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Fascist Luke Smith Swings Next To Balti King

NaziHunter | 21.07.2008 15:00 | Anti-racism

Former BNP councillor Luke Smith is dead.

Luke Smith - An unpleasant little thug
Luke Smith - An unpleasant little thug

Luke Smith, former BNP councillor, and one of the most vicious little bastards Burnley has seen has killed himself. Smith was expelled from the BNP after smashing a bottle into the face of BNP Insecurity chief Martin Reynolds, and has rarely been out of bother since. He was jailed for 17 months in March 2006 for violent disorder, and at the time of his suicide was awaiting sentencing for assaulting the landlord of a Burnley pub. Smith chose to take his life next to the Balti King takeaway in Yorkshire Street, Burnley, somewhere which is certain to become a favourite spot for local anti-fascists to hang out.



Display the following 30 comments

  1. Good riddance — Antifascist
  2. Ha ha ha — Drupal
  3. He's still a human being — Not really funny
  4. To Not Really Funny — Clasher
  5. The only good fascist is a dead one — Auntie
  6. Good riddance — Rot in piss
  7. A close family? — Antifascist
  8. A bad un — Stan Lee
  9. Funny... — Asquith
  10. Iago — Harlequinade
  11. reality check — BE
  12. huh? — Phoebe
  13. Reality Check needs a reality check — Biera
  14. family — jhon doe
  15. At least his 'problems' are over now — Concerned of halton Moor
  16. Wot a Shame — Martin Reynolds
  17. Luke Smith's 'poor grieving family' — Antifascist
  18. Luke Smith — Observer
  19. FAO Whining Troll — Unmoved
  20. Spoken like a true BNP sympathiser — JOHN Doe
  21. Fascist beliefs — Charlie
  22. luke smith r.i.p — mez bfc
  23. BPP Scumbags — jenny
  24. GOOD RIDDANCE! — Max Mosley
  25. newspapers — newshound
  26. I knew Luke Smith — John M
  27. 'Top lad'??!!! — J.Simms
  28. Luke Smith - A thug mouned by more thugs — Antifascist
  29. Throw another Nazi on the fire — JJ
  30. RIP luke — toby