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what kind of christian god...

zi | 25.07.2008 07:53

would be pleased with turning up to a continent that worships the cross that he was nailed onto?

eh? sacrifice my arse. worship the man not the cross you bimbos.



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Blinding Cross

25.07.2008 08:42

I expect to see that by zi to be hidden soon. It is a pity it is aggressive enough to tip the decision towards hiding. That jewish troublemaker Jesus should be properly recognised on Indymedia for what he was, he is an earlier version of Marx. They are both advocating Heaven on Earth and telling ways to get there. It is their bigotted dogmatic followers who make that impossible, and that is equally true of Moslems. Though there are obvious errors by both Marx and Mohammet, it is a bit more difficult to show fault in Jesus, perhaps as the ressult of censorship of the Testaments seventy years later, so the grosser errors are attributable to Saul/Paul.


Born against Christians

25.07.2008 08:57

Or better still, free yourself from the mind control opiate of the masses religion and enjoy life. Jesus doesn't and never did exist. Get over it. x

Christ Illusion