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Natalie Bracht, more reported sightings

mum on the run | 15.07.2008 08:58 | Health | Other Press | London

On the run for two months now with her five daughters, the police remain hot on the trail of fugative Natalie Bracht. The latest statement from the police say she has been sighted in Devon on a bus from Exeter through Dartmoor. She has previously been reported to have been in Yeovil, Glastonbury and Bristol since originally hiding out in London after abandoning her home in Sunderland. Other reports place her in Holland or Germany.

Natalie Bracht is accused of being mentally unstable and a danger to her kids and the state has issued a care order which means that her five daughters will be taken from her if she is captured. However, Natalie has done a remarkable job for the last eight weeks, managing to stay one step ahead of the cops the whole time.despite being let down by some of those involved in sheltering her. A few weeks ago there were a series of arrests and police raids on properties in London, Bristol and Yeovil which suggested that the police had her in the net but somehow she evaded capture even as the heat seeking helicopters were deployed. Now it looks like the police might have another lead.

* Police investigate sighting of missing mum

POLICE are investigating the possible sighting of a woman who has been missing with her five daughters for two months. Natalie Bracht from Sunderland is believed to have been spotted in the Dartmoor area of Devon.

Ms Bracht, 34, left home with her girls on May 17 after she was told her children - aged between four and 13 - were to be taken into the care of their local authority.

* New lead in missing mother hunt

The search for a woman who vanished from her Sunderland home with her five daughters has switched to Devon.

Natalie Bracht, 34, who suffers from a personality disorder, fled Wearside on 17 May when she found out her children were to be taken into care.

Recent sightings have been reported in London and at a commune near Yeovil.

Police say evidence suggests she may have travelled by bus with her children - aged between four and 13 - to Moretonhampstead near Dartmoor.

Officers said she had made up a series of stories about her past. Her parents John and Heidrun Brown have appealed for her to return home.

During her time on the run, Ms Bracht has approached a number of organisations, fabricating stories to gain support and shelter, Northumbria Police said.

'Abandoned belongings'

A force spokesman said a woman matching Ms Bracht's description and accompanied by five children bought a bus ticket from Exeter to Moretonhampstead, arriving on the evening of 27 June.

Det Ch Insp Roger Ford, who is leading the investigation, added: "We have real fears for the welfare and safety of the girls and our number one priority in this case is to get them home safe and well.

"We know that Natalie and the girls were at a commune near Yeovil, but then abandoned some of their belongings and fled.

"Now we have reason to believe that they may be in Devon. Once again the girls are alone in an area where they have no links or means of support, hundreds of miles away from their home, friends and school.

"We are now working with our colleagues from Devon and Cornwall Constabulary to try and find Natalie as soon as possible."

mum on the run


Display the following 5 comments

  1. that can't be right — arnold
  2. not much of a lead — old news
  3. Dawn raid in Dartmoor — but no Natalie
  4. please stop — ogenigbo
  5. Message to Natalie — bob child