camper
NUM info
29.07.2008 12:51
NUM protest at Climate Camp
Ian Morgan | 28.07.2008 11:29 | Workers' Movements
The protest during the climate camp against their attempts to see working class people lose their jobs reached a new stage today when the NUM confirmed that miners from other parts of the UK would be attending a protest at the camp on the 4th of August. Miners from Yorkshire and other areas are coming to help educate and inform the climate camp attenders of the realities of clean coal, the need for coal in the UK and the effects of working class communities of the destruction of the coal industry in the UK.
The British coal industry now has less than 3000 miners left, and the NUM organisd a Clean Coal conference in Sheffield 2007, they wish Clean Coal technology to be developed as a way of offsetting the drive for expanded nuclear energy production.
Chris Kitchen NUM National Secretary responded today to those protesting against the local council's decision to allow a new coal-fired power station to be built at kingsnorth in Kent. Chris said:
"As the local council gave the go-ahead for the development of the proposed coal-burning power station at Kingsnorth, near Rochester in Kent the no-coal at any price brigade came out in force. The Guardian and Independent newspapers made the protests by Greenpeace and the environment lobby the main story running the case against the power station rather than presenting the compelling case for it.
Anyone would think, listening to these crackpots, that we no longer burn coal in this country. The truth is we import 56 million tonnes of coal a year from places like Russia and South Africa and burn it in our coal-fired power stations to meet the nation’s energy requirements. If we did not burn coal the country would grind to a halt and the lights would go out tomorrow. Coal is our saviour as the price of oil, now more than $100 per barrel, and gas continue to rise in price and become harder to find.
What these protestors should be doing is supporting clean coal technologies to eliminate between 85% and 90% of carbon emissions. Britain still needs coal and will have to burn it well into the future but it can be done cleanly if new technologies such as carbon capture and storage are developed. These very technologies are being developed around the world and should be developed here.
Furthermore our country still sits on vast coal reserves which for a fraction of the cost of building new nuclear power stations could provide energy security well into the future and we must exploit them rather than import coal from around the world. Coal is the real fuel of the future. Those detractors who oppose the use of coal also oppose the use of any other form of energy apart from the utopian idea that windfarms and other renewables will meet all Britain’s energy needs – it is fantasy.
The Government should immediately finance at least 12 demonstration sites for the development of clean coal technologies and then exploit Britain’s vast deep-mined coal reserves."
We urge all those who support working class people, their jobs and their communities to respond to this influx of middle class, misinformed, Londoners by standing with the miners and their families.
Ian Morgan
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NUM protest
28.07.2008 12:15
Looks like having friends among the Indymedia collective is really paying off big time for the Climate Camp people. First the views of the local people in the area were quickly deleted from Indymedia UK when it was obvious they didn't welcome the camp and now we have an Indymedia admin hiding this post about the NUM counter-demonstration.
Open Publishing - only for friends of the collective on Indymedia UK
ex Miner
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28.07.2008 12:52
Good to see the idiots at the climate camp getting called out by those people who their ridiculous postering will hurt. This silly little event was bad enough last year with groups of Guardian readers telling working people that they shouldn't fly off for a couple of weeks holiday because it was contributing to climate change - complete rubbish.
Big up to the NUM for doing this - long overdue and very welcome.
Billy the kid
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Isn't it better if readers know this is coming
29.07.2008 02:28
so they can prepare to address it head on?
working classes
29.07.2008 17:02
The camp is what the people who go make it. What it does not do is set out to fetishize any one economic grouping, or claim it has all the answers. If you dont like the video, why not make one yourself?
I thought the video was excellent and reached out to a broad range of people which was good.
Radical, vegan, working class camper
Another working class camper
Middle, Working, Business, Squatter
29.07.2008 21:15
Working class, middle class, business owner, squatter, we're all getting hit by this issue and all other issues, from privatisation and globalisation to evironmental issues.
There is only one thing you need to know. A divided community is a conquered community.
Get over your winging, get off your computer and do something about it.
I'm in the streets every day looking at one issue or another and I don't see you there with me.
Participate, don't procrastinate.
Common Enemy
badly dressed
30.07.2008 07:42
The camp and the radical anti-capitalist movement have to look seriously to what extent it is dominated by middle-class ideologies and to what extent this is a problem to the development of a radical working class anti-capitalist movement.
see you all on Sunday
30.07.2008 08:07
There is only one thing you need to know. A divided community is a conquered community. "
There is only one thing you need to know. The interests of the working class are not shared by businessmen and the middle classes. It is the working class that will bear the brunt of any crisis brought on by climate change not the middle classes.
A divided community is a conquered community? News for you bub we live in a society that is divided along lines of class and the only way to overcome class divisions is to destroy the class system and for that to happen we need a revolution.
Break away
30.07.2008 20:06
Also, we've got to stop living by the labels the original ruling group gave us (working class, etc ) and if we have to make lines and barriers so that we recognise our enemies (I don't personally think we do but...) then let's re-draw them : those that are exploiting the people, land and animals and those of us that think that's wrong. It may be semantics to some, but I always think we reinforce the class system by repetition at a time when many of the old lines about 'class' are blurred and confused.
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