Operation IX3 In NYC Continues
Win Animal Rights (WAR) | 18.07.2008 10:55 | SHAC | Animal Liberation | World
Demo #1: Usman Nabi, H Partners, HLS Investor
Activists stage a repeat visit to Usman Nabi, one of the partners of H Partners, which owns over $22 million worth of LSR stock. Voices raised in unison filled the quiet sunny afternoon in Nabi’s neighborhood in midtown Manhattan.
Protesters chanted….”For the cat and for the mouse, we are here outside your house” and “500 animals murdered today, Usman Nabi is to blame”. The weather was so nice that it did not surprise us that halfway through the demonstration, we looked up to see Usman’s girlfriend give him a sharp poke in the ribs and gesture to us standing 50 feet away from his front door. He scurried away from the picket line; but, luckily activists have loud voices and they are seemingly unafraid of using them.
An activist called out Usman Nabi’s name and told him that the protesters had a message for him. The message is that the blood of 500 animals every day is on his hands. Protesters have no intention of letting him forget that. Instead of acting like a man and speaking to the protesters, Usman Nabi ran away like a little boy. Shame on you, Usman Nabi…… you are a COWARD!
For more detail on H Partners, visit:
Demo #2: Staples @ 57th & Sixth Avenue
This wonderful busy sidewalk location is perfect for educational outreach. Activists distributed hundreds of colorful flyers educating consumers about Staples relationship as a supplier to Huntingdon Life Sciences. Passersby were outspoken in their support of the protesters. Many pledged to contact Staples to tell them that they would no longer shop at Staples, while they continue to supply the butchers at Huntingdon Life Sciences.
During this protest, Staples employees approached the picket line and after chatting a bit, one of them asked for a handful of flyers to leave in the employee break room. One of the store managers came out and also expressed an interest in learning more about the campaign. Activists left confident that many had been educated and that the management of this store will definitely be in communication with Staples corporate management.
Demo #3: Peter Laventhol, SPARK Management, HLS Investor
Last stop of the afternoon was the home of Peter Laventhol, owner of Spark Management and 36,300 shares of LSR stock. It is hard to understand how someone with a multi-million dollar portfolio (Spark owns $573 million worth of stock) feels the need to hang on to a paltry 36,300 shares of LSR. Peter’s neighbors continue to express disgust and dismay that someone who claims to be an animal lover, continues to hold stock in a company like Huntingdon Life Sciences.
Time and again activists have returned to give voice to their rising anger and frustration. Luckily, building residents have heard the raised voices and they agree. One of them asked for enough flyers to pass around to everyone in the building. Hopefully, Laventhol will eventually get the message. “We will never back down, until they stop the killing”….activists promised….concluding the protest with a chorus of “We will be back”.
Raymond James Sells Shares:

Activists stage a repeat visit to Usman Nabi, one of the partners of H Partners, which owns over $22 million worth of LSR stock. Voices raised in unison filled the quiet sunny afternoon in Nabi’s neighborhood in midtown Manhattan.
Protesters chanted….”For the cat and for the mouse, we are here outside your house” and “500 animals murdered today, Usman Nabi is to blame”. The weather was so nice that it did not surprise us that halfway through the demonstration, we looked up to see Usman’s girlfriend give him a sharp poke in the ribs and gesture to us standing 50 feet away from his front door. He scurried away from the picket line; but, luckily activists have loud voices and they are seemingly unafraid of using them.
An activist called out Usman Nabi’s name and told him that the protesters had a message for him. The message is that the blood of 500 animals every day is on his hands. Protesters have no intention of letting him forget that. Instead of acting like a man and speaking to the protesters, Usman Nabi ran away like a little boy. Shame on you, Usman Nabi…… you are a COWARD!
For more detail on H Partners, visit:

Demo #2: Staples @ 57th & Sixth Avenue
This wonderful busy sidewalk location is perfect for educational outreach. Activists distributed hundreds of colorful flyers educating consumers about Staples relationship as a supplier to Huntingdon Life Sciences. Passersby were outspoken in their support of the protesters. Many pledged to contact Staples to tell them that they would no longer shop at Staples, while they continue to supply the butchers at Huntingdon Life Sciences.
During this protest, Staples employees approached the picket line and after chatting a bit, one of them asked for a handful of flyers to leave in the employee break room. One of the store managers came out and also expressed an interest in learning more about the campaign. Activists left confident that many had been educated and that the management of this store will definitely be in communication with Staples corporate management.
Demo #3: Peter Laventhol, SPARK Management, HLS Investor
Last stop of the afternoon was the home of Peter Laventhol, owner of Spark Management and 36,300 shares of LSR stock. It is hard to understand how someone with a multi-million dollar portfolio (Spark owns $573 million worth of stock) feels the need to hang on to a paltry 36,300 shares of LSR. Peter’s neighbors continue to express disgust and dismay that someone who claims to be an animal lover, continues to hold stock in a company like Huntingdon Life Sciences.
Time and again activists have returned to give voice to their rising anger and frustration. Luckily, building residents have heard the raised voices and they agree. One of them asked for enough flyers to pass around to everyone in the building. Hopefully, Laventhol will eventually get the message. “We will never back down, until they stop the killing”….activists promised….concluding the protest with a chorus of “We will be back”.
Raymond James Sells Shares:

Win Animal Rights (WAR)