Gerry Gable n Kevin Watmough - Unlikely bedfellows?
Independent | 10.07.2008 19:17 | Anti-racism | London
I was a wee bit surprised about all the consternation surrounding the info I posted up at: All the speculation, lies from Mr n Mrs Watmough, deleted threads a plenty (Here for instance: ), and all the general clever dickery, some of it from peeps who should know better. To save these idiots (on left and right) all the analysing about grease marks n tears n stuff, here's the original scanned. It takes out all those nasty tears and splodges so you can just concentrate on the content (Howz about that then? Jim has fixed it for ya.) And if you've got more sense than some of the numptys, sit back n have a wee chuckle, and perhaps wonder (f'instance) why DID the BPP suddenly do a complete about turn on their electoral policy and start standing against the BNP? :)
