The BBC's "WORLD HAVE YOUR SAY"?: Not If You're An Articulate Critic of Zionism!
Joseph Anderson, Berkeley, CA, USA | 19.07.2008 08:31 | Anti-racism | Other Press | Palestine | London | Oxford
The BBC World Service calls both its daily radio program and associated comment boards web blog "World Have Your Say". But, of course, when it comes to anyone who can _effectively, incisively, intellectually, and morally_ demolish the arguments of Israeli Zionism and its double standards, YOU _CAN'T_ HAVE YOUR SAY! -- according to the W.H.Y.S. web comment blog head moderators Paul Coletti and Will Rhodes. Below I will post a record of my comments at the W.H.Y.S. listener comment blog in a debate -- DELETED -- CENSORSHIP -- by Paul Coletti and Will Rhodes -- with a Zionist comment poster named "steve". (On the subject of Israel, I know to keep a record of my posts.) Will Rhodes said it was too "heated" and "below our standards", but, of course, Rhodes could not objectively (or even subjectively) exemplify from my comments or objectively specify either "heated" or "below our standards" when asked -- or when asked where W.H.Y.S. posts such definitions and policy standards. Yet, as anyone who listens to the W.H.Y.S. radio program knows, often heated debates are hosted every day on its radio show. (In fact, the problem is that the host normally lets the more politically conservative guest regularly shout, abruptly talk over, and interrupt the more politically liberal guests -- in what seems like a barely moderated free-for-all at times.) Please see other things I have casually and formally written, available online (search under my name and city).
This writer's comment posts are under the titles: "THE TRUTH BEHIND THE PROPAGANDA", "those pesky facts!", "to Jewish zionist steve", and "to nelsoni".
THE TRUTH BEHIND THE PROPAGANDA July 17, 2008 at 7:01 pm
But no one *forced* Israel to release that particular prisoner. The media hasn’t told us what the other side (Hezbollah or the ex-prisoner) says. But, Israel itself has killed very many many times more Palestinian and Lebanese children than Israeli children who have been killed.
to steve, July 17, 7:21 pm: Israel has killed FAR more Palestinian & Lebanese children July 17, 2008 at 10:01 pm
steve: "When IDF soldiers start smashing in the heads of palestinian kids with rifle butts you’ll have a point, until then, quit your propaganda trying to equate terrorism with the action of Israel."
Steve, you're a *ZIONIST*. That automatically makes you a racist, because Zionists believe that *Jews* (originally Jews from *Europe*, with *no* family in Palestine, at that) have a natural, automatic, *SUPERIOR*, and God-given right to most or all of Palestine -- against the rights of anyone who is not Jewish: against the rights of the native/indigenous Palestinians, some who have property deads going back for centuries, and who's ancestors go back for 2000 years. Zionist Jews try to justify ther "superior" right to most/all of Palestine from the ancient, *2000 years AGO*, political presence of today's Jews ancient *religious* ancestors. No country in the world -- not even the U.S. or UK -- would ever itself accept such an absolutely ridiculous religious claim from another alien people -- a claim that could only be imposed at the barrel of a gun.
When you remove/displace one ethnic group from the land, so that another can dominate and control it, that's called _RACISM_-- and when it was done to Jews in European history (as Hitler did), that was a form of racism called anti-Semitism. So, that makes Zionist Jews the biggest HYPOCRITES in the world, in history, because they rightly never have, and would never, willingly agree to that being done to Jews.
But, you don't care that the Palestinians were there *first*, before the European settler-colonialist Jews invaded and took the place over -- like other European settler-colonialists, often claiming they were oppressed, yet oppressing others -- invaded and took away the land of other non-European native/indigenous people -- because racists *never* care.
Furthermore, Israel itself is a state that was founded on *TERRORISM* -- like the Jewish terrorist bombing of the King David Hotel in 1946, collapsing and entire wing, killing about 100 people, or the Jewish terrorist massacre of Palestinians in former Palestinian towns like Dier Yassin, and the Jewish terrorism against the British in Palestine. Furthermore, Israeli military refuseniks have pointed out how the IDF has taunted Palestinian kids/teenagers, often by the IDF saying obscene things about the kids mothers, to goad them out onto the streets/fields, where the IDF then tries to *shoot* the kids/teenagers. (Also see "Letter to American Jews from an Israeli Refusenik", available online.)
If, as you and other Zionist propagandists *claim*, the former Hezbollah prisoner "bashed the Israeli childs head against a wall" -- as I said, the media has not presented the prisoner's/Hezbollah's side of the story for us to judge for ourselves -- then why did *ISRAEL* release him -- so, then Israel is *complicit* in that killing. Nobody forced Israel to release him.
The organization, IfAmericansKnew, has documented comparisons, available at the home page of their organization's website, of how very many many more Palestinian children Israel has killed, compared to how many Israeli children Palestinian fighters have killed. THE ISRAELI MILITARY HAVE EVEN SHOT PALESTINIAN KIDS IN THE *HEAD* -- PALESTINIAN KIDS WHO WERE JUST SITTING/PLAYING IN THEIR OWN PARENTS' HOMES OR COURTYARDS. It is now well-known that Israel has even targeted and bombed Lebanese civilian air-raid shelters -- filled with women and CHILDREN.
Zionist Jews have been LYING to the world for over 60 years -- with the complicity of the Euro-Western (especially the AMERICAN) mainstream media -- but the lie is finally starting to fall apart.
As for Israel using rifle butts, the world has seen video tape of the Israeli military *OPENLY* using rifle butts and stones to break the limbs, ribs and backs of Palestinian captives (including teenagers) -- and this used to be the *official* policy of the Israeli govt and military. (Anyone can look this up online, from credible, even Western mainstream news, sources.)
to steve, July 17, 7:21 pm: Israel has killed FAR more Palestinian & Lebanese children July 17, 2008 at 10:23 pm
TO: nelsoni, July 17, 2008 at 7:48 pm:
nelsoni (Zionist propaganda): "Tell Hamas and the other militant militant groups to stop using civilians as human shields and have well defined combat zones outside civilian areas. When this happens, civilian casualities will drastically reduce."
You can say the same thing to *Israel*: tell the Israeli government to remove all it's non-combatants (including its children) from around its combatants -- including its MILITANT VIOLENT RELIGIOUS JEWISH SETTLERS IN THE WEST BANK WHO EVEN ATTACK PALESTINIAN *CHILDREN* WITH ROCKS, IMPROVISED BATS, AND CHAINS -- as MOST ISREALI ADULTS ARE REQUIRED TO SERVE IN ITS MILITARY.
(The organization, Christian Peacemakers Team, have reported this at their website, and have escorted Palestinian children to school in the West Bank. CPT members themselves, like Chris Brown, from San Francisco, USA, escorting Palestinian children to school, have been *brutally* attacked by militant violent Jewish West Bank settlers.)
And no less than the late former Israeli Prime Minister Menachim Begin once said that, "Every Israeli adult is a frontline soldier."
THE TRUTH BEHIND THE PROPAGANDA July 17, 2008 at 10:46 pm
Elias, July 17, at 8:16 pm: "A few years ago an angry mob killed an Israeli, I believe it was in the West Bank, The mob threw him out of a window and the crowd trampelled and beat him to death."
The Israeli was AN ISRAELI SOLDIER who had gone beyond two or three *Israeli* settler-colonialist government checkpoints and infiltrated past two or three Palestinian checkpoints and was discovered in a *Palestinian* town. Secret Israeli military death squad members have often infiltrated into Palestinian towns/cities to *assassinate* Palestinian leaders. So, when the Palestinians discovered the Israeli soldier, some of those Palestinians who did, took their vengeance out on him.
You can look up the precise details online from credible sources.
One of the problems with these Zionist Jews trying to justify their modern racist take-over of historic Palestine is that many of them believe their own propaganda.
(This is the same propaganda that successfully presented the story, to the Western mainstream media, of the "innocent" rabbinical students being killed in their Jerusalem Jewish *fundamentalist* religious school by a Palestinian, when that particular Jerusalem Jewish religious school was the headquarters/center of the *MILITANT*, *VIOLENT*, OVERTLY RACIST, JEWISH FUNDAMENTALIST SETTLER MOVEMENT IN THE WEST BANK.)
If the mainstream media in countries like the U.S., UK, and other European countries didn't cooperate with the racist anti-Palestinian stories that the Zionists churn out every day, we would realize that Zionist Israeli apartheid is as morally repugnant as white-South African apartheid was. That's why Nelson Mandella proclaimed, after he was released from prison and went on his world public speaking tours, "THE PALESTINIAN CAUSE IS *MY* CAUSE!" And that's why Arch-Bishop Desmond Tutu also publicly supports the Palestinian cause -- for which Zionist Jews have often tried to get him banned from public speaking in the European West.
THE TRUTH BEHIND THE PROPAGANDA July 17, 2008 at 11:13 pm
steve, July 17, 2008 at 10:40 pm: "oh you antisemites are always good for a laugh. You left out that Jews make Matzah out of non-Jewish children’s blood while you’re at it."
When blantant *anti-Semite-baiting* is what some Zionist racist *Jew* resorts to, then one can be sure that their Zionist assertion has been factually, morally and soundly defeated.
And the ancient Hebrews weren't even the first people in Palestine!
(Btw, racist Zionist Jew, not ALL Palestinians are Muslim: that's your racist *stereotype*. Many are Christian, or of other faiths, or even non-religious.)
As Malcolm X said, "The Zionist argument to justify Israel's present occupation of Arab Palestine has no intelligent or legal basis in history."
So steve, since both Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu call Zionism *racism*, are you going to call them "hateful frothing at the mouth" anti-Semites too?
THE TRUTH BEHIND THE PROPAGANDA July 17, 2008 at 11:48 pm
steve, July 17, at 10:49 pm: "For [Israel] being an apartheid state, there are Arabs in the parliament, there are arab ministers, and arabs in the military, and arabs on the Supreme court. Oops! Wouldn’t want to confuse people with facts."
As was said before, Zionist Jews are the biggest racist HYPOCRITES in the entire world, in the entire history of the world.
Most Arabs don't hate Jewish people; Arabs rightly hate *JEWISH RACISM* -- and so do I!
And speaking of facts, there were a few Blacks in the U.S. Congress and many in the U.S. military (serving in forced, racially segregated/apartheid units), including some officers, even when the U.S. was a, legally, officially -- before 1965 -- apartheid country. Those Blacks just had to stay in their social place -- and even they were legally and racially banned from going into certain establishments. But, I wouldn't want to confuse *you* with the facts steve -- not that racists ever care about the facts.
Zionist Jewish acists just recycle their racist arguments over and over again -- no matter how many times their racist arguments have been factually, historically, intellectually and morally defeated before: why not just be happy that, in the past and still for the time being, the U.S. and UK mainstream media accepts such racist nonsense as your ridiculous Zionist arguments, just as other forms of racism were once openly accepted by the European West. Aren't you happy still being able to successfully peddle your ridiculous racist Zionist lies and arguments to the U.S., UK, and other Western, mainstream media?
THE TRUTH BEHIND THE PROPAGANDA July 18, 2008 at 12:13 am
steve, July 17, at 11:29 pm: "Hate to break it to you, but Jews are from the middle east."
The largest non-European Jewish population lived in north *AFRICA* -- specifically, Morocco. Would that give Jews the right to take over north Africa, in general, or Morocco, in particular? The apocryphal Biblical story says that the Hebrews escaped slavery from Pharoah's Egypt. Does that give Jews the right to go invade and take over Egypt?
The 2nd largest non-European Jewish population lived in Iraq! Does that give Jews a right to go take over Iraq? (Although, invading Iraq was mostly the idea of Jewish neoconservative Zionists in the Bush administration.) The vast majority of non-European or even Middle Eastern Jews were not native/indigenous to, or even living in, *PALESTINE*. And the very tiny percentage of native/indigenous Jews living in Palestine NEVER CALLED FOR a Zionist Jewish state: that was all a *racist* EUROPEAN Jewish settler-colonialist idea backed up by the major European/American imperialists. White European Jews were even racists against non-European Jews, including Palestinian Jews, and treated non-European Jews like 2nd class citizens! Ashkenazi Jews in Europe were even racist against Slavic Jews. (And some Ashkenazi Jews still are racist against even Slavic, let alone non-European, Jews.)
One of the largest populations of Jews in the world is in New York state, USA. Does that give Jews a right to take over the U.S. or even New York state? Of course not.
Look, go waste someone else's time. Go peddle more of your stuff to the willing mainstream media in the U.S. and UK. I've already shown to any non-racist objective reader that your arguments are intellectually and morally ridiculous. Only the Western imperialist governments have enabled European Jews to establish and maintain their Jewish apartheid state against the human rights of the Palestinians. Your life is in being a HYPOCRITICAL JEWISH *RACIST*. I have other things to do with my time.
to Jewish zionist steve July 18, 2008 at 12:43 am
So, regarding anti-Zionist anti-racists: if they’re NOT Jews they don’t count, and if they ARE Jews they don’t count? Is that your *new* position, steve?
When are you going to finish answering my ORIGINAL question?:
You never responded to the post and fact, directed to you, that human rights icons like Nelson Mandela (who was once called a “terrorist” by the United States and UK government) and Desmond Tutu morally side with the over-all Palestinian cause.
(I see you already claim that Jewish Nobel Prize winner in literature, Harold Pinter, is, huh steve? Here, that says a lot more about *you* than him.)
Pangolin- California July 18, 2008 at 12:43 am
[not J.A. post: another person's post supporting J.A..]
The US was indeed an apartheid nation and it has been well documented. All over the US there were ’sundown towns’ where a black person found after sunset would be beaten, arrested and sometimes killed. The US prison system from the time of the Civil War to the present has been used as an extension of the slavery system and blacks, primarily were used as slave labor when convicted of crimes by white juries, prompted by white prosecutors.
A jury packed with white, little-old ladies, will convict a black man of anything a prosecuter says he did and there are documented cases of black men being convicted for crimes when they could document that they were at work miles away at the time of the crime. As one US Supreme Court justice said “Mere factual innocence is no reason not to carry out a death sentence properly reached”. Antonin Scalia quotes (American Supreme court justice , b.1936)
All you need to know about the US is that in every major city in the nation there are homeless people who are mostly to sick, drug-addicted, depressed or otherwise challenged to take care of themselves. This “Christian” nation chooses to give it’s money to Israel rather than help their own family members.
So when a gung-ho american supports the IDF”s right to kill whoever they please know where the sentiment comes from. A slave-holding nation that still hasn’t managed to recognize that every human being is a person.
those pesky facts! July 18, 2008 at 1:05 am
steve, July 18, 2008 at 12:15 am: “The US was an apartheid nation before 1965? Do you know what that word means, or do you just throw it around when it suits your purpose? Apartheid was COMPLETE separation of blacks from whites in S.A.. The Blacks lived in “homelands” where they had to stay, except for some that worked in the white areas. In the US, the south had segregation, meaning different facilities, different restaurants, and blacks had to sit in the back of the bus.”
Gee, speaking of incredibly (and what should be embarrassing) ignorance, don’t take my word for it, steve: go ask any of the colleagues of Nelson Mandela; ask Desmond Tutu the next time you Zionist Jews aren’t able to keep Tutu from public speaking somewhere in Europe or North America; go ask any Black South African anti-apartheid activist or victim. Go ask any of the still-living colleagues of Martin Luther King, or any Black activist from those times, or anyone else Black still alive who lived in those times, or any Black scholar at any university in the world who knows about American history.
Apartheid never meant COMPLETE separation. Who do you think worked in the white lady’s kitchen, or worked in the white man’s yard, garden or farm? Who do you think raised the white mom’s kids? — even breastfeeding them (that doesn’t sound too COMPLETELY separate to me)! Who did you think did most of the menial labor in the white man’s stores, shops and factories? Who do you think prepared the white family’s food, did the white family’s laundry, bathed the white family’s children, and (as Kenyan-born, American university professor Ali Mazrui pointed out) even poured the white man’s wine? The white man commonly even forced sex with the Black women domestics (and especially during American slavery). Far from being, as you put it, COMPLETELY separate, whites and Blacks were intimately around each other ALL THE TIME — until the Blacks were sent home or fired.
Apartheid moreso means *CONSTITUTIONAL* and/or *LEGAL* separation — not just residential separation.
But, Jewish zionist steve, you still don’t care that another lie of yours has been demolished — because you are a *racist*! I could demolish your racist or ignorant arguments, one by one, all day long and you still wouldn’t care — because you are a Zionist *racist* Jew!
question to Jewish zionist steve: July 18, 2008 at 12:23 am
You never responded to the post and fact, directed to you, that human rights icons like Nelson Mandela (who was once called a "terrorist" by the United States and UK government) and Desmond Tutu -- besides the Nobel Prize winner in literature, British Jew Harold Pinter, who called Zionist Israelis "thugs" -- morally side with the over-all Palestinian cause.
Are they "hateful frothing at the mouth anti-Semites" too?
to Zionist Jew steve July 18, 2008 at 1:23 am
steve, July 18, 2008 at 12:28 am: “As for [anti-Zionist] [Harold] Pinter [ British Jewish Nobel Pize winner in Literature], in the west, we have plenty of self loathing people. It’s quite common.”
Prominent Nobel Prize laureate British Jewish poet, playwright, screenwriter and actor Harold Pinter didn’t call *Jews* “thugs”; he called *ZIONIST ISRAELI _RACIST_ JEWS* “thugs”!
So, rightfully so, Harold Pinter loathes _RACISTS_ — *WHOEVER* THEY ARE — not Jews as Jews.
QUESTION TO Paul Coletti, BBC World Service moderator July 18, 2008 at 1:46 am
July 18, 2008 at 1:14 am
Steve and Berkley . . please chill . .the tone is getting heated…
Paul Coletti
BBC World Service]
Why does the (supposedly) “BBC World Service” moderator (if it’s not some Zionist forgery) call a Zionist getting intellectually and morally demolished “heated”?
No one has come to fisticuffs?
No commenter has threatened anyone’s life or other physical harm.
Not even anyone’s mom has been called any names?
Steve has merely been making his racist Zionist arguments and others, like myself, have intellectually and morally demolished them. Is that what the BBC World Service is *afraid* of — just because it rarely, if ever, happens on the BBC airwaves?
COMMENT TO Paul Coletti, BBC World Service moderator July 18, 2008 at 1:56 am
Paul Coletti, you at the BBC comment board here should be _ASHAMED_ of yourself. (I'll mention this sometime when I call into World Have Your Say -- obvioiusly a *lie* around here. How about "World Have Your Say" -- as long as you are not articulate and intellectually effective against *ZIONISTS*?)
When a Zionist Jew gets intellectually and morally demolished you delete most/all of the post that demolished his ridiculous arguments.
It's because you won't let them expressed themselves any other way.
COMMENT TO Paul Coletti, BBC World Service moderator
I just want to let you know Paul Coletti, that I have kept a RECORD of all my comments posted here against the Zionist comment poster "steve".
I will use that record at the appropriate time to document my comments, what you said, and what you did by deleting them.
So, "World Have Your Say"? -- Not if you're an articulate, incisive, effective, intellectual and moral critic of Israel, Zionism, and the Euro-Western mainstream media's double standards.
THE TRUTH BEHIND THE PROPAGANDA July 17, 2008 at 7:01 pm
But no one *forced* Israel to release that particular prisoner. The media hasn’t told us what the other side (Hezbollah or the ex-prisoner) says. But, Israel itself has killed very many many times more Palestinian and Lebanese children than Israeli children who have been killed.
to steve, July 17, 7:21 pm: Israel has killed FAR more Palestinian & Lebanese children July 17, 2008 at 10:01 pm
steve: "When IDF soldiers start smashing in the heads of palestinian kids with rifle butts you’ll have a point, until then, quit your propaganda trying to equate terrorism with the action of Israel."
Steve, you're a *ZIONIST*. That automatically makes you a racist, because Zionists believe that *Jews* (originally Jews from *Europe*, with *no* family in Palestine, at that) have a natural, automatic, *SUPERIOR*, and God-given right to most or all of Palestine -- against the rights of anyone who is not Jewish: against the rights of the native/indigenous Palestinians, some who have property deads going back for centuries, and who's ancestors go back for 2000 years. Zionist Jews try to justify ther "superior" right to most/all of Palestine from the ancient, *2000 years AGO*, political presence of today's Jews ancient *religious* ancestors. No country in the world -- not even the U.S. or UK -- would ever itself accept such an absolutely ridiculous religious claim from another alien people -- a claim that could only be imposed at the barrel of a gun.
When you remove/displace one ethnic group from the land, so that another can dominate and control it, that's called _RACISM_-- and when it was done to Jews in European history (as Hitler did), that was a form of racism called anti-Semitism. So, that makes Zionist Jews the biggest HYPOCRITES in the world, in history, because they rightly never have, and would never, willingly agree to that being done to Jews.
But, you don't care that the Palestinians were there *first*, before the European settler-colonialist Jews invaded and took the place over -- like other European settler-colonialists, often claiming they were oppressed, yet oppressing others -- invaded and took away the land of other non-European native/indigenous people -- because racists *never* care.
Furthermore, Israel itself is a state that was founded on *TERRORISM* -- like the Jewish terrorist bombing of the King David Hotel in 1946, collapsing and entire wing, killing about 100 people, or the Jewish terrorist massacre of Palestinians in former Palestinian towns like Dier Yassin, and the Jewish terrorism against the British in Palestine. Furthermore, Israeli military refuseniks have pointed out how the IDF has taunted Palestinian kids/teenagers, often by the IDF saying obscene things about the kids mothers, to goad them out onto the streets/fields, where the IDF then tries to *shoot* the kids/teenagers. (Also see "Letter to American Jews from an Israeli Refusenik", available online.)
If, as you and other Zionist propagandists *claim*, the former Hezbollah prisoner "bashed the Israeli childs head against a wall" -- as I said, the media has not presented the prisoner's/Hezbollah's side of the story for us to judge for ourselves -- then why did *ISRAEL* release him -- so, then Israel is *complicit* in that killing. Nobody forced Israel to release him.
The organization, IfAmericansKnew, has documented comparisons, available at the home page of their organization's website, of how very many many more Palestinian children Israel has killed, compared to how many Israeli children Palestinian fighters have killed. THE ISRAELI MILITARY HAVE EVEN SHOT PALESTINIAN KIDS IN THE *HEAD* -- PALESTINIAN KIDS WHO WERE JUST SITTING/PLAYING IN THEIR OWN PARENTS' HOMES OR COURTYARDS. It is now well-known that Israel has even targeted and bombed Lebanese civilian air-raid shelters -- filled with women and CHILDREN.
Zionist Jews have been LYING to the world for over 60 years -- with the complicity of the Euro-Western (especially the AMERICAN) mainstream media -- but the lie is finally starting to fall apart.
As for Israel using rifle butts, the world has seen video tape of the Israeli military *OPENLY* using rifle butts and stones to break the limbs, ribs and backs of Palestinian captives (including teenagers) -- and this used to be the *official* policy of the Israeli govt and military. (Anyone can look this up online, from credible, even Western mainstream news, sources.)
to steve, July 17, 7:21 pm: Israel has killed FAR more Palestinian & Lebanese children July 17, 2008 at 10:23 pm
TO: nelsoni, July 17, 2008 at 7:48 pm:
nelsoni (Zionist propaganda): "Tell Hamas and the other militant militant groups to stop using civilians as human shields and have well defined combat zones outside civilian areas. When this happens, civilian casualities will drastically reduce."
You can say the same thing to *Israel*: tell the Israeli government to remove all it's non-combatants (including its children) from around its combatants -- including its MILITANT VIOLENT RELIGIOUS JEWISH SETTLERS IN THE WEST BANK WHO EVEN ATTACK PALESTINIAN *CHILDREN* WITH ROCKS, IMPROVISED BATS, AND CHAINS -- as MOST ISREALI ADULTS ARE REQUIRED TO SERVE IN ITS MILITARY.
(The organization, Christian Peacemakers Team, have reported this at their website, and have escorted Palestinian children to school in the West Bank. CPT members themselves, like Chris Brown, from San Francisco, USA, escorting Palestinian children to school, have been *brutally* attacked by militant violent Jewish West Bank settlers.)
And no less than the late former Israeli Prime Minister Menachim Begin once said that, "Every Israeli adult is a frontline soldier."
THE TRUTH BEHIND THE PROPAGANDA July 17, 2008 at 10:46 pm
Elias, July 17, at 8:16 pm: "A few years ago an angry mob killed an Israeli, I believe it was in the West Bank, The mob threw him out of a window and the crowd trampelled and beat him to death."
The Israeli was AN ISRAELI SOLDIER who had gone beyond two or three *Israeli* settler-colonialist government checkpoints and infiltrated past two or three Palestinian checkpoints and was discovered in a *Palestinian* town. Secret Israeli military death squad members have often infiltrated into Palestinian towns/cities to *assassinate* Palestinian leaders. So, when the Palestinians discovered the Israeli soldier, some of those Palestinians who did, took their vengeance out on him.
You can look up the precise details online from credible sources.
One of the problems with these Zionist Jews trying to justify their modern racist take-over of historic Palestine is that many of them believe their own propaganda.
(This is the same propaganda that successfully presented the story, to the Western mainstream media, of the "innocent" rabbinical students being killed in their Jerusalem Jewish *fundamentalist* religious school by a Palestinian, when that particular Jerusalem Jewish religious school was the headquarters/center of the *MILITANT*, *VIOLENT*, OVERTLY RACIST, JEWISH FUNDAMENTALIST SETTLER MOVEMENT IN THE WEST BANK.)
If the mainstream media in countries like the U.S., UK, and other European countries didn't cooperate with the racist anti-Palestinian stories that the Zionists churn out every day, we would realize that Zionist Israeli apartheid is as morally repugnant as white-South African apartheid was. That's why Nelson Mandella proclaimed, after he was released from prison and went on his world public speaking tours, "THE PALESTINIAN CAUSE IS *MY* CAUSE!" And that's why Arch-Bishop Desmond Tutu also publicly supports the Palestinian cause -- for which Zionist Jews have often tried to get him banned from public speaking in the European West.
THE TRUTH BEHIND THE PROPAGANDA July 17, 2008 at 11:13 pm
steve, July 17, 2008 at 10:40 pm: "oh you antisemites are always good for a laugh. You left out that Jews make Matzah out of non-Jewish children’s blood while you’re at it."
When blantant *anti-Semite-baiting* is what some Zionist racist *Jew* resorts to, then one can be sure that their Zionist assertion has been factually, morally and soundly defeated.
And the ancient Hebrews weren't even the first people in Palestine!
(Btw, racist Zionist Jew, not ALL Palestinians are Muslim: that's your racist *stereotype*. Many are Christian, or of other faiths, or even non-religious.)
As Malcolm X said, "The Zionist argument to justify Israel's present occupation of Arab Palestine has no intelligent or legal basis in history."
So steve, since both Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu call Zionism *racism*, are you going to call them "hateful frothing at the mouth" anti-Semites too?
THE TRUTH BEHIND THE PROPAGANDA July 17, 2008 at 11:48 pm
steve, July 17, at 10:49 pm: "For [Israel] being an apartheid state, there are Arabs in the parliament, there are arab ministers, and arabs in the military, and arabs on the Supreme court. Oops! Wouldn’t want to confuse people with facts."
As was said before, Zionist Jews are the biggest racist HYPOCRITES in the entire world, in the entire history of the world.
Most Arabs don't hate Jewish people; Arabs rightly hate *JEWISH RACISM* -- and so do I!
And speaking of facts, there were a few Blacks in the U.S. Congress and many in the U.S. military (serving in forced, racially segregated/apartheid units), including some officers, even when the U.S. was a, legally, officially -- before 1965 -- apartheid country. Those Blacks just had to stay in their social place -- and even they were legally and racially banned from going into certain establishments. But, I wouldn't want to confuse *you* with the facts steve -- not that racists ever care about the facts.
Zionist Jewish acists just recycle their racist arguments over and over again -- no matter how many times their racist arguments have been factually, historically, intellectually and morally defeated before: why not just be happy that, in the past and still for the time being, the U.S. and UK mainstream media accepts such racist nonsense as your ridiculous Zionist arguments, just as other forms of racism were once openly accepted by the European West. Aren't you happy still being able to successfully peddle your ridiculous racist Zionist lies and arguments to the U.S., UK, and other Western, mainstream media?
THE TRUTH BEHIND THE PROPAGANDA July 18, 2008 at 12:13 am
steve, July 17, at 11:29 pm: "Hate to break it to you, but Jews are from the middle east."
The largest non-European Jewish population lived in north *AFRICA* -- specifically, Morocco. Would that give Jews the right to take over north Africa, in general, or Morocco, in particular? The apocryphal Biblical story says that the Hebrews escaped slavery from Pharoah's Egypt. Does that give Jews the right to go invade and take over Egypt?
The 2nd largest non-European Jewish population lived in Iraq! Does that give Jews a right to go take over Iraq? (Although, invading Iraq was mostly the idea of Jewish neoconservative Zionists in the Bush administration.) The vast majority of non-European or even Middle Eastern Jews were not native/indigenous to, or even living in, *PALESTINE*. And the very tiny percentage of native/indigenous Jews living in Palestine NEVER CALLED FOR a Zionist Jewish state: that was all a *racist* EUROPEAN Jewish settler-colonialist idea backed up by the major European/American imperialists. White European Jews were even racists against non-European Jews, including Palestinian Jews, and treated non-European Jews like 2nd class citizens! Ashkenazi Jews in Europe were even racist against Slavic Jews. (And some Ashkenazi Jews still are racist against even Slavic, let alone non-European, Jews.)
One of the largest populations of Jews in the world is in New York state, USA. Does that give Jews a right to take over the U.S. or even New York state? Of course not.
Look, go waste someone else's time. Go peddle more of your stuff to the willing mainstream media in the U.S. and UK. I've already shown to any non-racist objective reader that your arguments are intellectually and morally ridiculous. Only the Western imperialist governments have enabled European Jews to establish and maintain their Jewish apartheid state against the human rights of the Palestinians. Your life is in being a HYPOCRITICAL JEWISH *RACIST*. I have other things to do with my time.
to Jewish zionist steve July 18, 2008 at 12:43 am
So, regarding anti-Zionist anti-racists: if they’re NOT Jews they don’t count, and if they ARE Jews they don’t count? Is that your *new* position, steve?
When are you going to finish answering my ORIGINAL question?:
You never responded to the post and fact, directed to you, that human rights icons like Nelson Mandela (who was once called a “terrorist” by the United States and UK government) and Desmond Tutu morally side with the over-all Palestinian cause.
(I see you already claim that Jewish Nobel Prize winner in literature, Harold Pinter, is, huh steve? Here, that says a lot more about *you* than him.)
Pangolin- California July 18, 2008 at 12:43 am
[not J.A. post: another person's post supporting J.A..]
The US was indeed an apartheid nation and it has been well documented. All over the US there were ’sundown towns’ where a black person found after sunset would be beaten, arrested and sometimes killed. The US prison system from the time of the Civil War to the present has been used as an extension of the slavery system and blacks, primarily were used as slave labor when convicted of crimes by white juries, prompted by white prosecutors.
A jury packed with white, little-old ladies, will convict a black man of anything a prosecuter says he did and there are documented cases of black men being convicted for crimes when they could document that they were at work miles away at the time of the crime. As one US Supreme Court justice said “Mere factual innocence is no reason not to carry out a death sentence properly reached”. Antonin Scalia quotes (American Supreme court justice , b.1936)
All you need to know about the US is that in every major city in the nation there are homeless people who are mostly to sick, drug-addicted, depressed or otherwise challenged to take care of themselves. This “Christian” nation chooses to give it’s money to Israel rather than help their own family members.
So when a gung-ho american supports the IDF”s right to kill whoever they please know where the sentiment comes from. A slave-holding nation that still hasn’t managed to recognize that every human being is a person.
those pesky facts! July 18, 2008 at 1:05 am
steve, July 18, 2008 at 12:15 am: “The US was an apartheid nation before 1965? Do you know what that word means, or do you just throw it around when it suits your purpose? Apartheid was COMPLETE separation of blacks from whites in S.A.. The Blacks lived in “homelands” where they had to stay, except for some that worked in the white areas. In the US, the south had segregation, meaning different facilities, different restaurants, and blacks had to sit in the back of the bus.”
Gee, speaking of incredibly (and what should be embarrassing) ignorance, don’t take my word for it, steve: go ask any of the colleagues of Nelson Mandela; ask Desmond Tutu the next time you Zionist Jews aren’t able to keep Tutu from public speaking somewhere in Europe or North America; go ask any Black South African anti-apartheid activist or victim. Go ask any of the still-living colleagues of Martin Luther King, or any Black activist from those times, or anyone else Black still alive who lived in those times, or any Black scholar at any university in the world who knows about American history.
Apartheid never meant COMPLETE separation. Who do you think worked in the white lady’s kitchen, or worked in the white man’s yard, garden or farm? Who do you think raised the white mom’s kids? — even breastfeeding them (that doesn’t sound too COMPLETELY separate to me)! Who did you think did most of the menial labor in the white man’s stores, shops and factories? Who do you think prepared the white family’s food, did the white family’s laundry, bathed the white family’s children, and (as Kenyan-born, American university professor Ali Mazrui pointed out) even poured the white man’s wine? The white man commonly even forced sex with the Black women domestics (and especially during American slavery). Far from being, as you put it, COMPLETELY separate, whites and Blacks were intimately around each other ALL THE TIME — until the Blacks were sent home or fired.
Apartheid moreso means *CONSTITUTIONAL* and/or *LEGAL* separation — not just residential separation.
But, Jewish zionist steve, you still don’t care that another lie of yours has been demolished — because you are a *racist*! I could demolish your racist or ignorant arguments, one by one, all day long and you still wouldn’t care — because you are a Zionist *racist* Jew!
question to Jewish zionist steve: July 18, 2008 at 12:23 am
You never responded to the post and fact, directed to you, that human rights icons like Nelson Mandela (who was once called a "terrorist" by the United States and UK government) and Desmond Tutu -- besides the Nobel Prize winner in literature, British Jew Harold Pinter, who called Zionist Israelis "thugs" -- morally side with the over-all Palestinian cause.
Are they "hateful frothing at the mouth anti-Semites" too?
to Zionist Jew steve July 18, 2008 at 1:23 am
steve, July 18, 2008 at 12:28 am: “As for [anti-Zionist] [Harold] Pinter [ British Jewish Nobel Pize winner in Literature], in the west, we have plenty of self loathing people. It’s quite common.”
Prominent Nobel Prize laureate British Jewish poet, playwright, screenwriter and actor Harold Pinter didn’t call *Jews* “thugs”; he called *ZIONIST ISRAELI _RACIST_ JEWS* “thugs”!
So, rightfully so, Harold Pinter loathes _RACISTS_ — *WHOEVER* THEY ARE — not Jews as Jews.
QUESTION TO Paul Coletti, BBC World Service moderator July 18, 2008 at 1:46 am
July 18, 2008 at 1:14 am
Steve and Berkley . . please chill . .the tone is getting heated…
Paul Coletti
BBC World Service]
Why does the (supposedly) “BBC World Service” moderator (if it’s not some Zionist forgery) call a Zionist getting intellectually and morally demolished “heated”?
No one has come to fisticuffs?
No commenter has threatened anyone’s life or other physical harm.
Not even anyone’s mom has been called any names?
Steve has merely been making his racist Zionist arguments and others, like myself, have intellectually and morally demolished them. Is that what the BBC World Service is *afraid* of — just because it rarely, if ever, happens on the BBC airwaves?
COMMENT TO Paul Coletti, BBC World Service moderator July 18, 2008 at 1:56 am
Paul Coletti, you at the BBC comment board here should be _ASHAMED_ of yourself. (I'll mention this sometime when I call into World Have Your Say -- obvioiusly a *lie* around here. How about "World Have Your Say" -- as long as you are not articulate and intellectually effective against *ZIONISTS*?)
When a Zionist Jew gets intellectually and morally demolished you delete most/all of the post that demolished his ridiculous arguments.
It's because you won't let them expressed themselves any other way.
COMMENT TO Paul Coletti, BBC World Service moderator
I just want to let you know Paul Coletti, that I have kept a RECORD of all my comments posted here against the Zionist comment poster "steve".
I will use that record at the appropriate time to document my comments, what you said, and what you did by deleting them.
So, "World Have Your Say"? -- Not if you're an articulate, incisive, effective, intellectual and moral critic of Israel, Zionism, and the Euro-Western mainstream media's double standards.
Joseph Anderson, Berkeley, CA, USA
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