London bus drivers demonstration 24/7/08
Paddy Garcia | 24.07.2008 21:43 | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | London | World
London bus drivers march to city hall demanding pay parity among the private companies who run London's buses.
From T&G/UNITE press release:
London’s bus workers and members of Unite the union will today (Thursday 24th July) march on City Hall to demand one rate of pay across all bus companies that operate within the capital.
In a recent ballot of Unite’s 28,000 Busworkers 99 percent voted yes to the proposed single rate of pay across the network.
Unite is calling for a single rate of pay for drivers of £30,000 a year, based on a 38 hour week. Currently the eighteen London bus companies all operate with different pay structures, with pay inequalities of up to £6,000 a year.
There is a startling disparity between bus drivers pay in the capital, with rosters in some companies seeing many drivers’ complete nearly 60 hours per week.
Driving on London’s roads is a potentially hazardous job, and as a result Unite is calling for standard rosters, scheduling and pay rates that will remove this culture of excessive working hours on London’s bus routes.
Peter Kavanagh, Unite Senior Regional Industrial Organiser says: "If the tendering system, TfL and the employers insist on continuing with their ‘Race to the Bottom’, our members will be taking part in a race of their own - a Race to the Picket Lines!"
Employers are also threatening to introduce lower rates of pay for new employees and even to set up new ‘low cost’ operations as sub-divisions, with inferior terms and conditions, in their frenzy to win or retain contracts for certain routes.
Steve Hart, London Regional Secretary for Unite says: "Boris Johnson recently described London’s bus drivers as the ‘World’s finest’. If he really believes this then he needs to act quickly to end the huge disparities in pay across London’s bus networks. Unite has written to the Mayor inviting him to comment on our campaign for Equal Pay for his drivers."
London’s bus workers and members of Unite the union will today (Thursday 24th July) march on City Hall to demand one rate of pay across all bus companies that operate within the capital.
In a recent ballot of Unite’s 28,000 Busworkers 99 percent voted yes to the proposed single rate of pay across the network.
Unite is calling for a single rate of pay for drivers of £30,000 a year, based on a 38 hour week. Currently the eighteen London bus companies all operate with different pay structures, with pay inequalities of up to £6,000 a year.
There is a startling disparity between bus drivers pay in the capital, with rosters in some companies seeing many drivers’ complete nearly 60 hours per week.
Driving on London’s roads is a potentially hazardous job, and as a result Unite is calling for standard rosters, scheduling and pay rates that will remove this culture of excessive working hours on London’s bus routes.
Peter Kavanagh, Unite Senior Regional Industrial Organiser says: "If the tendering system, TfL and the employers insist on continuing with their ‘Race to the Bottom’, our members will be taking part in a race of their own - a Race to the Picket Lines!"
Employers are also threatening to introduce lower rates of pay for new employees and even to set up new ‘low cost’ operations as sub-divisions, with inferior terms and conditions, in their frenzy to win or retain contracts for certain routes.
Steve Hart, London Regional Secretary for Unite says: "Boris Johnson recently described London’s bus drivers as the ‘World’s finest’. If he really believes this then he needs to act quickly to end the huge disparities in pay across London’s bus networks. Unite has written to the Mayor inviting him to comment on our campaign for Equal Pay for his drivers."
Paddy Garcia
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Nice one!
24.07.2008 22:37
Noticed not a word about it from the Libcom nutters, definitely becoming an irrelevance.
Dave Avering
excellent pictures
24.07.2008 22:59
PS assuming that isn't actually a decimal point as the placard has it, and they really are demanding £40,000 a year um... WTF?! I can't be the only person who dreams of being on £40000 a year and also works in the public sector. Of course they deserve that, we all *deserve* that, it just seems like a mad demand. You might as well have a placard with "communism now" on it, its in the same league in terms of PR and sensibility.
cosmo the twat
25.07.2008 08:42
Considering that the Cost of living has risen so much, and that this is London where the cost of living, and wages are higher than other parts of the country. I don't think 40 grand is as ridiculous as you think.
Fly Posters
Double pay if......
25.07.2008 08:59
This in not the revolution
25.07.2008 10:39
£40k for driving a bus!?
25.07.2008 12:14
I hold two degrees and work just as many hours as them in a job that requires me to drive 30 miles each morning on little country roads before I can even start my day. I get half of what they are asking for.
I've got no problem with them demanding equal pay - I just didn't realise they meant equal to a junior doctor doing a 60-70 hour week!
MonkeyBot 5000
£40 K
25.07.2008 12:30
you are fuckin joking right ?
still laughing
Odd responses
25.07.2008 13:22
The fact that bus drivers earn what they do is due in no small part to the fact they take collective action against poor wages.
Instead of bemoaning others pay packets think what you could do if you joined together with your fellow workers to demand better pay?
Ps have any of you driven a bus in london? It has to be one of the most unappealing job prospects you could encounter.
More pay for bus drivers more pay for all workers!
dave avering
40k fair pay
25.07.2008 14:19
For health and safety for all concerned cut the hours.
POWER to the drivers.
PCV holder
right dave,strikers would agree with u,living wage4all,stop moaning.How can BNPc
25.07.2008 15:05
Green syndicalist
@ Dave
25.07.2008 15:11
No, just a step into reality. Driving a bus is not a £40k a year job.
"Instead of bemoaning others pay packets think what you could do if you joined together with your fellow workers to demand better pay?"
Great idea, let's all demand £40k a year. Unfortunately, since the bus drivers, mechanics, cleaners etc all need to be paid more, your bus fair is going to go up. All of a sudden your £40k only buys you as much as £20k would have before the mass pay rise. You can't just crank up the pay without changing anything else. A better option is to take back the buses so that their isn't the requirement to generate profit and have big bonuses for directors. What would be taken in profit can then be used to increase wages.
Do you really think someone who can't understand that should be earning as much as a junior doctor who is far more skilled, far less replaceable and who works 50% more hours a week?
As for unapealing jobs - I'd rather drive a bus in London than be wiping old people's arses in a care home for minimum wage. Some drivers have a legitimate gripe in that they are being paid less than others, but they still have a comparitively easy job when you look at jobs of similar and even higher skill..
MonkeyBot 5000
Okay a bit of perspective
25.07.2008 16:12
Arriva also recently won the Cross Country rail franchise getting a government subsidy worth £1.05bn over the life of the franchise.
Unfortunately i couldn't find how much David Martin, head of Arriva is getting paid for all this.
The point is though across london bus companies want to pay drivers the lowest wage they can get away with (to increase their profits and to retain their franchise), the drivers naturally enough want everyone to be paid the same, decent, wage.
As the song goes which side are you on, boys, which side are you on....
usual indymedia "BLACK OR WHITE!!!!!111" bollocks
25.07.2008 17:41
Kids, for fucks sake, we wouldn't be reading this site if we were right wingers! I'm a communist, for my sins. All i'm saying is that £40k is a mad MAD demand, and as others have pointed out, completely out of perspective to other key workers and out of perspective to what the value system of our society is - however much we want to change the latter. It smacks of Trottery actually - their 'transitional demand' nonsense where you demand something really mad knowing it will lose, hopefully pushing workers to revolt.
Bus drivers do have a hard job, no argument there 'PCV holder'. But don't we all? Currently working as a labourer whilst waiting to become a Teaching Assistant i work 11 hour days with an hours break for £6.30 an hour. And that's GOOD for labouring right now. It's also far more dangerous than pretty much everything other that making porn films with live sharks. If i wanted to take industrial action i would make rational demands to level my pay with people who did similar jobs - like chippy's and brickies - and demand something like £10 - £15 an hour.
Like i said, demands for 40k are just mental, they can only puzzle other workers and make you look like a loony. We should be fighting for equality and fair treatment for workers, not some bullshit shampoo advert 'cos i'm worth it' silliness.
PS and bus drivers in london are utter cunts, sorry, but try living oop north where they are polite and you'll realise how true this is. And no, northern ones are paid even worse.
PPS to the guy who was like 'stop whinging and join a union' - no shit mate, T&G and IWW = me. Of course unionised industries have better pay at low levels. How did that rebuff the points made here?
cosmo the twat
cosmo, your one weird fucked up communist
25.07.2008 18:38
Sour Apple Tree
£40,000 placard
25.07.2008 18:58
Any bus drivers who earns anywhere near 40k a year can you get in touch so we can put poor cosmo out of his/her misery.
The average basic wage for a 40 hr week on East Thames buses (the only buses not run by private operators) is £23,878 going up to £26,062 after the first year.
karm down! karm down!
25.07.2008 22:29
It that's the case you are saying some pretty weird stuff mate.
Bus drivers work for private companies, therefore their pay is in keeping with market forces ie however much the company think they can get people to work for, and has nothing to do with your job, your condition, or your value as a worker. Basic Marx, innit.
The point about this demonstration (don't think it was a strike per se) was that bus drivers should get the same level of pay across the board, raised up to the highest standard, rather than levelled down to the lowest standard as the bus companies want.
I think the thatcherite individualism slur is based on those of us who remember the 80's where thatcher divided the working class by successfully pitting sets of workers against each other by making us all 'individuals' fighting for a better life/pay packet/job, rather than fighting collectively with each other against the bosses for a better life.
Seriously cosmo, check your iww histroy.
26.07.2008 09:37
£40K for being a surly git behind a screen, who do they think they employees?
Most bus drivers (in London, can't speak for the rest) are rude,dismissive,arrogant and not to put too finer point on it, crap drivers (could someone else look up the accident figures involving buses please.)
They arn't nurses, doctors, emergency services, scientists, teachers etc so what have they done to be WORTH that sort of cash.
Fact fans......"it is a hazardous job with responsibility", the reality is that if it gets nasty (or someone wont get off the bus cos they are asleep etc) they have a big red button and the cops have to come running. If they want someone off they just stop the bus and open the doors, to hell with everyone else.
To hell with them, Manchester has driver less trams, and so far there has yet to be rivers of blood, and Londons streets were rebuilt for trams a long time ago (look it up, we used to have a fantastic public transport system, it will be in black and white as it was ages ago haha), and where you cant get a tram, how about a 2 crew routemaster.
OK bring on the hatred
Harry Purvis
26.07.2008 10:44
For Harry
26.07.2008 10:58
For Harry
26.07.2008 21:22
As for my other detractor, it's not about sharing the wealth at comes from taxation, and therefor US. So no drivers, or only a few paid a sensible wage lowers the amount we have to pay in tax.
Public sector pay IS too high but in the wrong areas,piss poor managers and apochetniks, not in the pockets of those who need it, if a manager is so good that he demands a salery of XYZ and if he dosn't get it he will leave then he knows where the door is (he will have a shock, privae industry is a damb sight nastier). After that we can start to demand to "see the books" over tax and spending. I think a few more people should find out how much we spend on running the country, shocks ahoy.
If the money is going in and we aint getting nowt out, THEN we will have the proof that will cause change, when people think they are getting short changed then they get nasty.
An individual is a voice and easly drowned out, millions of voices changes governments.
Harry Purvis
sheeple like being slaves
26.07.2008 21:51
oi yoi
just questioning the placard, not the issue
27.07.2008 11:19
Obviously fuck the bosses of the rail etc etc
cosmo the twat
Not asking for 40k but 30k!!!
19.08.2008 01:45
For those of you who think us Bus Drivers are a bunch uneducated morons you couldn't be more wrong. I my self have a degree in politics from a UK university and left my last office job to become a Bus Driver because it was even worse pay than what I'm earning now.Many of my colleagues are educated people, albeit from different parts of the world.
It is a demanding job. Try driving up and down Oxford street 4 times a day five days a week.!
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