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Thatchers State Funeral

TellSidWe'reComing | 18.07.2008 17:10

it's still a class war.

On the state prop radio - PM.'s inbox, they admitted, was mainly full of anti-Thatcher comments re. her proposed State Funeral. Not suprising they then preceded to read out all the pro Thatcher ones. Let's hope she dies soon.

Dodgy arms deals, union busting ( with the help of MI5 ) , theft of resources that must make her an IMF/World bank heroine and obviously one to Labour ( and Lib Dems if they got in power ), the destruction of industries - no wonder we're covered in Poundstretcher shops selling landfill tat.. Fuck it she's robbed us all blind so what's another £3M for a funeral- Why not go the whole hog and shoot her into space after Gene Rodenberry. Personally I think a funeral pyre would be more appropriate...but not when she's dead.

Reminder about Class Wars party when she dies - I am sure a State Funeral would give an opportunity for everyone to come out. Get to work now.

BTW. the logic that Obama would be good for equality of poor racial minorties is the same that Thatcher was for womens rights. Still a suit... and it is still class war - don't let them tell you any different.

2006 - Downing Street says it is "not appropriate" to start speculating about the possibility of giving Margaret Thatcher a state funeral.

2008 - Well - are are in the age of ( facist ) propaganda



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It's not really her funeral that ought concern us, but her burial place.

18.07.2008 19:50

Like we're a very long queue of people from my lands who want our dance and graffiti on that grave.

Perhaps they will do a Diana Spencer and hide her grave from the fans on a hard to access island. Maybe they will guard her grave 24/7 with CCTV and SAS boys. I don't reckon she will follow the fate of Oliver Cromwell and be exhumed, beheaded and symbolically "executed" with head displayed on a poll from 1651 - 1685 just a little bit away from where his statue is now.

But I do wager bits of her corpse would make wicked talismans on the black-magic black-market.

Which is exactly how we should go about ensuring that her final place of rest is public knowledge so as to put an end to the horrible rumours that her entrails and visceral fibres are providing nutrition to a hidden group of evil-doers or even better that she had a deathbed conversion to Scientology and has been cryogenically frozen.

Oh yes.
Show us the body.

it's like waiting for a hard to reach orgasm.

A few words from an ex-miner...

18.07.2008 21:01

You can dance and graffiti on her grave once ex- and current miners, print workers, dockers, merchant seafarers and a whole host of others have dutifully lined up and pissed on it. Mind you, the queue will be so long it will go down in history as the longest the world has ever seen. On second thoughts though, the bastards will probably bury her at sea just to defy us. It might not be a bad idea actually and I would suggest that a fitting place would be at the site of the wreck of the General Belgrano except that it would be the supreme insult to all those Argentinian dead and their families.
Dave, Nottinghamshire NUM Ex- and Retired Miners Association.


First Saturday after she dies - Trafalgar Square

19.07.2008 00:31

Come to the party in Trafalgar Square the first Saturday after the witch dies

This is a long- planned event and will hopefully attract many people from all over the country. Let's make it a big RTS do.

Party Animal

Remember the dead and those she drove to despair.

19.07.2008 12:06

Burn her at the stake, the sooner the better. Something that she deserves and is long overdue.

She is on a par with the mass murderers of history.

I'll be at the party in Trafalgar Square. This should be a presence to be reckoned with.

The Gibralter three.


19.07.2008 16:40

To be fair, TellSid, they did read out the anti comments first, including the wonderful " I'm all in favour of her getting a state funeral, but if she dies first, the deal's off".

Added to the insults heaped upon British workers, she continually blocked efforts to destroy aparthied in South Africa, suported Pinochet and the mass murderer, General Suharto of Indonesia. Under her governance, Britain became the second largest arms exporter in the world, (while her traditional manufacturing industries were allowed to wither and die) and we supplied the arms that killed 200,000 East Timorese. What a fine legacy that bitch left. And she was elected - we should remember that!


a party's not enough..

20.07.2008 12:59

We should be looking to stop her state funeral in its tracks. She should not be allowed to claim such dignity. I hope she goes soon while the generation of miners, printers etc that remember what she did are still young enough to dance on her coffin.

Wapping rioter

In Glasgow

20.07.2008 21:28

We will be having a party on Glasgow Green on the first Saturday after she croaks. Bring fireworks, booze and sounds.

Bury The Bitch Alive