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Boris Johnson may yet take a morally fatal fall - if Wheatcroft is his guide!!!

AADHIKARonline backing KHOODEELAAR! No to Crossrail hole Bill | 16.07.2008 18:20 | London

Boris Johnson's DAILY TELEGRAPH newspaper group and Conservative Party colleague Patience Wheatcroft's so-called forensic audit report into Ken Livingstone's London Development Agency [=’LDA’] is the subject of a lot of 'mainstream media' reporting and commentary today [Wednesday 16 July 2008]. I have been warning Johnson against getting involved in a lower moral standard than that I had associated with Livingstone. It is clear that Johnson is heading for a big fall on grounds of lack of morality and ethics...

By©Muhammad Haque
1815 GMT
Wednesday 16 July 2008

London people have NOT got 'value for their votes' from Wheatcroft Whitewash!

Today’s hype around Boris Johnson’s Conrad Blacked-ed SUNDAY TELEGRAPH friend and colleague Patience Wheatcroft’s so-called forensic audit report about the ‘undone mayor’ Ken Livingstone regime and especially; about the LDA money, is an irresponsible hype and must be exposed as such right now...

The report is an insult to the intelligence.

And I am not surprised especially as I have been saying for almost two years that Patience Wheatcroft is only half-aware of London.

Boris has made another, significant. mistake in giving Wheatcroft the promotion that he has given her.

She has not delivered value for the voters and she must be held to account for misleading the people of London by making a promise that she had failed to deliver.

Or worse, a promise that she made knowing that she would not be delivering on.

The particular report as published by the London Assembly web site today Wednesday 16 July 2008 is an idiocy collection of prejudices and rumours and is not capable of being pinned down... let alone be sued as a reelable or practical source of information about what went on in the LDA

[To be continued]

AADHIKARonline backing KHOODEELAAR! No to Crossrail hole Bill
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What's this about, exactly?

17.07.2008 11:36

There's a lot of righteous anger here, but no introduction, no clear indication of topic, no structure, and some of the facts are wrong:

* Patience Wheatcroft is a supporter of the Conservative Party, but can't really be called "Conservative Party colleague" - that would imply she was an MP or a councillor

* I don't think Boris Johnson owns the Telegraph

* If you personally "warn" Boris Johnson, do you think he would know you have done so, or if he did, would he take a keen interest in what you have to say?

* If - as is likely - Boris has a lack of morality and ethics - will he necessary take a big fall? I'd say it's not guaranteed. Blair is probably the best recent British example of a "morality and ethics" vacuum and yet he has been very well rewarded (Middle East Peace Envoy, international lecturer, invited into banks' boards etc.)

* What does "Conrad Blacked-ed SUNDAY TELEGRAPH" mean? Conrad Black used to control the Telegraph's owning group, but doesn't now - he's currently in prison and likely not to come out until 2013

* What promise has Wheatcroft made that she may not deliver on, or intends not to deliver on? Your article doesn't say.

* What "prejudices and rumours" are in this report? Again, your piece doesn't say.

* What on earth does "AADHIKARonline backing KHOODEELAAR" mean?

My comments are not intended to be an attack on you - or intended to support Boris Johnson. It's just that you've posted a couple of articles now and they've made little sense. For something to be useful on Indymedia, you need to summarise the point of your story in your intro, then expand upon it in your main piece, assume the reader knows very little about your topic, and provide references. Make sure it is not overly long, use paragraphs, spell-check everything, and don't use slogans that are confusing.

Hope that helps!


Told you so almost 3 years ago!

28.11.2010 21:27

Boris Johnson is in the news again [today Sunday 28 November 2010] over the very moral issues that we had warned him about!
