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Products expropriation from supermarket (Athens, 1/7/2008)

@ | 24.07.2008 09:14 | World

"Another novel robbery of foods was realised at Marinopoulos supermarket on Evdoksos street, Neos Kosmos. Unknown persons entered the super market as mere customers, filled their trolleys with foods and left the store without paying. Continuously, they distributed the foods at the people shooping in a nearby open market, throwing leaflets with slogans against costliness..."

Translation from:

Today around 12:30 an intervention was realised at Marinopoulos supermarked on Evdoksos street, at Neos Kosmos. The people's behaviour was encouraging and supportive. A typical example of that is that during the expropriation, outside the store people gathered with their wheel-carts waiting for the products distribution.

Following is the text distributed at the open market.

Every day that passes we experience intensely the consequences of the increasing raise of prices the capital is enforcing on society, the same time that wages and pensions remain at the same poor level, leading us below survival limits. Simultaneously, every kind of experts and responsibles, cry out for the continuous raise of prices suggesting "boycottage" styled solutions that lead to the illusion of a stronge reaction to the problem.
We select to react taking products of basic needs from shelves of large supermarket chain stores and distributing them freely to those that they belong to.
We do not regard our action as robbery, because these products are the fruits of our own exploited work and belong to all of us.
This action isn't altruistic, but a symbolism with the aim to encourage the social ensemble to an unconstrained, free circulation of goods and the conscious erasing of the cash desks, overcoming the legal limitations. For the generalisation of the challenging of state and capital.
Our choice to act with our faces covered doesn't mean in any case to frighten the people, but to our personal security against those that think our action is illegitimate.

Initiative of anarchists for the free circulation of goods

Note: It is the fourth of this kind of expropriations. Previously, there were Sklavenitis on 31/5 and Veropoulos and DIA on 13/6.



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Dear Mr Anarchist

25.07.2008 06:46

Can I have your PC please......... its the fruit of my labour and I have a right to it for free.


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