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Kevin Watmough and Searchlight

Independent | 08.07.2008 21:10 | Anti-racism





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The Wheelie Bin Fairies

08.07.2008 22:21

It looks like the Wheelie bin fairy has finally struck gold [ or vegan shit if its whatmoughs bin], I always wondered how Tony White seems to get it from the Dibble for basically fuck all yet Kevin Whatmough has not been in trouble since his pathetic attack on some swp women all those years ago on Lands lane in Leeds...Now we know the reason why,,,,,,SEARCHLIGHT INFORMANT ,doesn't suprise us to be fair, after all he comes from an old tradition of Leeds fascists working for there supposed enemies,Eddy Morrison selling the old bnp membership to Leeds AFA, Tony White grassing to everybody [ but still being daft enough to go to prison twice] and now Glue bag Whatmough....I wonder if there latest Jewish recruit is gonna tell on the to Ajex ? Hilarious,

Concerned of gipton

Watmough - A long-standing snitch

08.07.2008 23:14

This only confirms what many in Nationalist circles have known for years.

Night Owl

?signed KEV, means vlittle,who can verify it?,vpossibly designed2 split antifash

09.07.2008 00:06

can anyone verify sender or this letter properly?, if not seems a dodgy attempt at splitting?!


Interesting:but not convinced yet by any means

09.07.2008 00:16

This murky world where the secret state, fascists and the internet collide has many perils. One of which is that enticing stories are not always all that they seem: for example the Indymedia story a few years ago that provocateur/Searchlight asset Matthew Collins had murdered another Nazi in Australia . Another peril is believing that what you suspect to be true is in fact true, when the evidence does not sustain it. This letter may be an instance of that.

To comment specifically:

1) Gerry Gable does not usually pay assets with cheques, more usually cash & vouchers of various sorts

2) The partly destroyed nature of this letter raises the question: given it is (apparently) signed by Watmough, where is it supposed to have been retrieved from? A draft discarded draft rejected by Watmough would not usually be signed before abandonment, would it?

3) Why, exactly, would somebody be writing a letter yet requesting an email in return? Watmough is certainly adept at internet matters, so attaching pictures as JPEGs would be no problem for him.

4) the only handwriting is exactly 3 uncomplicated letters (the signature)--not enough of a sample to even begin to ascertain authenticity.

5) The content covers BPP funding, electoral policy & an explicit role in intelligence gathering acting under instructions. Very content-heavy indeed for such a short letter--and implicating Watmough's current partner for good measure. Reminds me of the Adam Busby 1986 forgery purporting to come from Nick Griffin--but I digress....

6) Searchlight would be unlikely to discard a received letter in this way--and as suggested in point 2 above, I find it unlikely such happened Watmough's end. Not impossible, but unlikely.

7) A lot of effort seems to have gone into ripping this document in what seems a contrived way, yet nonetheless leaving the address very visible. If, however, it turns out Watmough has just left that address, in the way Paul Bowman left an address a few days before it was (conveniently) attacked during filming for the Dispatches TV programme in 1988, then that would be interesting. We shall see.

It seems unlikely Watmough would be behind such a forgery, but one can think of others, inside and outside the state who might be. Shall we open a book?

Let me be crystal clear--it is my considered view, set out in Notes From the Borderland issue 8 at great length, that Redwatch certainly acts under license from the secret state, and that unquestionably there is state input. I have not found credible the reasons given as to why Watmough has never been prosecuted for it--that I also detailed in that article. He may indeed be a 'protected asset', that is my gut feeling, to be honest....Nonetheless...

Were this letter real, it would go a long way towards proving my gut feeling is right. However, I do not think this letter in itself proves such, precisely because I doubt its authenticity for the reasons given above. Therefore, while Watmough may indeed be dodgy, verifiable proof is needed. I would welcome some if it exists: in the meantime, I'll not hold my breath. Back to your drawing boards?

Larry O'Hara
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