URGENT - Protest against the BNP meeting in Southey
Sheffield Unite Against Fascism | 14.07.2008 22:47 | Anti-racism | Gender | Sheffield
The BNP are to hold a public meeting in Sheffield on Wednesday, 16th July. Sheffield Unite Against Fascism is calling a protest against these racists and fascists organising in our city.
We urge supporters of the campaign to stop the BNP to join our peaceful protest.
The BNP's meeting is at 7pm on Wednesday, 16th July at Southey Social Club.
Please assemble at 6pm on Herries Road South opposite Hillsborough football stadium at the junction of Rawson Spring Road.
If you are unable to make the protest please ring Southey Social Club direct to complain on Tel: 0114 232 6370.
The BNP's meeting is at 7pm on Wednesday, 16th July at Southey Social Club.
Please assemble at 6pm on Herries Road South opposite Hillsborough football stadium at the junction of Rawson Spring Road.
If you are unable to make the protest please ring Southey Social Club direct to complain on Tel: 0114 232 6370.
Sheffield Unite Against Fascism
UPDATE - Fascist meeting cancelled
15.07.2008 22:37
Pressure from anti-fascist campaigners has resulted in the cancellation of the BNP's meeting in Southey, Sheffield. The fact that the BNP are unable to find a venue in the area willing to host their meeting confirms that the vast majority of people reject their vile race-hate politics. This is a great victory for the campaign to keep Sheffield a BNP free zone. Thank you to those people who contacted the venue to protest against the meeting and who helped arrange the protest (which has now been called off) at such short notice. The next challenge for anti-fascists is to prevent the BNP from winning a seat at the European parliamentary elections in June 2009. Please contact Sheffield UAF to get involved.
Sheffield Unite Against Fascism
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a big hello to the boys from brazil
14.07.2008 23:54
martin boorman
Not a Victory..
16.07.2008 09:33
No this not a Victory, the only true Victory is the utter anilation of this scum from the streets of Sheffield, not forcing them to hide or to cancel there meetings, the working class have gained nothing from this, but the far right have gained a lot in free publicity and looking like there victims of some kind, and you know what will happen here the working class will no doubt side with the far right more all you have done dear lefty is had another propaganda victory to the far right i hope you feel just in your actions, if you want to smash this vile scum then check out antifa.org.
Make The Middle Class History..
e-mail: worldwarfreearriseupdotnet
Homepage: http://pretentiousartist.com
Yes, it is a fucking victory
16.07.2008 10:09
Smash the fash
What's so special about the BNP?
16.07.2008 21:59
Borneo Slugg
let them get on with it
17.07.2008 11:34
alternatively, give them the masssive PR coup of being able to say a bunch of reds stopped britains celebrating their flag and culture.
(that said, all well and good if they get kicked to fuck as they make way to the event and whatever but an organised protest/demo is just a load of self-defeating bollocks and only plays into their hands)
make the middle class history
e-mail: worldwarfreeatriseupdotnet
Homepage: http://pretentiousartist.com
Bastards got away with it in the end
17.07.2008 21:15
It did happen..
18.07.2008 07:52
According to one local who did attend (despite detesting the BNP) there were only actually about 60 people there, at least 20 of whom were from outside of Sheffield
"And most of the comments on that story seem to be from BNP wankers."
What some class struggle anarchist disagree with you and we are now BNP wankers, we do suspect one of the 2 That the BNP always planned for it to be cancelled at Southey, creating an opportunity for them to cry 'police state', or that the meeting was a spoof for the same reasons, and for them to gain publicity.
Yes there meeting did happen we can inform you, some of was on the streets and we spoke to people according to one local who did attend (despite detesting the BNP) there were only actually about 60 people there, at least 20 of whom were from outside of Sheffield..
Now we need to organise on the streets, of course there is no vote the disaffected working class can vote for we know this, this is why we need to encourage them not to vote and understand the nature of there occupation under The Middle Class, then perhaps instead of fighting each other, our class pick up the gun and knives and turn it the real enemy of class and make them The Middle Class History..
Make The Middle Class History..
e-mail: worldwarfreearriseupdotnet
Homepage: http://pretentiousartist.com
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